Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Diversion (fluid treating)

Diversion (fluid treating)

Diversion: Guiding Fluid Flow in Oil & Gas Reservoirs

In the complex world of oil and gas extraction, diversion is a crucial technique employed to optimize fluid flow and enhance production. It's essentially a method of influencing fluid movement within a reservoir, guiding it away from high permeability zones (where it flows easily but may be unproductive) and towards lower permeability zones (where production may be limited due to slow flow).

Understanding Diversion:

Imagine a reservoir with multiple layers of rock, some highly permeable and others less so. When injecting fluids like water or chemicals for stimulation purposes, the fluid tends to flow predominantly through the easiest path, the high-permeability zones. This can leave the lower permeability zones untouched, hindering overall production.

Diversion techniques come into play to counteract this. They create artificial barriers or "choke points" within the reservoir, forcing the fluid to deviate from its preferred path and enter the less permeable zones. This ensures that the injected fluid reaches and stimulates a larger portion of the reservoir, maximizing production.

Methods of Diversion:

There are various methods employed for diversion, each tailored to specific reservoir characteristics and production objectives:

  • Particle Diversion: Fine particles like sand or resin are injected into the well, where they accumulate within the high-permeability zones, restricting fluid flow and forcing it to enter the lower permeability zones.
  • Chemical Diversion: Chemicals like polymers or gels are injected to create temporary barriers within the reservoir, hindering flow in the high-permeability zones and diverting it towards the lower permeability zones.
  • Mechanical Diversion: Physical devices like packers or screens are placed within the well to isolate certain zones and direct fluid flow towards the desired areas.

Benefits of Diversion:

Diversion techniques offer significant benefits in the oil and gas industry:

  • Increased Oil and Gas Recovery: By stimulating the lower permeability zones, diversion helps unlock previously untapped reserves, boosting overall production.
  • Improved Stimulation Efficiency: Fluids are directed towards the zones that need them most, ensuring optimal stimulation and maximizing the impact of treatments.
  • Enhanced Well Performance: Diversion can improve sweep efficiency, ensuring uniform fluid distribution throughout the reservoir and leading to better well performance over time.
  • Reduced Costs: By maximizing recovery from existing wells, diversion can reduce the need for costly drilling of new wells.

Challenges of Diversion:

While highly effective, diversion techniques also present some challenges:

  • Precise Control: Achieving precise control over the diversion process is crucial to ensure the desired fluid distribution and avoid any adverse impacts on production.
  • Compatibility: Selecting the appropriate diversion method and ensuring compatibility with reservoir fluids and well conditions is essential for success.
  • Cost Considerations: Diversion techniques can be expensive, requiring careful planning and optimization to ensure the benefits outweigh the costs.


Diversion is a valuable tool in the oil and gas industry, enabling operators to optimize fluid flow and unlock valuable reserves. By skillfully guiding fluid movement within the reservoir, diversion techniques contribute to increased production, improved stimulation efficiency, and ultimately, greater profitability. As technology advances and our understanding of reservoir dynamics deepens, diversion methods will continue to evolve, playing a crucial role in maximizing hydrocarbon recovery and ensuring long-term sustainability of oil and gas operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Diversion in Oil & Gas Reservoirs

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary goal of diversion techniques in oil and gas reservoirs?

a) Increase the permeability of all zones in the reservoir. b) Direct fluid flow towards high-permeability zones. c) Guide fluid flow towards low-permeability zones. d) Reduce the overall flow rate of fluids in the reservoir.


The correct answer is **c) Guide fluid flow towards low-permeability zones.** Diversion techniques aim to force fluids to flow through areas that would otherwise be bypassed due to their lower permeability.

2. Which of the following is NOT a method of diversion?

a) Particle Diversion b) Chemical Diversion c) Mechanical Diversion d) Thermal Diversion


The correct answer is **d) Thermal Diversion**. While thermal methods can influence fluid flow, they are not considered a primary method of diversion as they don't directly create barriers or direct fluid movement.

3. What is a key benefit of using diversion techniques?

a) Increased oil and gas recovery. b) Reduced environmental impact of production. c) Elimination of the need for well stimulation treatments. d) Reduced costs of drilling new wells.


The correct answer is **a) Increased oil and gas recovery.** Diversion techniques allow access to previously untapped reserves in low-permeability zones, leading to greater overall production.

4. Which of the following is a challenge associated with diversion techniques?

a) Difficulty in identifying suitable diversion methods. b) Lack of understanding of reservoir characteristics. c) Potential for environmental damage. d) Precise control over the diversion process.


The correct answer is **d) Precise control over the diversion process.** Achieving the desired fluid distribution and avoiding negative impacts on production requires meticulous control over the diversion process.

