Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Diverter (wellhead)

Diverter (wellhead)

Diverter (Wellhead): A Critical Component for Wellhead Safety and Control


The wellhead, the point where a wellbore meets the surface, is a crucial area for controlling and managing the flow of fluids from the well. A key component in this system is the diverter, a device that plays a vital role in directing and diverting fluids away from the wellhead during critical operations, ensuring safety and preventing environmental hazards.

Function and Purpose:

A wellhead diverter is a mechanical device strategically placed in the flowpath at the wellhead. Its primary function is to force fluid flow down a designated pipe to a pit or tank, diverting it away from the wellhead itself. This is particularly critical during:

  • Well control operations: During blowouts or other uncontrolled well events, the diverter channels the flow of fluids away from the wellhead, preventing potentially disastrous spills or explosions.
  • Kill operations: When a well is being shut down or killed, the diverter directs the flow of fluids to a holding tank, facilitating safe and efficient control of the well.
  • Routine maintenance and workover: When performing maintenance or workover operations on the wellhead, the diverter ensures that any unexpected fluid releases are directed safely away from personnel and equipment.

Design and Types:

Diverters come in various designs, each tailored to specific applications and well conditions. Common types include:

  • Surface diverter: These are typically located above the wellhead, with the diversion pipe leading to a pit or tank.
  • Subsurface diverter: These are installed below the wellhead, with the diversion pipe extending to a surface pit or tank.
  • Flowline diverter: These divert fluids to a separate flowline, allowing for simultaneous production and workover operations.

Components and Operation:

A typical wellhead diverter comprises:

  • Diverter valve: A large valve that controls the flow of fluids into the diversion pipe.
  • Diversion pipe: A heavy-duty pipe that transports the diverted fluids to the designated pit or tank.
  • Choke manifold: A system of chokes that allow for controlled throttling of the flow during diversion.

During operation, the diverter valve is activated, diverting the flow of fluids away from the wellhead. The choke manifold allows for precise control of the flow rate, ensuring safe and efficient diversion.

Importance for Wellhead Safety and Environmental Protection:

The wellhead diverter is a crucial safety and environmental protection device. By diverting fluids away from the wellhead, it significantly reduces the risk of:

  • Personnel injuries: By directing the flow away from the wellhead, it minimizes the risk of personnel being exposed to hazardous fluids.
  • Environmental contamination: Diversion prevents accidental spills and releases of fluids into the surrounding environment.
  • Equipment damage: The diverter protects wellhead equipment from damage caused by uncontrolled fluid flow.


The wellhead diverter is an indispensable component in modern wellhead systems. Its ability to direct and divert fluids during critical operations ensures well control, safety, and environmental protection. By utilizing a reliable diverter system, operators can significantly minimize the risks associated with wellhead operations, safeguarding both personnel and the environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Diverter (Wellhead) Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a wellhead diverter?

a) To regulate the flow of fluids into the wellbore.


Incorrect. This is the function of a choke or valve, not a diverter.

b) To direct fluids away from the wellhead during critical operations.


Correct! The diverter's main purpose is to divert fluids away from the wellhead.

c) To increase the pressure within the wellbore.


Incorrect. This is not the function of a diverter.

d) To measure the flow rate of fluids.


Incorrect. This is the function of a flow meter, not a diverter.

2. Which of the following situations would most likely require the use of a wellhead diverter?

a) Routine production of oil and gas.


Incorrect. Routine production typically does not require the use of a diverter.

b) A well blowout.


Correct! Diverters are crucial during blowouts to control and direct the uncontrolled flow.

c) Replacing a wellhead valve.


Incorrect. While a diverter may be used as a safety precaution, it's not strictly necessary for valve replacement.

d) Measuring the pressure at the wellhead.


Incorrect. This is done with a pressure gauge, not a diverter.

3. What are the main components of a typical wellhead diverter system?

a) Flowline, choke manifold, production valve.


Incorrect. This describes components of a typical wellhead system, not a diverter.

b) Diverter valve, diversion pipe, choke manifold.


Correct! These are the essential components of a wellhead diverter.

c) Flow meter, pressure gauge, separator.


Incorrect. These are components of a wellhead system, not a diverter.

d) Wellhead, casing, tubing.


Incorrect. These are components of the wellbore, not a diverter.

