Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Differential Sticking

Differential Sticking

Differential Sticking: A Common Headache in Oil & Gas Operations

In the dynamic world of oil and gas extraction, unexpected challenges can arise at any moment. One such challenge, known as "differential sticking," can significantly disrupt operations and potentially lead to costly downtime. This article delves into the mechanics of differential sticking, its causes, and how to prevent or mitigate this troublesome phenomenon.

Understanding Differential Sticking

Differential sticking is a type of pipe sticking that occurs when the overbalance pressure within the wellbore pushes the tubing against the side of the wellbore. This pressure differential arises when the wellbore pressure exceeds the formation pressure in a permeable formation.

The Mechanics of Sticking

The key elements contributing to differential sticking include:

  • Overbalance Pressure: When the pressure in the wellbore is higher than the pressure in the surrounding formation, it creates a force pushing the tubing against the wellbore walls.
  • Permeable Formation: A permeable formation allows fluids, including drilling mud, to migrate into the formation. This fluid movement can lead to a build-up of pressure against the tubing.
  • Tubing Movement: As the tubing is moved up or down during drilling or production operations, the pressure differential can cause the tubing to become firmly stuck against the formation.

Consequences of Differential Sticking

Differential sticking can result in a range of serious consequences:

  • Drilling Delays: Stuck tubing can halt drilling operations, leading to costly delays and production losses.
  • Production Loss: If the tubing becomes stuck during production, it can disrupt the flow of oil or gas, leading to decreased production and revenue.
  • Wellbore Damage: Aggressive attempts to free the stuck tubing can damage the wellbore, leading to potential wellbore instability or even collapse.
  • Increased Costs: The time and resources needed to resolve differential sticking significantly increase the overall cost of drilling and production operations.

Prevention and Mitigation Strategies

Fortunately, there are various techniques to prevent or mitigate differential sticking:

  • Maintaining Balanced Pressure: Controlling the wellbore pressure and minimizing the pressure differential can significantly reduce the risk of sticking.
  • Optimizing Mud Weight: Maintaining an appropriate mud weight ensures proper wellbore pressure control and minimizes fluid migration into the formation.
  • Using Lubricants: Applying lubricants to the tubing string can help reduce friction and prevent sticking.
  • Employing Vibration Techniques: Vibrating the tubing string can help to break the bond between the tubing and the formation.
  • Chemical Treatments: Certain chemicals can be added to the drilling mud to reduce the permeability of the formation and mitigate fluid migration.


Differential sticking is a common and often costly challenge in oil and gas operations. By understanding the mechanisms behind it and employing effective preventative and mitigating strategies, operators can minimize the risk of this troublesome phenomenon and maintain efficient and profitable operations. Continuous monitoring, proper wellbore pressure control, and advanced drilling techniques are crucial in navigating this challenge and ensuring the smooth functioning of oil and gas operations.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Drilling Engineering" by Bourgoyne, Millheim, Chenevert, and Economides: A comprehensive textbook covering various aspects of drilling engineering, including a section on differential sticking.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by John Lee: Another widely recognized textbook with a dedicated chapter on wellbore stability and differential sticking.
  • "Well Control: Principles and Practices" by SPE: This book provides valuable insights into well control techniques, including the prevention and mitigation of differential sticking.


  • "Differential Sticking: A Major Challenge in Oil and Gas Wells" by SPE: This article discusses the causes, consequences, and mitigation techniques for differential sticking in detail.
  • "Differential Sticking: A Comprehensive Review of Mechanisms, Prevention, and Mitigation" by Journal of Petroleum Technology: A comprehensive review article covering the topic in depth, with a focus on recent advancements in mitigation strategies.
  • "Understanding and Controlling Differential Sticking in Drilling Operations" by Oil & Gas Journal: A practical guide with insights from industry experts on managing differential sticking effectively.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers numerous resources on differential sticking, including technical papers, webinars, and presentations.
  • OnePetro: This platform provides access to a vast library of technical documents and articles related to oil and gas operations, including differential sticking.
  • Schlumberger: Schlumberger's website features comprehensive information on wellbore stability, drilling fluids, and other relevant technologies related to differential sticking prevention.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "differential sticking" with additional terms like "causes," "prevention," "mitigation," "techniques," or specific formation types.
  • Include relevant industry terms: Use keywords like "drilling," "production," "wellbore," "tubing," and "mud weight."
  • Explore related concepts: Search for terms like "wellbore stability," "pressure control," "fluid migration," and "formation permeability."
  • Search for specific publications: Filter your search results by publication date, source, or author to find the most relevant and up-to-date information.
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