Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Reservoir Engineering: Deep Investigation

Deep Investigation

Delving Deeper: Understanding "Deep Investigation" in Oil & Gas

In the oil and gas industry, accurately assessing formation properties is crucial for successful reservoir development and production. However, the drilling process itself can significantly alter the area immediately surrounding the wellbore, creating an "invaded zone" where the original formation fluids are replaced by drilling mud filtrate. This altered zone can skew the data gathered from conventional well logs, making it difficult to obtain reliable information about the reservoir's true characteristics.

This is where the term "Deep Investigation" comes into play. It signifies the process of measuring formation properties far enough from the wellbore to minimize the influence of the invaded zone. This is achieved by employing specialized techniques and technologies that can "see" deeper into the formation, effectively bypassing the altered zone and revealing the pristine reservoir properties.

Methods for Deep Investigation:

  • Advanced Logging Tools: Modern logging tools are equipped with advanced sensors and technologies that can penetrate deeper into the formation. These include:
    • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Logging: Provides detailed information about pore size distribution and fluid content, even in the presence of the invaded zone.
    • Electrical Resistivity Logging: Measures the resistance of the formation to electrical current, allowing for the identification of fluid types and saturation even at greater distances from the wellbore.
    • Acoustic Logging: Uses sound waves to measure formation properties like porosity and permeability, reducing the influence of the invaded zone.
  • Reservoir Simulation: This sophisticated technique uses computer models to simulate reservoir behavior, taking into account the effects of the invaded zone and providing a more accurate representation of the formation's true properties.
  • Horizontal and Multilateral Wells: By extending the wellbore horizontally or creating multiple branches, these wells can sample formation properties at greater distances from the main borehole, minimizing the impact of the invaded zone.

Benefits of Deep Investigation:

  • Enhanced Reservoir Characterization: Accurate assessment of formation properties, including porosity, permeability, fluid saturation, and reservoir pressure, leading to improved reservoir models.
  • Optimized Well Placement and Completion: Data from deep investigations informs strategic well placement and completion designs, maximizing production potential.
  • Improved Reservoir Management: Understanding the true reservoir characteristics allows for more efficient production planning and optimization, leading to increased recovery and reduced operational costs.
  • Reduced Uncertainty: By minimizing the influence of the invaded zone, deep investigations reduce uncertainties in reservoir estimates and forecasts, leading to more reliable production projections.


Deep investigation is a critical aspect of modern oil and gas exploration and production. By employing advanced technologies and techniques, it allows for a more accurate understanding of reservoir properties, ultimately leading to improved decision-making, increased production efficiency, and optimized reservoir management. As the industry strives for greater accuracy and efficiency, the importance of deep investigation in unlocking the true potential of oil and gas reservoirs will only continue to grow.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Delving Deeper: Understanding "Deep Investigation" in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary reason for conducting "Deep Investigation" in oil and gas exploration?

a) To assess the potential for new oil and gas discoveries. b) To evaluate the environmental impact of drilling operations. c) To minimize the influence of the invaded zone on reservoir characterization. d) To determine the optimal drilling depth for maximum production.


c) To minimize the influence of the invaded zone on reservoir characterization.

2. Which of the following is NOT a method used for Deep Investigation?

a) Advanced Logging Tools b) Reservoir Simulation c) Seismic Data Interpretation d) Horizontal and Multilateral Wells


c) Seismic Data Interpretation

3. Which type of logging tool provides detailed information about pore size distribution and fluid content even in the invaded zone?

a) Electrical Resistivity Logging b) Acoustic Logging c) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Logging d) Gamma Ray Logging


c) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Logging

4. What is a major benefit of Deep Investigation in terms of reservoir management?

a) Reduced drilling costs b) Improved reservoir models and production planning c) Increased reliance on traditional logging techniques d) Enhanced exploration efficiency


b) Improved reservoir models and production planning

5. Which of the following statements accurately describes the impact of Deep Investigation on the oil and gas industry?

a) It has significantly decreased the need for advanced drilling techniques. b) It has reduced the importance of accurate reservoir characterization. c) It has increased the reliance on traditional logging methods. d) It has played a crucial role in advancing reservoir understanding and production optimization.


d) It has played a crucial role in advancing reservoir understanding and production optimization.

