Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Dolomite Rhombohedrials

Dolomite Rhombohedrials

Dolomite Rhombohedrials: A Potential Headache for Oil & Gas Operations

Dolomite rhombohedrials, small, geometrically shaped crystals of dolomite mineral, are a common occurrence in carbonate reservoirs, playing a critical role in the reservoir's characteristics and posing potential challenges for oil and gas production.

What are Dolomite Rhombohedrials?

Dolomite is a carbonate mineral with a chemical formula of CaMg(CO3)2. It often forms in rhombohedral shapes, similar to a distorted cube, hence the term "rhombohedrials". These crystals, often microscopic in size, can be found embedded within the pore space of carbonate rocks.

Importance of Dolomite Rhombohedrials:

  • Reservoir Quality: Dolomite rhombohedrials, depending on their abundance and size, can influence the reservoir's porosity and permeability.

    • High Porosity: If the crystals are loosely packed and small, they can contribute to high porosity, allowing for greater oil and gas storage.
    • Low Permeability: Densely packed or large rhombohedrials can create tight pore throats, hindering fluid flow and reducing permeability.
  • Production Challenges: The presence of dolomite rhombohedrials can lead to complications during oil and gas production.

    • Acidizing: During acidizing, the chemical reaction between acid and dolomite can release these crystals, creating migrating fines.
    • Migration Fines: These fine particles can migrate within the reservoir, potentially plugging pore throats and reducing permeability, thus impairing production.
    • Wellbore Damage: The fines can also move into the wellbore, leading to downhole equipment damage or even wellbore blockage.

Addressing the Challenges:

Understanding the presence and characteristics of dolomite rhombohedrials is crucial for effective reservoir management. Strategies to address the potential challenges include:

  • Reservoir Characterization: Comprehensive geological analysis to identify and map the distribution and size of dolomite rhombohedrials.
  • Fluid Compatibility: Choosing acid formulations compatible with dolomite to minimize crystal dissolution and fines generation during acidizing.
  • Sand Control Measures: Implementing appropriate sand control measures to prevent migrating fines from entering the wellbore.
  • Production Optimization: Tailoring production strategies to minimize the impact of dolomite rhombohedrials, such as optimizing flow rates and injection strategies.


Dolomite rhombohedrials are a common feature in carbonate reservoirs. While they can contribute to reservoir quality, they also pose potential challenges for oil and gas production. Careful reservoir characterization, appropriate production strategies, and effective mitigation measures are essential to maximizing reservoir productivity and minimizing the risks associated with these troublesome crystals.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Dolomite Rhombohedrials

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the chemical formula for dolomite? a) CaCO3 b) CaMg(CO3)2 c) MgCO3 d) FeCO3


b) CaMg(CO3)2

2. What is the typical shape of dolomite rhombohedrials? a) Cube b) Sphere c) Distorted cube d) Flat plate


c) Distorted cube

3. How can dolomite rhombohedrials impact reservoir permeability? a) They always increase permeability. b) They always decrease permeability. c) They can either increase or decrease permeability depending on their size and packing. d) They have no impact on permeability.


c) They can either increase or decrease permeability depending on their size and packing.

4. What is a potential challenge associated with the presence of dolomite rhombohedrials during acidizing? a) Acidizing can dissolve dolomite rhombohedrials, releasing fine particles that can plug pore throats. b) Acidizing can increase the permeability of the reservoir. c) Acidizing can create new fractures in the reservoir. d) Acidizing can remove the dolomite rhombohedrials completely.


a) Acidizing can dissolve dolomite rhombohedrials, releasing fine particles that can plug pore throats.

5. What is a crucial step in managing the challenges posed by dolomite rhombohedrials? a) Using only strong acids for acidizing. b) Avoiding any form of acidizing. c) Characterizing the reservoir to understand the distribution and size of the crystals. d) Increasing production rates to flush out the crystals.


c) Characterizing the reservoir to understand the distribution and size of the crystals.


