Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Distributed Control Systems (DCS): Crosslinked


Crosslinked: The Key to Stronger, More Stable Gels

In the world of polymers, the term "crosslinked" refers to a crucial process that dramatically alters the properties of gels. Imagine a tangled ball of yarn, representing a linear polymer chain. Now, imagine adding tiny pieces of string that weave through the yarn, connecting different strands together. That's the essence of crosslinking – introducing chemical bonds to link individual polymer chains into a three-dimensional network.

This seemingly simple act has profound implications for the final product. Here's why:

1. Increased Viscosity: Crosslinking transforms a relatively thin, liquid-like gel into a thicker, more viscous substance. Think of the difference between a simple water-based gel and a sturdy, gel-like substance used in hair products or contact lenses.

2. Enhanced Strength & Elasticity: The interconnected network formed by crosslinking allows the gel to withstand greater stress and deformation. This increased strength is vital for applications requiring durable, resilient materials, like biocompatible hydrogels used in wound healing or flexible electronics.

3. Improved Stability: Crosslinking helps prevent the gel from breaking down or dissolving easily. The tightly bound network resists swelling and shrinking, ensuring a more stable product over time. This characteristic is crucial for long-term applications like drug delivery systems or controlled-release formulations.

The Power of Chemical Crosslinkers:

The magic happens through the use of chemical crosslinkers. These molecules, strategically chosen for their reactivity with the polymer chains, act as bridges, forming covalent bonds between them. The type of crosslinker used, its concentration, and the conditions of the reaction determine the extent and nature of the crosslinking, influencing the gel's final properties.

Examples of Crosslinked Gels in Action:

  • Hydrogels: Widely used in medical applications, these water-absorbing gels are often crosslinked to control their swelling and release properties.
  • Polyacrylamide gels: Employed in electrophoresis, these gels are crosslinked to create a stable matrix for separating proteins or nucleic acids based on size.
  • Elastomers: These rubber-like materials, crosslinked to achieve elasticity and strength, are essential for everything from tires to surgical gloves.

The Future of Crosslinking:

Researchers are continuously exploring new and innovative crosslinking techniques to further tailor the properties of gels. From self-healing materials to stimuli-responsive systems, the potential applications of crosslinking extend beyond traditional uses, promising groundbreaking advancements in various fields.

Understanding crosslinking is key to unlocking the full potential of polymer gels. By manipulating this crucial process, we can design materials with precise properties to meet the demands of an ever-evolving world.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Crosslinked Gels

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary effect of crosslinking on a gel? a) Decreases viscosity b) Increases flexibility c) Reduces strength d) Makes the gel more soluble


b) Increases flexibility

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of crosslinking? a) Enhanced stability b) Increased viscosity c) Improved strength d) Reduced water absorption


d) Reduced water absorption

3. What acts as the "bridges" that connect polymer chains in crosslinking? a) Chemical crosslinkers b) Water molecules c) Linear polymer chains d) Salt ions


a) Chemical crosslinkers

4. Which of the following is an example of a crosslinked gel used in medical applications? a) Polyacrylamide gels b) Elastomers c) Hydrogels d) All of the above


c) Hydrogels

5. What is the significance of the concentration of crosslinkers in the crosslinking process? a) It influences the color of the gel b) It determines the extent and nature of crosslinking c) It affects the gel's solubility in water d) It controls the viscosity of the gel


b) It determines the extent and nature of crosslinking


Imagine you're developing a new type of hydrogel for wound healing. Explain how crosslinking would be crucial in achieving the desired properties for this application.

Exercice Correction

Crosslinking is essential for creating a successful wound-healing hydrogel. Here's why:

  • **Strength and Elasticity:** Crosslinking provides the hydrogel with the necessary strength to withstand the mechanical forces of a wound environment (e.g., stretching, pressure). It also ensures that the hydrogel maintains its shape and integrity, providing a stable environment for healing.
  • **Controlled Release:** The crosslinked network within the hydrogel can be designed to control the release of specific growth factors or medications. This allows for targeted delivery and sustained action, promoting faster healing.
  • **Biocompatibility:** Crosslinking can be tailored to ensure the hydrogel is biocompatible, meaning it doesn't trigger an immune response or cause harm to the surrounding tissues. This is crucial for safe and effective wound healing.
  • **Water Retention:** While hydrogels need to be water-absorbing, excessive swelling can be detrimental. Crosslinking helps regulate the hydrogel's water uptake, maintaining an optimal moisture level for wound healing.


  • Polymer Chemistry by Paula Yurkanis Bruice (This comprehensive textbook provides a detailed chapter on crosslinking and its impact on polymer properties.)
  • Principles of Polymer Science by Paul J. Flory (A classic text in polymer science, this book offers in-depth discussions on crosslinking and network formation.)
  • Introduction to Polymer Science and Technology by Joel R. Fried (This accessible book covers basic concepts of crosslinking and its relevance in diverse applications.)
  • Handbook of Polymer Science and Technology edited by Herman F. Mark et al. (This multi-volume resource provides comprehensive coverage of crosslinking, including specific examples and techniques.)


  • "Crosslinking of Polymers" by J. E. Mark (This review article from Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology provides a detailed overview of crosslinking mechanisms and applications.)
  • "Crosslinked Hydrogels: Synthesis, Properties and Applications" by A. K. Mitra et al. (This review paper focuses on hydrogels, highlighting the role of crosslinking in their structure and functionality.)
  • "The Chemistry of Crosslinking" by D. J. Williams (This article discusses the chemical principles behind crosslinking reactions and the factors influencing their effectiveness.)
  • "Crosslinking: A Versatile Tool for Modifying Polymer Properties" by J. M. J. Fréchet et al. (This article explores the use of crosslinking to control various polymer properties, including mechanical strength, swelling behavior, and degradation.)

Online Resources

  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Chemistry WebBook: Offers information on crosslinking reactions, crosslinker types, and the chemical properties of various polymers.
  • Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Polymer Chemistry: A valuable online resource with articles, reviews, and news related to polymer chemistry, including crosslinking.
  • Wiley Online Library: Provides access to a vast collection of research articles on crosslinking in various fields, including materials science, engineering, and medicine.

Search Tips

  • "Crosslinking + polymer type": (e.g., "crosslinking + polyacrylamide," "crosslinking + silicone," "crosslinking + hydrogels")
  • "Crosslinking + application": (e.g., "crosslinking + drug delivery," "crosslinking + wound healing," "crosslinking + elastomers")
  • "Crosslinking + technique": (e.g., "crosslinking + UV irradiation," "crosslinking + chemical reaction," "crosslinking + enzymatic methods")
  • "Crosslinking + properties": (e.g., "crosslinking + mechanical strength," "crosslinking + swelling behavior," "crosslinking + biocompatibility")
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