Exercise: Deep Investigation Scenario

Scenario: A new oil well has been drilled in a complex reservoir. Conventional well logs show significant variations in formation properties, potentially influenced by the invaded zone. To obtain a more accurate understanding of the reservoir, a Deep Investigation plan is being implemented.


  1. Identify two specific Deep Investigation techniques that could be used in this scenario. Explain why each technique is appropriate for this situation.
  2. Describe how the data obtained from these techniques can improve reservoir characterization and production planning.
  3. Explain how Deep Investigation can help reduce uncertainty and optimize production efficiency in this scenario.

Exercice Correction

**1. Two specific Deep Investigation techniques:** * **Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Logging:** This technique is appropriate because it can provide detailed information about pore size distribution and fluid content, even in the presence of the invaded zone. This allows for a more accurate assessment of reservoir properties, despite the altered zone surrounding the wellbore. * **Horizontal Well Drilling:** Extending the wellbore horizontally allows for sampling formation properties at greater distances from the main borehole, minimizing the impact of the invaded zone. This provides a more representative sample of the reservoir's true characteristics. **2. Data Impact on Reservoir Characterization and Production Planning:** * NMR Logging data can be used to create more accurate reservoir models, including porosity, permeability, and fluid saturation maps. This improved characterization helps in understanding the flow behavior of the reservoir and optimizing well placement and completion designs for maximum production. * Horizontal well data provides a wider range of formation information, allowing for better delineation of reservoir boundaries and identification of potential sweet spots for production. This information is crucial for developing effective production strategies and maximizing oil recovery. **3. Reducing Uncertainty and Optimizing Efficiency:** * By minimizing the influence of the invaded zone, Deep Investigation techniques reduce uncertainties in reservoir estimates and forecasts. This leads to more reliable production projections and improves the accuracy of production planning. * Understanding the true reservoir properties through Deep Investigation allows for more efficient production planning and optimization. This includes optimizing well spacing, completion design, and production rates, leading to increased recovery and reduced operational costs.


  • "Reservoir Characterization" by Larry W. Lake (2010): A comprehensive guide to reservoir characterization methods, including those related to deep investigation.
  • "Petroleum Reservoir Engineering" by John C. Dake (1978): A classic text covering various aspects of reservoir engineering, including the impact of the invaded zone and techniques for mitigating its influence.
  • "Well Logging and Formation Evaluation" by Schlumberger (Multiple editions): A widely-used resource for well logging and formation evaluation techniques, including advanced logging tools used in deep investigation.
  • "The Log Analyst" by Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (SPWLA): A journal dedicated to well log analysis and interpretation, with articles on various deep investigation techniques.


  • "Deep Investigation: Getting Beyond the Invaded Zone" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): An article discussing the importance of deep investigation and various techniques used in the process.
  • "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logging for Reservoir Characterization" by SPE : An article exploring the applications of NMR logging in deep investigation for reservoir characterization.
  • "Horizontal Well Completion and Production Optimization" by SPE: An article examining the role of horizontal wells in deep investigation and production enhancement.
  • "Reservoir Simulation: A Powerful Tool for Deep Investigation" by SPE: An article highlighting the importance of reservoir simulation in understanding and mitigating the effects of the invaded zone.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger Website: Comprehensive information on logging tools, techniques, and software used in deep investigation.
  • SPE Website: Access to publications, articles, and technical presentations related to deep investigation and reservoir characterization.
  • PetroWiki: A wiki-based resource for the oil and gas industry, offering information on various aspects of reservoir engineering, including deep investigation techniques.

Search Tips

  • "Deep Investigation" + "oil and gas" + "invaded zone": Refines your search to relevant articles and resources.
  • "Advanced Logging Tools" + "reservoir characterization": Helps you find information about specific logging tools used in deep investigation.
  • "Reservoir Simulation" + "invaded zone mitigation": Allows you to discover articles exploring the use of reservoir simulation for mitigating the impact of the invaded zone.
  • "Horizontal Wells" + "deep investigation": Uncovers information on the application of horizontal wells in deep investigation.
  • "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logging" + "reservoir analysis": Helps you learn about the applications of NMR logging in deep investigation for reservoir analysis.
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