Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: FBHP


FBHP: Understanding Flowing Bottom Hole Pressure in Oil & Gas

FBHP, or Flowing Bottom Hole Pressure, is a fundamental parameter in the oil and gas industry. It represents the pressure at the bottom of a well when fluids are flowing upwards towards the surface. Understanding FBHP is crucial for:

  • Production Optimization: FBHP directly impacts the flow rate of oil and gas from the reservoir.
  • Reservoir Management: FBHP data helps determine reservoir pressure and fluid properties, crucial for assessing reservoir performance.
  • Wellbore Stability: FBHP can influence wellbore pressure and help predict potential risks like sand production or casing failure.

Understanding the Dynamics of FBHP:

FBHP is influenced by several factors, including:

  • Reservoir Pressure: The pressure within the reservoir itself is the driving force behind fluid flow.
  • Flow Rate: As fluid flows upwards, pressure drops due to friction and fluid expansion.
  • Wellbore Geometry: The diameter and length of the wellbore influence pressure loss during flow.
  • Fluid Properties: The viscosity and compressibility of the fluids influence pressure drop.
  • Production Equipment: Downhole equipment, like chokes and pumps, can impact FBHP.

Measuring and Estimating FBHP:

FBHP can be directly measured using specialized downhole pressure gauges. However, it's often estimated using:

  • Wellhead Pressure (WHP): Measuring pressure at the wellhead and adjusting for pressure losses due to flow through the wellbore and surface equipment.
  • Production Data: Using flow rate and other production data to calculate FBHP based on mathematical models.

Significance of FBHP:

  • Well Performance: FBHP is directly correlated to well production rate. Higher FBHP indicates a higher potential for oil and gas flow.
  • Reservoir Characterization: FBHP helps understand the pressure distribution within the reservoir and assess the health of the producing formation.
  • Production Planning: FBHP data is essential for optimizing production strategies, including well stimulation and artificial lift techniques.

FBHP in the Context of Reservoir Engineering:

FBHP plays a vital role in reservoir engineering studies. It helps:

  • Determine Reservoir Pressure Decline: Tracking FBHP over time reveals the rate of reservoir pressure depletion.
  • Estimate Reservoir Productivity: FBHP data is used in reservoir simulation models to predict future production rates and recoverability.
  • Optimize Production Operations: Understanding the relationship between FBHP and well performance allows for adjustments to production rates and well interventions to maximize oil and gas recovery.

In Conclusion:

FBHP is a critical parameter in oil and gas production. Its measurement and understanding are vital for optimizing well performance, managing reservoir resources, and ensuring safe and efficient operations. By monitoring FBHP, engineers and operators can gain valuable insights into the dynamics of the reservoir and optimize the production process for maximum profitability.

Test Your Knowledge

FBHP Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does FBHP stand for?

a) Flowing Bottom Hole Pressure b) Flowing Bottom Hole Pipe c) Final Bottom Hole Pressure d) Fluid Bottom Hole Pressure


a) Flowing Bottom Hole Pressure

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor influencing FBHP?

a) Reservoir pressure b) Flow rate c) Wellbore geometry d) Weather conditions


d) Weather conditions

3. What is the primary reason FBHP is crucial for production optimization?

a) It determines the amount of oil and gas that can be extracted from the reservoir. b) It helps predict the lifespan of the well. c) It influences the cost of production. d) It helps prevent environmental damage.


a) It determines the amount of oil and gas that can be extracted from the reservoir.

4. How can FBHP be directly measured?

a) Using a specialized downhole pressure gauge b) Using a pressure gauge at the wellhead c) Using a flowmeter d) Using a seismic survey


a) Using a specialized downhole pressure gauge

5. What is one way FBHP data is used in reservoir engineering studies?

a) To determine the age of the reservoir b) To predict the future production rates and recoverability c) To identify the types of hydrocarbons present in the reservoir d) To estimate the amount of water in the reservoir


b) To predict the future production rates and recoverability

FBHP Exercise:


You are an engineer working on a new oil well. You have measured the wellhead pressure (WHP) to be 2000 psi. The wellbore is 10,000 feet deep, and the flow rate is 1000 barrels of oil per day. You are using a simple pressure drop model to estimate FBHP, where the pressure drop per 1000 feet is 10 psi.


Calculate the estimated FBHP for this well.

Exercice Correction

Here's how to calculate the estimated FBHP: 1. **Calculate the total pressure drop:** 10 psi/1000 feet * 10,000 feet = 100 psi 2. **Add the pressure drop to the WHP:** 2000 psi + 100 psi = 2100 psi Therefore, the estimated FBHP for this well is 2100 psi.


  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed (A comprehensive resource covering reservoir engineering principles, including FBHP)
  • Petroleum Production Engineering by William J. D. Van Poolen (Provides a detailed explanation of wellbore hydraulics and FBHP calculation)
  • Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering by John C. Calhoun Jr. (Covers basic reservoir engineering concepts and the importance of FBHP in production)


  • "Flowing Bottom Hole Pressure: A Key Parameter in Production Optimization" by John Doe (A fictional article title, search for similar articles on relevant journals)
  • "Understanding and Measuring Flowing Bottom Hole Pressure for Production Optimization" by Jane Smith (Another fictional article title, search for articles on journals like SPE Journal, Journal of Petroleum Technology)

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) website: Provides access to technical papers, conferences, and online courses related to reservoir engineering and FBHP. (
  • Oil & Gas Journal: A leading industry publication with articles and technical reports covering FBHP and other reservoir engineering topics. (
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: Defines key terms like FBHP and provides explanations with illustrations. (
  • Energy Information Administration (EIA): Provides comprehensive data and analysis on oil and gas production, including information related to reservoir pressure and FBHP. (

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "FBHP calculation", "flowing bottom hole pressure measurement", "FBHP in reservoir simulation", "FBHP and well performance"
  • Combine keywords with relevant terms like "oil production", "gas production", "reservoir engineering"
  • Refine your search by adding filters like "published date", "source", "language"
  • Utilize advanced search operators like "" to limit your search to specific websites
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