5. Which of the following best describes the role of diversion techniques in oil and gas production?

a) A replacement for traditional stimulation methods. b) A supplementary tool for enhancing production efficiency. c) A method for extracting oil and gas from deepwater reservoirs. d) A technology primarily used in unconventional gas production.


The correct answer is **b) A supplementary tool for enhancing production efficiency.** Diversion techniques complement traditional stimulation methods by optimizing fluid flow and maximizing the effectiveness of production operations.


Scenario: An oil reservoir has two main zones: a highly permeable sandstone layer and a less permeable shale layer. Production from the shale layer is limited due to its low permeability.

Task: Design a diversion strategy using a combination of particle diversion and chemical diversion to stimulate production from the shale layer.


  1. Describe the specific particles and chemicals you would use.
  2. Explain how these materials would be injected into the well and how they would create barriers.
  3. Explain how these barriers would direct fluid flow towards the shale layer.
  4. Discuss the potential benefits and challenges of your chosen strategy.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible diversion strategy: **1. Materials:** * **Particles:** Fine sand or resin particles with a size distribution optimized to block flow in the high-permeability sandstone layer. * **Chemicals:** A viscous polymer solution that will gel upon contact with reservoir water, creating a temporary barrier in the sandstone. **2. Injection and Barrier Creation:** * **Particle Injection:** Inject the sand or resin particles into the wellbore during a stimulation treatment. The particles will be carried by the injected fluid and will preferentially accumulate in the high-permeability sandstone layer due to their higher flow rate. This will create a physical barrier within the sandstone, restricting fluid flow. * **Chemical Injection:** Inject the polymer solution into the wellbore after the particle injection. The polymer will gel within the sandstone, further reinforcing the barrier created by the particles. This will create a dual barrier, both physically and chemically, to restrict flow in the sandstone. **3. Fluid Flow Diversion:** The combined particle and chemical barriers will significantly impede fluid flow through the sandstone layer, forcing the injected fluids to deviate and enter the less permeable shale layer. This will ensure that the stimulation treatment reaches and improves production from the shale layer. **4. Benefits and Challenges:** * **Benefits:** Improved oil and gas recovery from the shale layer, increased overall production, improved sweep efficiency. * **Challenges:** Potential for clogging the wellbore or damaging the reservoir if the particles are not properly sized or injected, precise control over the barrier placement and effectiveness of the gel, compatibility of the chemicals with reservoir fluids. This strategy aims to combine the advantages of both particle diversion and chemical diversion, creating a more effective and durable barrier to direct fluid flow towards the shale layer.


  • Reservoir Stimulation: By J.A. Clark, provides a comprehensive overview of reservoir stimulation techniques, including diversion methods.
  • Petroleum Production Engineering: By J.P. Brill, covers a wide range of topics related to oil and gas production, with a dedicated section on well stimulation and diversion techniques.
  • Fundamentals of Enhanced Oil Recovery: By R.M. Firoozabadi, delves into advanced recovery techniques, including those that utilize diversion strategies.


  • "Diversion Techniques for Enhanced Oil Recovery" by M.A. Hashem et al., published in the journal SPE Production & Operations, presents a detailed review of diversion methods and their application in enhanced oil recovery.
  • "A Review of Diversion Techniques for Hydraulic Fracturing" by S.M. Kazemi et al., published in the journal Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, discusses the use of diversion in hydraulic fracturing operations.
  • "Particle Diversion for Enhanced Oil Recovery: A Field Study" by J.S. Miller et al., published in the journal SPE Journal, reports on a field study demonstrating the effectiveness of particle diversion in increasing oil production.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website provides access to a vast database of technical papers and presentations on various topics, including diversion techniques. You can search their website using keywords like "diversion," "reservoir stimulation," or "enhanced oil recovery."
  • Schlumberger: This company is a major provider of oilfield services and technology. Their website features extensive information about diversion techniques, including case studies and technical publications.
  • Halliburton: Another major oilfield service company with a wealth of online resources on diversion technologies, including white papers, technical bulletins, and case studies.
  • Baker Hughes: This company offers a wide range of products and services for oil and gas operations, including diversion technology. Their website provides detailed information about their diversion solutions and case studies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "diversion techniques," "particle diversion," "chemical diversion," "mechanical diversion," "hydraulic fracturing diversion," etc.
  • Refine your search by specifying the type of diversion method (e.g., "sand diversion," "polymer diversion," etc.) or the type of reservoir (e.g., "carbonate reservoirs," "tight gas reservoirs," etc.)
  • Use quotation marks around specific phrases (e.g., "diversion for enhanced oil recovery") to ensure the search results include those exact words.
  • Add the year of publication to narrow down the results (e.g., "diversion techniques 2020").
  • Use advanced search operators like "site:" to restrict the search to specific websites (e.g., " diversion techniques").
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