Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Diagenetic Porosity

Diagenetic Porosity

Diagenetic Porosity: The Hidden Treasure of Oil and Gas Reservoirs

In the world of oil and gas exploration, understanding the characteristics of reservoir rocks is paramount. Porosity, the percentage of void space within the rock, plays a crucial role in determining the capacity of a reservoir to hold hydrocarbons. While primary porosity, formed during the initial sediment deposition, is a key factor, diagenetic porosity emerges as a hidden treasure, significantly impacting reservoir quality and hydrocarbon potential.

Diagenetic porosity is the porosity created or enhanced by chemical and biological processes occurring after the initial sediments are laid down. It's a dynamic process influenced by factors like temperature, pressure, and the composition of fluids present. These transformations can significantly alter the original rock fabric, leading to the creation of new pore spaces or the enlargement of existing ones.

Key Diagenetic Processes and their Impact on Porosity:

  • Dissolution: Minerals like calcite, dolomite, and feldspar can dissolve in acidic fluids, creating new pore spaces or enlarging existing ones. This process is often associated with the presence of organic matter decomposition and the release of acidic byproducts.
  • Recrystallization: Existing minerals can change their crystal structure, leading to the formation of new pore spaces. This is often observed with the transformation of calcite to dolomite, which can significantly increase porosity.
  • Cementation: The precipitation of minerals within pore spaces can reduce porosity, acting like a "glue" that fills the voids. However, cementation can also contribute to porosity enhancement if it selectively seals off pathways for fluid flow, promoting the creation of new pore spaces elsewhere.
  • Compaction: As sediments are buried deeper, the increasing pressure can lead to compaction, reducing porosity. However, compaction can also facilitate the creation of new pore spaces by squeezing out fluids and forcing mineral grains to rearrange.
  • Bioturbation: The activities of organisms like worms and bacteria can create burrows and channels, enhancing porosity. This process is particularly important in shallow marine environments.

Importance of Diagenetic Porosity in Oil and Gas Exploration:

Diagenetic porosity is crucial for several reasons:

  • Enhanced Storage Capacity: Diagenetic processes can significantly increase the storage capacity of a reservoir by creating new pore spaces or expanding existing ones.
  • Improved Permeability: The development of interconnected pore networks can enhance permeability, facilitating the flow of hydrocarbons within the reservoir.
  • Reservoir Heterogeneity: Diagenetic processes can create a complex network of interconnected pore spaces, leading to significant variations in porosity and permeability within the reservoir, posing challenges for reservoir characterization and production optimization.


Diagenetic porosity is a critical factor in determining the quality of oil and gas reservoirs. Understanding the diagenetic history of a reservoir can help geologists predict reservoir characteristics, optimize exploration and production strategies, and ultimately improve hydrocarbon recovery. Recognizing the hidden treasure of diagenetic porosity can significantly enhance the success of oil and gas ventures.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Diagenetic Porosity

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is diagenetic porosity?

a) Porosity created during the initial deposition of sediments. b) Porosity created or enhanced by processes occurring after sediment deposition. c) The total amount of pore space within a rock. d) The ability of a rock to transmit fluids.


b) Porosity created or enhanced by processes occurring after sediment deposition.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key diagenetic process affecting porosity?

a) Dissolution b) Recrystallization c) Cementation d) Weathering


d) Weathering

3. How does dissolution contribute to diagenetic porosity?

a) By precipitating minerals within pore spaces. b) By dissolving minerals, creating new pore spaces or enlarging existing ones. c) By compressing sediments and reducing pore space. d) By creating burrows and channels through bioturbation.


b) By dissolving minerals, creating new pore spaces or enlarging existing ones.

4. What is the primary importance of diagenetic porosity in oil and gas exploration?

a) It helps determine the age of a reservoir. b) It provides information about the original depositional environment. c) It significantly affects the storage capacity and permeability of a reservoir. d) It helps identify the presence of organic matter.


c) It significantly affects the storage capacity and permeability of a reservoir.

