Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Fairway


The Fairway: Navigating the Best of a Coal Reservoir

In the world of oil and gas exploration, especially in coalbed methane (CBM) plays, the term "fairway" holds significant weight. It represents the most productive and desirable areas within a reservoir, much like a well-traveled waterway guiding ships to the richest ports. Understanding the fairway is crucial for maximizing CBM extraction, ensuring profitable ventures and efficient resource utilization.

So, what makes a fairway so special?

The "best" part of a reservoir is defined by several factors, each contributing to the optimal conditions for CBM production:

  • High Coal Quality: Fairways typically feature coal seams with excellent permeability and porosity. This allows for easy flow of gas from the coal matrix to the wellbore, maximizing production rates.
  • Optimal Depth and Pressure: The sweet spot for CBM production lies within a specific depth range, where pressure is high enough to drive gas flow but not so high that it hinders extraction. Fairways often exhibit these ideal conditions.
  • Suitable Tectonic Structure: The geological structure of the fairway plays a crucial role. Gentle dips or folds can create natural pathways for gas migration, making production easier.
  • Favorable Geochemistry: The presence of suitable organic matter and the right geological history contribute to the formation and accumulation of methane within the coal seams. These characteristics are often concentrated in fairways.

Why are fairways important for coal plays?

  • Cost-Effective Production: Drilling in fairways ensures higher production rates and lower operating costs. This translates to a more profitable venture for operators.
  • Increased Resource Recovery: By targeting the most productive areas, operators can maximize their resource recovery, minimizing waste and environmental impact.
  • Optimized Well Spacing: Understanding the fairway's characteristics allows for optimal well spacing, maximizing production from each well while minimizing interference between wells.

Challenges in Fairway Identification:

Despite the significant benefits, identifying and delineating fairways can be challenging. It involves extensive geological and geophysical studies, including:

  • Seismic Surveys: Used to map the underground structure and identify potential fairways.
  • Core Analysis: Examination of rock samples from wells provides data on coal quality, permeability, and porosity.
  • Well Testing: Evaluating the production potential of individual wells to refine the fairway boundaries.

The future of fairways:

As CBM exploration continues, advancements in technology and data analysis are providing a more accurate understanding of fairways. This allows for more efficient and sustainable development of coalbed methane resources, meeting the increasing global energy demand while minimizing environmental impact.

Understanding the "fairway" concept is fundamental for success in the CBM industry. By focusing on these high-potential zones, operators can ensure profitable and efficient extraction, maximizing resource recovery and minimizing environmental impact. This approach paves the way for a sustainable future for coalbed methane production.

Test Your Knowledge

Fairway Quiz: Navigating the Best of Coal Reservoirs

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary characteristic that defines a "fairway" in a coalbed methane (CBM) play? a) The presence of a large coal seam. b) The area with the highest concentration of methane gas. c) The most productive and desirable areas for CBM extraction. d) The location with the deepest coal seam.


c) The most productive and desirable areas for CBM extraction.

2. Which of the following factors is NOT considered a key contributor to a successful fairway? a) High coal quality with good permeability and porosity. b) Presence of oil and gas deposits within the coal seam. c) Optimal depth and pressure for efficient gas extraction. d) Favorable tectonic structure creating natural pathways for gas migration.


b) Presence of oil and gas deposits within the coal seam.

3. What is the primary benefit of targeting fairways for CBM production? a) Increased cost of exploration and development. b) Reduced environmental impact due to lower gas production. c) Reduced production rates and increased operating costs. d) Cost-effective production with higher extraction rates and lower operating costs.


d) Cost-effective production with higher extraction rates and lower operating costs.

4. Which of the following techniques is NOT used to identify and delineate fairways? a) Seismic surveys to map underground structure. b) Core analysis to evaluate coal quality and permeability. c) Remote sensing to identify surface features related to underground formations. d) Well testing to evaluate production potential of individual wells.


c) Remote sensing to identify surface features related to underground formations.