Scenario: An oil & gas company is planning to produce oil from a carbonate reservoir. Core analysis reveals a significant presence of dolomite rhombohedrials within the reservoir.

Task: Based on the information presented in the text, suggest three specific strategies that the company should consider to mitigate the potential challenges posed by the dolomite rhombohedrials. Explain your reasoning for each strategy.

Exercise Correction

Here are three potential strategies with reasoning:

  1. Reservoir Characterization and Mapping: Conduct a thorough geological study to map the distribution, size, and abundance of dolomite rhombohedrials throughout the reservoir. This information will help determine areas of higher risk and inform production strategies. Reasoning: By understanding the spatial distribution of dolomite rhombohedrials, the company can tailor production strategies to minimize exposure to high-risk zones and optimize production from areas with lower concentrations of these crystals.
  2. Acid Formulation Optimization: Choose acid formulations specifically compatible with dolomite to minimize dissolution and fines generation. This might involve using a weaker acid or adding inhibitors to control the reaction with dolomite. Reasoning: By selecting appropriate acid formulations, the company can reduce the likelihood of releasing migrating fines that can hinder production and damage equipment.
  3. Sand Control Measures: Implement sand control measures, like gravel packing or screens, to prevent migrating dolomite fines from entering the wellbore. This will protect downhole equipment and maintain wellbore integrity. Reasoning: Sand control measures act as a barrier to prevent the movement of fines from the reservoir into the wellbore, thus protecting equipment and preventing production interruptions.


  • "Carbonate Reservoir Characterization" by J.M. Lucia: This book provides a comprehensive overview of carbonate reservoirs, including detailed sections on mineralogy, diagenesis, and reservoir characterization. It covers the role of dolomite and its various forms in influencing reservoir properties.
  • "Petroleum Geology" by J.P. Cant: This classic textbook offers a comprehensive introduction to petroleum geology, including chapters on carbonate reservoirs and their diagenesis.
  • "Reservoir Characterization: A Comprehensive Approach" by A.F. Levorsen: This book provides detailed information on reservoir characterization techniques, including the use of geological data, petrophysical analysis, and well log interpretation to understand reservoir properties.


  • "The Role of Dolomite in Carbonate Reservoirs" by J.M. Lucia: This article reviews the various forms of dolomite and their impact on reservoir quality, focusing on their role in porosity, permeability, and fluid flow.
  • "Dolomite Rhombohedrials and Their Implications for Oil & Gas Production" by P.A. Jones: This article delves into the challenges posed by dolomite rhombohedrials in oil and gas production, particularly their potential for fines generation and wellbore damage.
  • "Acidizing Carbonate Reservoirs: Challenges and Solutions" by R.M. Reed: This article discusses the challenges of acidizing carbonate reservoirs, including the reaction of acid with dolomite and the formation of migrating fines. It highlights various approaches to minimize these issues.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This professional organization offers a wealth of resources related to oil and gas production, including articles, technical papers, and conference presentations. Search for keywords like "dolomite," "carbonate reservoirs," "acidizing," and "fines migration."
  • The American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG): Another leading professional organization in the field, AAPG offers a wide range of online resources, including publications, presentations, and databases relevant to carbonate reservoirs.
  • Schlumberger: The leading oilfield services company provides various online resources, including technical articles, case studies, and software tools related to reservoir characterization, production optimization, and wellbore stimulation. Search for keywords like "dolomite," "carbonate," "acidizing," and "sand control."

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Dolomite rhombohedrials," "carbonate reservoirs," "acidizing dolomite," "fines migration," "production challenges."
  • Combine keywords with operators: For instance, "dolomite rhombohedrials + oil & gas production" or "acidizing dolomite + fines generation."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, "dolomite rhombohedrials and their implications."
  • Specify file types: For specific articles or publications, use "filetype:pdf" or "filetype:doc."
  • Use advanced search operators: "" to search within the SPE website.
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