5. Which diagenetic process can both enhance and reduce porosity depending on the specific conditions?

a) Dissolution b) Recrystallization c) Cementation d) Compaction


c) Cementation

Exercise: Diagenetic Porosity Analysis

Scenario: You are a geologist studying a potential oil and gas reservoir. The reservoir rock is a sandstone with a relatively low primary porosity. However, core samples reveal evidence of significant diagenetic alteration.

Task: Based on the following observations, describe the potential impact of diagenetic processes on the reservoir's porosity and permeability:


  1. The sandstone contains numerous small vugs (open cavities) filled with secondary calcite crystals.
  2. Petrographic analysis indicates that original feldspar grains have been replaced by clay minerals.
  3. Some pore spaces are filled with iron oxide cement.
  4. The sandstone exhibits a high degree of compaction.


  1. Analyze each observation and explain its potential impact on porosity and permeability.
  2. Summarize your findings and describe the overall effect of diagenetic processes on the reservoir's quality.

Exercice Correction

Observation 1: The vugs filled with secondary calcite crystals suggest that dissolution occurred, increasing porosity. However, the calcite cementation within the vugs could potentially reduce permeability by blocking pore throats.

Observation 2: Replacement of feldspar grains by clay minerals indicates dissolution and potentially increased porosity. Clay minerals have lower permeability compared to feldspar, so this process could reduce permeability.

Observation 3: The presence of iron oxide cement indicates that cementation occurred, likely reducing both porosity and permeability by filling pore spaces.

Observation 4: High compaction suggests a decrease in porosity due to the compression of the rock. Compaction can also facilitate the creation of new pore spaces by squeezing out fluids and forcing mineral grains to rearrange, potentially increasing permeability.

Overall Effect: The combined effects of these diagenetic processes are complex and likely resulted in a heterogeneous reservoir with varying porosity and permeability. The dissolution of feldspar and the formation of vugs have likely increased the overall porosity, while cementation and compaction have potentially reduced both porosity and permeability. The reservoir's quality will depend on the balance between these competing processes and the distribution of these diagenetic features.


  • "Petroleum Geology" by J.M. Hunt (2005): Covers diagenesis and its influence on reservoir properties in detail.
  • "Reservoir Characterization" by D.B. Eberl, et al. (2003): Emphasizes diagenetic processes and their impact on reservoir quality.
  • "Diagenesis of Sedimentary Rocks" by B.W. Logan (1997): Provides a comprehensive overview of diagenetic processes and their implications.
  • "The Petrophysics Handbook" by S.B.M. Bell (2009): Includes sections on diagenetic processes and their influence on porosity and permeability.


  • "Diagenetic Controls on Porosity and Permeability in Carbonate Reservoirs" by D.M. Moore, et al. (2008): Focuses on diagenetic processes in carbonate reservoirs.
  • "The Impact of Diagenesis on Reservoir Quality in Sandstone Reservoirs" by R.C. Surdam, et al. (1984): Examines the role of diagenesis in sandstone reservoirs.
  • "Diagenetic Processes and their Impact on Reservoir Heterogeneity" by P.A. Cooper, et al. (2000): Discusses how diagenesis contributes to reservoir variability.

Online Resources

  • AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists):
    • Numerous publications, presentations, and online resources about diagenesis and reservoir quality.
  • SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology):
    • Provides research articles, conferences, and educational materials on sedimentary rocks and diagenesis.
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers):
    • Offers technical papers, webinars, and research related to reservoir characterization and production optimization.
  • PetroWiki:
    • Free online encyclopedia with articles on diagenesis, reservoir properties, and other related topics.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "diagenetic porosity," "reservoir quality," "diagenesis impact on reservoir," "carbonate diagenesis," "sandstone diagenesis."
  • Combine keywords with location: "diagenetic porosity in the Gulf of Mexico," "diagenesis in the North Sea."
  • Include search operators:
    • "filetype:pdf" to find PDF documents.
    • "" to focus on academic resources.
    • "intitle:" to specify words in the document title.
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