Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Diagenetic Trap

Diagenetic Trap

Diagenetic Traps: Where Rocks Transform into Reservoirs

In the world of oil and gas exploration, understanding how these resources become trapped underground is crucial. One fascinating phenomenon that contributes to this trapping is the formation of diagenetic traps. These traps are born from the subtle yet powerful changes that rocks undergo over time, transforming ordinary rock into reservoirs for hydrocarbons.

What is Diagenesis?

Diagenesis is a geological process that refers to the physical and chemical changes that occur in sediments after burial. Imagine a pile of sand on a beach – as more sediment piles on top, the sand becomes compacted, and minerals dissolved in groundwater start interacting with the sediment grains. This intricate dance of pressure, temperature, and chemical interactions leads to significant alterations in the rock's properties.

The Birth of a Diagenetic Trap:

Diagenetic traps form when diagenesis creates a reservoir rock capped by an impermeable sealing rock, trapping the hydrocarbons below. This process unfolds in two key stages:

1. Reservoir Formation:

  • Porosity Enhancement: Diagenetic processes like dissolution can create pores within the rock, increasing its ability to hold fluids. For example, the dissolution of carbonate minerals can carve out pore spaces in limestone, turning it into a reservoir.
  • Permeability Enhancement: Diagenesis can also create interconnected pores, improving the flow of fluids through the rock. This can be achieved through the precipitation of minerals that act as bridges between existing pores, enhancing connectivity.

2. Seal Formation:

  • Compaction and Cementation: As sediments are buried deeper, pressure increases, forcing the grains closer together. This compaction can squeeze out fluids and create a dense, impermeable layer that prevents hydrocarbons from escaping.
  • Mineral Precipitation: During diagenesis, minerals can precipitate out of solution, forming a barrier within the rock. These mineral deposits can block the flow of fluids, acting as a seal above the reservoir.

Types of Diagenetic Traps:

  • Dolomite Traps: Dolomitization, the process of replacing calcite with dolomite, can enhance porosity and permeability in carbonate rocks, creating potential reservoirs.
  • Fracture Traps: Diagenesis can create fractures in the rock, which can act as pathways for hydrocarbon migration and create traps.
  • Cementation Traps: Mineral precipitation can seal off existing pores, preventing the escape of hydrocarbons.

Illustrative Example:

Imagine a sandstone layer that was originally poorly sorted and contained little porosity. Over time, burial and diagenesis cause the dissolution of some of the cementing material within the sandstone, creating interconnected pore spaces. Above this sandstone, a layer of shale experiences compaction and cementation, becoming an impermeable seal. The diagenetic processes have created a reservoir rock trapped by a seal, a prime target for hydrocarbon exploration.


Diagenetic traps play a crucial role in the formation of oil and gas accumulations. By understanding the complex processes that drive diagenesis, geologists can identify potential reservoir rocks and seals, leading to successful hydrocarbon exploration and production. The ever-evolving landscape of Earth's rocks continues to hold fascinating secrets waiting to be uncovered, providing us with a deeper understanding of our planet's geological history and resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Diagenetic Traps Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is diagenesis? a) The process of rock formation from magma. b) The physical and chemical changes that occur in sediments after burial. c) The erosion of rocks by wind and water. d) The movement of tectonic plates.


b) The physical and chemical changes that occur in sediments after burial.

2. How does diagenesis contribute to the formation of a diagenetic trap? a) It creates volcanic activity that traps hydrocarbons. b) It causes the uplift of sedimentary layers, trapping hydrocarbons. c) It alters the rock's properties, creating reservoir and seal formations. d) It promotes the formation of fault lines that trap hydrocarbons.


c) It alters the rock's properties, creating reservoir and seal formations.

3. Which of the following is NOT a diagenetic process that can enhance reservoir quality? a) Dissolution of minerals b) Compaction c) Cementation d) Precipitation of minerals that bridge pores


b) Compaction

4. What type of diagenetic trap is formed by the replacement of calcite with dolomite? a) Fracture trap b) Cementation trap c) Dolomite trap d) Shale trap


c) Dolomite trap

5. Which of the following is a key characteristic of a diagenetic seal? a) High porosity b) High permeability c) Low porosity d) High permeability


c) Low porosity

Diagenetic Traps Exercise:


A geologist is studying a rock formation consisting of a layer of limestone overlain by a layer of shale. The limestone shows evidence of significant dissolution, creating large interconnected pores. The shale layer is dense and impermeable.


  1. Identify the potential reservoir rock and seal in this formation.
  2. Explain how diagenesis contributed to the formation of the trap.
  3. What type of diagenetic trap is likely present in this scenario?

Exercice Correction

1. **Reservoir Rock:** The limestone, due to the dissolution process, has become highly porous and permeable, making it an ideal reservoir rock. 2. **Seal:** The shale, through compaction and cementation, has become impermeable, effectively sealing the reservoir rock. 3. **Type of Diagenetic Trap:** This scenario describes a **dolomite trap**, as the dissolution of limestone would have likely created pores that could hold hydrocarbons, and the overlying shale acts as a seal. Even though the text does not explicitly mention dolomitization, the scenario fits the description of a dolomite trap.


  • Petroleum Geology by J.M. Hunt (2002): A comprehensive overview of petroleum geology, including chapters on diagenesis and trap formation.
  • Reservoir Geology by A.H.F. Robertson (2008): Covers diagenesis, reservoir characterization, and trap analysis in detail.
  • Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir Quality edited by D.L. Gautier (2000): Focuses specifically on diagenetic processes and their impact on reservoir properties.
  • Carbonate Sedimentology and Diagenesis by R.L. Folk (1993): A detailed exploration of carbonate diagenesis and its influence on reservoir formation.


  • Diagenetic Controls on Sandstone Reservoir Quality: A Review by M.H.D. Boutefeu and D.W. Burbank (2011): A review of the influence of diagenesis on sandstone reservoir quality.
  • Diagenetic Traps: A Review of Their Significance and Recognition by J.G. Edwards and S.R. Larter (2004): Examines the role of diagenetic traps in hydrocarbon accumulations.
  • The Impact of Diagenesis on the Formation and Evolution of Diagenetic Traps by J.A. Kendall and R.J. Riding (2001): Discusses the interplay between diagenesis and trap formation.

Online Resources

  • AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists): - Contains various publications, conferences, and resources related to petroleum geology.
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): - Offers technical articles and publications on reservoir engineering and hydrocarbon exploration.
  • SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists): - Provides resources on geophysical exploration methods used in hydrocarbon discovery.
  • Geoscience Australia: - Offers research and information on Australian geology, including sedimentary basins.
  • USGS (United States Geological Survey): - Provides research and data on geological formations and energy resources.

Search Tips

  • "Diagenetic Traps" AND "Reservoir Quality": This search combines the key terms to find relevant papers and resources.
  • "Diagenesis" AND "Hydrocarbon Exploration": This search focuses on diagenesis in the context of hydrocarbon discovery.
  • "Dolomite Traps" OR "Fracture Traps": This search targets specific types of diagenetic traps.
  • "Diagenesis" AND "Case Study": This search finds articles that showcase real-world examples of diagenetic traps.
  • "Diagenetic Modeling": This search explores computational tools used to simulate diagenetic processes and their impact on reservoir formation.
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