4. What is the primary safety benefit of using a wellhead diverter?

a) Increased production efficiency.


Incorrect. While a diverter can contribute to safer operations, its primary benefit is safety, not efficiency.

b) Reduced environmental impact.


Correct! By diverting fluids away from the wellhead, the risk of environmental contamination is significantly reduced.

c) Reduced maintenance costs.


Incorrect. The use of a diverter does not directly reduce maintenance costs.

d) Increased wellhead pressure.


Incorrect. A diverter does not increase wellhead pressure.

5. Which type of diverter is typically located above the wellhead?

a) Subsurface diverter.


Incorrect. Subsurface diverters are located below the wellhead.

b) Flowline diverter.


Incorrect. Flowline diverters are installed in the flowline, not directly at the wellhead.

c) Surface diverter.


Correct! Surface diverters are positioned above the wellhead, directing fluids to a pit or tank.

d) Choke diverter.


Incorrect. "Choke diverter" is not a standard term for a type of diverter.

Diverter (Wellhead) Exercise:

Scenario: You are working on a drilling rig, and a well blowout occurs. The flow of oil and gas is uncontrolled, threatening to damage the rig and surrounding environment.

Task: Describe the steps you would take to activate the wellhead diverter and control the blowout. Include details on the sequence of actions, the components involved, and the importance of safety precautions.

Exercise Correction

Here is a possible solution to the exercise:

  1. Activate the Emergency Shutdown System: Immediately engage the emergency shutdown system to isolate the wellbore and reduce flow as much as possible. This typically involves closing emergency valves or triggers on the wellhead.
  2. Open the Diverter Valve: Locate the wellhead diverter valve and manually open it. This will direct the flow of fluids away from the wellhead and into the diversion pipe.
  3. Adjust the Choke Manifold: The choke manifold allows for controlled throttling of the flow rate. Carefully adjust the chokes to regulate the flow of fluids into the diversion pit or tank, ensuring safe and efficient diversion.
  4. Monitor the Diversion System: Continuously monitor the diversion system, checking the flow rate, pressure, and any potential leaks or malfunctions.
  5. Maintain Safety Precautions: Throughout this process, prioritize safety. Ensure all personnel are wearing appropriate safety gear, maintain a safe distance from the wellhead and diversion system, and follow all relevant safety protocols.
  6. Communicate and Coordinate: Maintain clear communication with all crew members and supervisory personnel, ensuring everyone is aware of the situation and the necessary steps being taken.

Important considerations:

  • Emergency response plan: Refer to the wellsite's emergency response plan for detailed instructions on handling a well blowout.
  • Training: Ensure all crew members are adequately trained on the operation and safety procedures related to the wellhead diverter and blowout control.
  • Equipment condition: Regularly inspect and maintain the wellhead diverter system to ensure its functionality.


  • Well Control: Principles and Practices by T.W. Jackson (This comprehensive text covers wellhead equipment and safety, including diverters.)
  • Drilling Engineering: A Comprehensive Approach by Robert F. Mitchell (This book includes a section on wellhead equipment and control systems.)
  • Petroleum Engineering: A Comprehensive Approach by William D. McCain Jr. (This textbook explores the principles of petroleum engineering, including wellhead design and safety.)


  • "Diverter Systems: A Critical Safety and Environmental Protection Tool" by John Doe (This article is a fictional example, you may find similar articles on relevant industry journals.)
  • "Wellhead Safety and Control: The Importance of Diverter Systems" by Jane Doe (Another fictional example, search for articles on wellhead safety and control.)
  • "Recent Advances in Wellhead Diverter Technology" by Richard Roe (This is another example, focus on recent developments in diverter technology.)

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): (SPE website offers numerous resources on wellhead design, safety, and technology.)
  • International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC): (IADC website provides information on drilling and wellhead safety practices.)
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): (API website offers standards and regulations related to wellhead equipment and safety.)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "wellhead diverter", "diverter system", "well control diverter", "diverter design", "diverter valve", "subsurface diverter", "surface diverter".
  • Combine keywords with "PDF" or "research paper": This helps narrow down your search to specific documents.
  • Use quotation marks: For example, "diverter system for well control" will find documents that use this exact phrase.
  • Specify your search to academic resources: Use "site:edu" in your search to focus on academic websites.
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