Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Dilatant Fluid

Dilatant Fluid

Dilatant Fluids: A Powerful Tool for Oil & Gas Applications

Dilatant fluids, also known as shear-thickening fluids, are a fascinating class of non-Newtonian fluids that exhibit a unique property: their viscosity increases dramatically with an increase in shear stress. This unique behavior makes them valuable in various applications, particularly in the oil & gas industry.

Understanding Dilatancy:

Imagine a suspension of cornstarch and water. When gently stirred, it feels like a normal liquid. However, apply strong pressure, like punching it, and it suddenly becomes thick and solid, resisting your motion. This is the characteristic behavior of a dilatant fluid.

Key Characteristics of Dilatant Fluids:

  • High Solids Content: Dilatant fluids are typically suspensions with a high concentration of solid particles dispersed within a liquid.
  • Shear-Thickening Behavior: The primary characteristic of these fluids is their ability to thicken or become more viscous under applied shear stress.
  • Thixotropic Behavior: While they thicken under shear stress, they also exhibit thixotropy, meaning they gradually regain their initial viscosity after the shear stress is removed.

Applications in Oil & Gas:

Dilatant fluids find numerous applications in the oil and gas industry due to their unique properties. Here are some key examples:

  • Drilling Fluids: Dilatant fluids are used in drilling muds to maintain wellbore stability and prevent caving. Their ability to thicken under pressure helps them effectively support the borehole walls.
  • Fracturing Fluids: In hydraulic fracturing, dilatant fluids are used to create fractures in rock formations, allowing for the extraction of oil and gas. They can effectively carry proppants, which keep the fractures open after the fracturing process.
  • Cementing Fluids: Dilatant fluids are also employed in cementing operations, ensuring proper placement of cement behind the casing and preventing channeling.
  • Pipeline Slurries: Dilatant fluids help transport high-density slurries in pipelines, reducing settling and ensuring efficient transport of valuable resources.

Advantages of Using Dilatant Fluids:

  • Enhanced Stability: Their shear-thickening behavior provides excellent stability, preventing settling and ensuring a uniform slurry.
  • Improved Proppant Transport: In fracturing operations, dilatant fluids can effectively carry proppants, ensuring their proper placement within the fracture network.
  • Reduced Friction Losses: By increasing viscosity under shear, dilatant fluids can reduce friction losses during transportation.
  • Enhanced Control: Their unique behavior allows for better control during various operations, like drilling and cementing.


  • Cost: Dilatant fluids can be more expensive to formulate and prepare compared to traditional fluids.
  • Flow Characteristics: Understanding the flow properties of dilatant fluids is crucial for optimal performance and efficient operations.


Dilatant fluids are versatile and powerful tools in the oil and gas industry, offering numerous advantages in drilling, fracturing, cementing, and transportation operations. Their shear-thickening behavior, high solids content, and thixotropic nature provide unique solutions for challenging applications. As the industry continues to evolve, exploring and optimizing the use of dilatant fluids will be key for maximizing efficiency and sustainability in resource extraction.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Dilatant Fluids in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary characteristic of a dilatant fluid?

a) Decreases viscosity under shear stress b) Increases viscosity under shear stress c) Remains constant viscosity under shear stress d) Exhibits no change in viscosity


b) Increases viscosity under shear stress

2. Which of the following is NOT an application of dilatant fluids in the oil & gas industry?

a) Drilling fluids b) Fracturing fluids c) Cementing fluids d) Lubricating fluids


d) Lubricating fluids

3. What is the main advantage of using dilatant fluids in drilling operations?

a) Reduced friction losses b) Increased drilling speed c) Maintaining wellbore stability d) Improved cementing efficiency


c) Maintaining wellbore stability

4. What is thixotropy in relation to dilatant fluids?

a) The ability to remain thick even after shear stress is removed b) The ability to gradually regain initial viscosity after shear stress is removed c) The ability to change viscosity with temperature d) The ability to dissolve solid particles


b) The ability to gradually regain initial viscosity after shear stress is removed

5. What is a key consideration when using dilatant fluids in oil & gas applications?

a) Understanding their flow properties b) Ensuring they are biodegradable c) Selecting the right type of pump d) Minimizing their impact on the environment


a) Understanding their flow properties

Exercise: Dilatant Fluid Application

Scenario: You are working on a hydraulic fracturing project, and the engineers are considering using a dilatant fluid to carry proppants.


  1. Explain two specific advantages of using a dilatant fluid in this scenario.
  2. Briefly discuss one potential challenge or consideration that needs to be addressed when using a dilatant fluid for this purpose.

Exercice Correction

**Advantages:** 1. **Improved Proppant Transport:** Dilatant fluids can effectively carry proppants, ensuring their proper placement within the fracture network. This is crucial for maintaining the fractures open after the fracturing process. 2. **Enhanced Control:** Their unique behavior allows for better control during the fracturing operation, as they can adjust their viscosity based on the applied pressure. This helps ensure efficient placement of the proppant slurry within the targeted area. **Challenge:** 1. **Flow Properties:** Understanding the flow properties of the chosen dilatant fluid is essential. Too high a viscosity can result in increased pumping pressure and potential damage to equipment, while too low a viscosity may not adequately transport the proppants. Careful selection and monitoring of the fluid's rheological properties are critical for optimal performance and safety.


  • Rheology of Fluid and Semisolid Foods by Steffe, J. F. (2009): This comprehensive text covers non-Newtonian fluids, including dilatant fluids, and their application in various industries, including food and oil & gas.
  • Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion by Craft, B. C., & Hawkins, M. F. (2011): This textbook provides a thorough overview of drilling and well completion practices, including the use of drilling fluids and fracturing techniques.


  • Shear-Thickening Fluids: Principles, Applications, and Challenges by J. A. M. Kuipers & W. L. Vos (2004): A review article discussing the principles, applications, and challenges associated with dilatant fluids, with a focus on industrial uses.
  • Dilatant Fluids: A Promising Technology for Oil and Gas Production by R. M. Rahman, et al. (2019): This article specifically focuses on the use of dilatant fluids in various oil & gas applications, highlighting their benefits and limitations.
  • The Use of Dilatant Fluids in Hydraulic Fracturing by S. A. Khan, et al. (2022): This article explores the use of dilatant fluids in hydraulic fracturing, examining their role in proppant transport and fracture network creation.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE's website and publications offer numerous resources on drilling fluids, fracturing, and other oil & gas topics. Search for terms like "dilatant fluid," "shear-thickening fluid," or "drilling mud."
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): NIST offers a wealth of information on rheology and non-Newtonian fluids. Their website may contain valuable resources related to dilatant fluids and their properties.
  • SciTech Connect: This US Department of Energy website hosts a vast collection of technical reports and publications related to energy technologies, including oil & gas. Search for keywords like "dilatant fluid," "hydraulic fracturing," or "drilling fluid."

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of simply searching "dilatant fluid," use more precise terms like "dilatant fluid oil and gas," "shear-thickening fluid applications," or "fracturing fluids dilatant."
  • Include terms related to your specific area of interest: For example, if you're interested in drilling applications, use phrases like "dilatant fluid drilling mud," "shear-thickening fluid borehole stability," or "drilling fluids non-Newtonian."
  • Combine keywords with operators: Use Boolean operators like "AND," "OR," or "NOT" to refine your search. For example, "dilatant fluid AND hydraulic fracturing" or "shear-thickening fluid NOT food."
  • Explore related terms: Look for similar terms like "non-Newtonian fluid," "rheology," "suspension," or "thixotropy" to expand your search.
  • Filter your results: Use Google's advanced search options to filter results by source, date, language, and more.
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