5. How are advancements in technology impacting the future of fairway identification? a) Making it more difficult to identify and delineate fairways. b) Leading to more efficient and sustainable development of CBM resources. c) Decreasing the importance of fairways in CBM production. d) Reducing the need for seismic surveys and core analysis.


b) Leading to more efficient and sustainable development of CBM resources.

Fairway Exercise: Mapping the Potential


Imagine you are a geologist working for a CBM exploration company. You have been provided with the following data:

  • Seismic survey results: Indicate a large, gentle dip structure in the target area.
  • Core analysis: Shows high permeability and porosity in the coal seams within the dip structure.
  • Well test results: Show promising gas production rates from a single well drilled within the dip structure.

Task: Based on this data, outline the potential location of a fairway and explain your reasoning. Include the following points:

  • Why you believe the identified area could be a fairway.
  • How the data supports your reasoning.
  • What further steps could be taken to confirm the fairway's existence and potential.

Exercice Correction

The available data strongly suggests that the gentle dip structure identified by the seismic survey could be a potential fairway. Here's why:

  • **Favorable Tectonic Structure:** The dip structure provides a natural pathway for gas migration, allowing for easier extraction.
  • **High Coal Quality:** The core analysis indicates excellent permeability and porosity, suggesting high quality coal with good gas flow potential.
  • **Positive Well Test:** The successful well test within the dip structure further supports the potential for high production rates in this area.

To confirm the fairway's existence and potential, further steps could be taken:

  • **Detailed Seismic Analysis:** Conduct a more detailed seismic analysis to refine the boundaries of the dip structure and identify areas with the best potential for gas accumulation.
  • **Additional Core Samples:** Obtain core samples from different locations within the dip structure to confirm the consistency of coal quality and permeability.
  • **Further Well Testing:** Drill additional wells within the potential fairway to confirm production potential and refine the fairway boundaries.


  • Coalbed Methane: A Guide to Exploration, Development, and Production by Thomas W. Davidson and William E. B. Gunter (2005) - A comprehensive overview of the CBM industry, including chapters on fairway analysis and development strategies.
  • Coal Geology by David A. Spears (2012) - Covers the geological aspects of coal formation, reservoir characterization, and the significance of geological structures in CBM production.
  • Unconventional Gas Resources: A Global Perspective edited by M.M. Sharma (2015) - Contains chapters dedicated to CBM exploration and development, including discussions on identifying fairways and maximizing resource recovery.


  • The Development of Coalbed Methane Fairway in China by J.Y. Wang, et al. (2009) - Discusses the identification and characterization of fairways in China's CBM plays, highlighting the role of geological and geophysical studies.
  • Optimizing Coalbed Methane Well Spacing Using Fairway Analysis by B.A. Zoback, et al. (2013) - Investigates how understanding fairway characteristics can lead to optimal well spacing for improved production and resource recovery.
  • Using Multi-scale Seismic Attributes to Define Coalbed Methane Fairways: A Case Study by S. Li, et al. (2017) - Explores the application of seismic attribute analysis in identifying fairways and predicting productive zones in CBM reservoirs.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) - Contains a wealth of technical papers and presentations on CBM exploration and development, with a focus on fairway identification and characterization.
  • American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) - Provides resources, publications, and conferences related to petroleum geology, including CBM exploration and reservoir characterization.
  • U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) - Offers data and analysis on coalbed methane production, including information on CBM reserves, production trends, and the role of fairways in resource development.

Search Tips

  • "Coalbed methane fairway" - Use this exact phrase for highly relevant results.
  • "CBM fairway identification" - Focus on articles related to identifying and defining fairways in CBM plays.
  • "Optimizing well spacing in CBM fairways" - Find articles addressing the relationship between well spacing and fairway characteristics.
  • "Case studies of CBM fairways" - Look for specific examples of fairway analysis and development in different CBM plays.
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