Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: External Phase

External Phase

Understanding the "External Phase" in Oil & Gas: A Key to Emulsion Control

In the oil and gas industry, emulsions - mixtures of two immiscible liquids, like oil and water - are a common challenge. Understanding the external phase of an emulsion is crucial for controlling its behavior and effectively separating the oil and water components.

What is the External Phase?

Imagine oil droplets dispersed in water, like tiny beads floating in a larger liquid. In this case, water is the external phase because it surrounds and forms the continuous phase of the emulsion. The oil droplets are the internal phase, suspended within the water.

Importance in Oil & Gas Operations:

The external phase significantly impacts oil and gas operations in several ways:

  • Emulsion Stability: The external phase determines the emulsion's stability. For example, water-in-oil emulsions are generally more stable than oil-in-water emulsions due to the lower interfacial tension between oil and water.
  • Flow Behavior: The external phase influences the emulsion's viscosity and flow properties. This can impact pipeline flow, processing efficiency, and even well production.
  • Separation Methods: Identifying the external phase is crucial for selecting the most effective separation methods. For instance, oil-in-water emulsions may require chemical demulsification, while water-in-oil emulsions might be treated using gravity settling.
  • Environmental Concerns: Determining the external phase is crucial for environmental monitoring and compliance. Understanding the nature of the emulsion helps assess the potential risks of oil spills and develop effective remediation strategies.

Identifying the External Phase:

Several techniques can be used to determine the external phase, including:

  • Visual Inspection: Observing the emulsion's appearance can provide initial clues. Water-in-oil emulsions tend to be thicker and more viscous, while oil-in-water emulsions are typically thinner and more translucent.
  • Centrifugation: Centrifuging the emulsion allows the phases to separate based on density. The phase that forms the continuous layer at the top or bottom of the centrifuge tube is the external phase.
  • Conductivity Measurement: Water is a better conductor of electricity than oil. Measuring the emulsion's conductivity can help distinguish between water-in-oil and oil-in-water emulsions.


The external phase is a critical factor in understanding and managing emulsions in the oil and gas industry. By accurately identifying and understanding the external phase, operators can develop appropriate strategies for emulsion control, optimize production processes, and ensure environmental protection.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: External Phase in Oil & Gas Emulsions

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the external phase in an emulsion? a) The phase that is dispersed as droplets. b) The phase that surrounds and forms the continuous phase. c) The phase that has a higher density. d) The phase that is more viscous.


b) The phase that surrounds and forms the continuous phase.

2. How does the external phase impact emulsion stability? a) It determines the size of the dispersed droplets. b) It influences the interfacial tension between the two phases. c) It affects the temperature at which the emulsion forms. d) It dictates the type of emulsifier required.


b) It influences the interfacial tension between the two phases.

3. Which of the following techniques can be used to identify the external phase of an emulsion? a) Microscopy b) Chromatography c) Centrifugation d) Spectroscopy


c) Centrifugation

4. Why is it important to determine the external phase in oil and gas operations? a) To assess the potential for oil spills. b) To choose the most effective separation methods. c) To monitor the flow behavior of the emulsion. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. Which of the following statements is TRUE about water-in-oil emulsions? a) They are typically thinner and more translucent. b) They are generally more stable than oil-in-water emulsions. c) They require chemical demulsification for separation. d) They are more likely to cause environmental damage.


b) They are generally more stable than oil-in-water emulsions.

Exercise: Identifying the External Phase

Scenario: A pipeline is transporting a mixture of oil and water. You are tasked with determining the external phase of the emulsion to select the most effective separation method.

Materials: * Sample of the oil-water emulsion from the pipeline * Centrifuge tube * Centrifuge * Conductivity meter


  1. Visual Inspection: Observe the appearance of the emulsion. Is it thick and viscous, or thin and translucent?
  2. Centrifugation: Carefully transfer a portion of the emulsion into a centrifuge tube. Centrifuge the tube for a specified time and speed.
  3. Conductivity Measurement: Measure the conductivity of the emulsion before and after centrifugation.
  4. Analyze: Based on your observations, determine the external phase of the emulsion.

Exercise Correction

**Step 1:** * If the emulsion appears thick and viscous, it's likely a water-in-oil emulsion. * If the emulsion appears thin and translucent, it's likely an oil-in-water emulsion. **Step 2:** * After centrifugation, the denser phase will settle to the bottom of the tube. * If oil forms the continuous layer at the top, the emulsion is oil-in-water. * If water forms the continuous layer at the bottom, the emulsion is water-in-oil. **Step 3:** * Water conducts electricity better than oil. A higher conductivity reading suggests a water-in-oil emulsion. * A lower conductivity reading suggests an oil-in-water emulsion. **Step 4:** * By combining the results of visual inspection, centrifugation, and conductivity measurement, you can confidently identify the external phase of the emulsion.


  • "Emulsions: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petroleum Industry" by S.A. Khan and A. K. Gupta: This book delves into the science of emulsions, specifically focusing on their role in the petroleum industry. It covers topics like emulsion types, stability, separation techniques, and their impact on oil and gas production.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Principles and Practices" by T.D. Ramey Jr.: This comprehensive textbook on petroleum engineering covers various aspects of oil and gas production, including chapters dedicated to fluid flow, production processes, and the importance of understanding emulsions.
  • "Oilfield Chemistry" by J.J. Mckinley and R.S. Hansen: This book provides a detailed overview of the chemistry involved in oil and gas operations, including the formation, characterization, and control of emulsions.


  • "Emulsions in Oil Production: A Review" by J. S. Dunn and A. M. Gould: This comprehensive review explores the formation, stability, and control of emulsions in oil production. It delves into the impact of the external phase on various production processes and discusses different methods for emulsion separation.
  • "A Review of Emulsion Stability and Separation Methods in Oil Production" by J. H. Zhang and X. L. Wang: This review focuses on the stability and separation of oil-in-water and water-in-oil emulsions in oil production. It discusses different methods for identifying the external phase and evaluating emulsion stability.
  • "Understanding the Influence of External Phase on Emulsion Properties and Separation" by M. R. Jafari et al.: This article specifically highlights the impact of the external phase on emulsion stability, flow properties, and separation techniques. It provides insights into the importance of accurately determining the external phase for efficient emulsion management.

Online Resources

  • "Emulsions in the Oil and Gas Industry" by the American Petroleum Institute (API): This website provides resources on understanding, controlling, and preventing emulsions in oil and gas production.
  • "Emulsion Stability and Breaking" by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This article on the SPE website provides a detailed overview of emulsion stability and various techniques for breaking emulsions in oil and gas operations.
  • "Oil and Gas Processing" by the Global Oil and Gas Alliance: This website contains information on various aspects of oil and gas processing, including sections dedicated to emulsion management and separation techniques.

Search Tips

  • "External phase oil emulsion": This search term will return results specifically related to the external phase of oil emulsions.
  • "Emulsion control oil production": This search will provide information on techniques for controlling emulsions in oil and gas production, including determining the external phase.
  • "Identify external phase emulsion": This search will help you find resources on methods for identifying the external phase of emulsions.
  • "Oil water emulsion separation": This search will lead to information on different methods used to separate oil and water emulsions, which is directly influenced by the external phase.
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