Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Extraction Loss (produced fluids)

Extraction Loss (produced fluids)

Understanding Extraction Loss: The Missing Pieces in Produced Fluids

In the world of oil and gas production, maximizing the volume of extracted fluids is a constant pursuit. However, the journey from reservoir to processing plant isn't always smooth. Along the way, certain components can be removed, leading to a decrease in the overall volume – a phenomenon known as Extraction Loss.

What is Extraction Loss?

Extraction Loss refers to the loss of volume experienced in produced fluids during processing. This loss arises from the removal of specific components, such as gases or liquids, which are either:

  • Naturally occurring in the reservoir (e.g., dissolved gases)
  • Added during production (e.g., injected water)

Key Components Contributing to Extraction Loss:

  • Dissolved Gases: Gases like methane, ethane, and propane naturally dissolved in oil or water can be liberated during processing, leading to a volume reduction.
  • Free Gas: Gas not dissolved in the oil or water can also be separated during processing, contributing to the overall extraction loss.
  • Water: Injected water used for enhanced oil recovery can be separated from the produced fluids, contributing to the volume decrease.
  • Other Components: In some cases, specific processing techniques might remove other components, like sulfur compounds or heavy hydrocarbons, further contributing to the extraction loss.

Impact of Extraction Loss:

  • Reduced Revenue: Lower volumes mean lower revenue from the sale of produced fluids.
  • Production Optimization: Understanding extraction loss is crucial for accurately assessing well performance and optimizing production strategies.
  • Reservoir Management: Extraction loss data can provide insights into reservoir behavior, aiding in effective reservoir management and future production plans.

Measuring and Minimizing Extraction Loss:

  • Accurate Measurement: Precise measurement of produced fluids at various stages (reservoir, wellhead, processing plant) is essential to quantify extraction loss.
  • Optimization Techniques: Implementing techniques to reduce gas liberation, optimize water separation, and improve processing efficiency can help minimize extraction loss.
  • Data Analysis: Analyzing extraction loss data helps identify the source of the loss and inform strategies for its reduction.


Extraction loss is a critical factor in oil and gas production, affecting revenue, production optimization, and reservoir management. By understanding the causes, impact, and measurement of extraction loss, industry professionals can make informed decisions to minimize this loss and optimize the profitability of their operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz on Extraction Loss

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is Extraction Loss?

a) The increase in volume of produced fluids during processing. b) The loss of volume experienced in produced fluids during processing. c) The cost of extracting fluids from the reservoir. d) The amount of oil and gas remaining in the reservoir.


b) The loss of volume experienced in produced fluids during processing.

2. Which of the following is NOT a component contributing to Extraction Loss?

a) Dissolved gases b) Free gas c) Injected water d) Oil viscosity


d) Oil viscosity

3. How does Extraction Loss impact revenue?

a) It increases revenue due to higher production rates. b) It decreases revenue due to lower volumes of produced fluids. c) It has no impact on revenue. d) It increases revenue due to the sale of separated components.


b) It decreases revenue due to lower volumes of produced fluids.

4. What is the primary method for quantifying Extraction Loss?

a) Analyzing reservoir pressure data. b) Measuring produced fluids at various stages of processing. c) Estimating the amount of oil and gas remaining in the reservoir. d) Analyzing the composition of produced fluids.


b) Measuring produced fluids at various stages of processing.

5. Which of the following is NOT a strategy to minimize Extraction Loss?

a) Optimizing water separation processes. b) Reducing gas liberation during processing. c) Increasing the amount of injected water. d) Implementing efficient processing techniques.


c) Increasing the amount of injected water

Exercise on Extraction Loss

Scenario: A well produces 100 barrels of oil per day. The oil contains 5% dissolved gas by volume. During processing, 90% of the dissolved gas is liberated.

Task: Calculate the daily volume of oil lost due to dissolved gas liberation.

Exercice Correction

Here's how to calculate the daily volume of oil lost:

  1. Calculate the volume of dissolved gas: 100 barrels * 5% = 5 barrels of dissolved gas
  2. Calculate the volume of liberated gas: 5 barrels * 90% = 4.5 barrels of liberated gas
  3. The volume of oil lost is equal to the volume of liberated gas: 4.5 barrels

Therefore, the daily volume of oil lost due to dissolved gas liberation is 4.5 barrels.


  • "Petroleum Production Engineering: Principles and Practices" by John S. C. Walker - Covers various aspects of production engineering, including fluid flow, well testing, and production optimization. Chapters on reservoir fluid properties and separation processes will be relevant.
  • "Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering" by John R. Fanchi - Offers comprehensive insights into reservoir behavior, fluid flow, and production mechanisms, providing a solid foundation for understanding extraction loss.
  • "Natural Gas Engineering: Production and Storage" by M.A.K. Khalil - Provides specific information on gas production, processing, and transportation, including sections on gas-liquid separation and associated losses.


  • "Extraction Loss: A Critical Review and Future Directions" by [Author Name] (You'll need to search for this specific article, potentially using Google Scholar). Aim to find a recent review article that specifically focuses on extraction loss and its impact on the oil and gas industry.
  • "Optimization of Gas-Liquid Separation in Oil and Gas Production" by [Author Name] - Articles focused on optimizing separation processes can provide insights into techniques for minimizing extraction loss.
  • "Impact of Water Injection on Extraction Loss in Oil Reservoirs" by [Author Name] - Articles exploring the interaction between water injection and extraction loss, highlighting the challenges associated with water separation.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Digital Library: Offers access to a vast collection of technical papers, conference proceedings, and journals on various aspects of oil and gas production, including fluid handling and processing.
  • OnePetro: A comprehensive online resource for oil and gas professionals, providing access to technical articles, industry reports, and databases related to upstream operations.
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: A valuable resource for defining oil and gas industry terminology, including terms related to fluid properties, separation processes, and production optimization.

Search Tips

  • Use precise keywords: Combine keywords like "extraction loss," "produced fluids," "gas-liquid separation," "water injection," "production optimization."
  • Include industry terms: Use terms like "reservoir," "wellhead," "processing plant," "production rate," to narrow down your search results.
  • Use Boolean operators: Combine keywords with "AND," "OR," "NOT" to refine your search. For example, "extraction loss AND water injection" or "production optimization NOT modeling."
  • Filter search results: Use Google's advanced search features to filter results by date, file type, language, and website.
  • Explore academic databases: Use databases like Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science to find relevant research papers and articles.
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