Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Cross Plot

Cross Plot

Cross Plots: Unlocking the Secrets of the Subsurface in Oil & Gas

In the world of oil and gas exploration, understanding the composition and properties of the earth's subsurface is crucial. One powerful tool used to decipher these secrets is the cross plot. This simple yet effective technique involves plotting two or more well log responses (or other variable records) on a graph, with each variable represented on an X- and Y-axis.

Cross plots, sometimes referred to as scatter plots in other contexts, act as visual representations of the relationship between different subsurface parameters. By analyzing the patterns and trends within the data, geologists and engineers can glean valuable insights into:

  • Lithology: Identifying different rock types (sandstone, shale, limestone) by their unique combinations of log responses like density, sonic, and resistivity.
  • Fluid Saturation: Determining the presence and volume of hydrocarbons (oil and gas) within a reservoir by observing how log responses change with different fluid content.
  • Porosity and Permeability: Understanding the pore space within rocks and how easily fluids can flow through them, vital for predicting reservoir quality.
  • Mineral Composition: Identifying specific minerals present in the formation based on their characteristic responses on different log types.
  • Geological Features: Recognizing geological structures like faults or unconformities, which can significantly impact fluid flow and reservoir potential.

How Cross Plots Work:

  1. Data Acquisition: Well logs, which are continuous measurements of various rock properties taken while drilling, provide the data for cross plots.
  2. Data Processing: The raw log data is processed and calibrated to ensure accuracy.
  3. Plot Generation: The processed log responses are then plotted on a graph, with one variable represented on the X-axis and another on the Y-axis.
  4. Analysis: Geologists and engineers analyze the distribution of points on the cross plot to identify patterns, trends, and relationships between the variables.

Types of Cross Plots:

  • Density vs. Sonic: A classic cross plot used to differentiate between sandstone, shale, and limestone.
  • Neutron Porosity vs. Density: Helps determine fluid saturation, especially when combined with resistivity data.
  • Resistivity vs. Porosity: A powerful tool for identifying zones with hydrocarbon presence.
  • Gamma Ray vs. Resistivity: Used to distinguish between shaly sands and clean sands.

Benefits of Cross Plots:

  • Visual Representation: They provide a clear and intuitive way to visualize relationships between different subsurface parameters.
  • Data Integration: They allow for the simultaneous analysis of multiple log responses, providing a comprehensive understanding of the reservoir.
  • Pattern Recognition: They help identify subtle patterns and trends that may not be readily apparent in individual log curves.
  • Reservoir Characterization: They play a crucial role in delineating reservoir boundaries, identifying productive zones, and estimating reservoir volume and reserves.


Cross plots are a fundamental tool in the oil and gas industry, providing valuable insights into the composition, properties, and potential of subsurface formations. By analyzing the relationships between different log responses, geologists and engineers can make informed decisions about exploration, development, and production strategies. The simplicity and versatility of cross plots make them an indispensable part of the exploration and production workflow, contributing to the success of oil and gas operations worldwide.

Test Your Knowledge

Cross Plots Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of cross plots in oil and gas exploration?

a) To measure the depth of a well. b) To identify the type of drilling rig used. c) To visualize the relationship between different subsurface parameters. d) To calculate the cost of drilling operations.


c) To visualize the relationship between different subsurface parameters.

2. Which of the following is NOT a typical variable used in cross plots?

a) Density b) Sonic c) Resistivity d) Production rate


d) Production rate

3. What type of cross plot is commonly used to differentiate between sandstone, shale, and limestone?

a) Neutron Porosity vs. Resistivity b) Density vs. Sonic c) Gamma Ray vs. Resistivity d) Resistivity vs. Porosity


b) Density vs. Sonic

4. Which of the following is a benefit of using cross plots?

a) They can accurately predict the price of oil. b) They allow for the integration of multiple log responses. c) They can determine the location of oil reserves with 100% accuracy. d) They can be used to predict the future demand for oil.


b) They allow for the integration of multiple log responses.

5. What is the main data source for generating cross plots?

a) Seismic surveys b) Well logs c) Satellite imagery d) Geological maps


b) Well logs

Cross Plots Exercise:

Scenario: You are a geologist working on an oil exploration project. You have obtained well log data from a newly drilled well. The data includes measurements of density, sonic, and resistivity.


  1. Generate a cross plot of Density vs. Sonic.
  2. Interpret the patterns observed on the cross plot.
  3. Identify potential lithologies (rock types) present in the well.


  1. Create a cross plot of Neutron Porosity vs. Density to further analyze fluid saturation.
  2. Describe how the cross plots can inform decisions regarding the exploration and development of the oil reservoir.

Note: You may use software like Excel, MATLAB, or specialized geological software to create the cross plots.

Exercice Correction

**1. Generation of Density vs. Sonic Cross Plot:** Use the well log data to plot the density values on the Y-axis and the sonic values on the X-axis. You will see a scatter plot of data points. **2. Interpretation of Patterns:** * **Look for distinct clusters of data points:** Different clusters may represent different lithologies. * **Analyze the trend of the clusters:** A linear trend might indicate a specific rock type, while a more scattered pattern might suggest a mixture of rock types. **3. Identification of Lithologies:** * **Sandstone:** Typically has a lower density and a higher sonic velocity. It might appear as a cluster of data points in the lower-left corner of the cross plot. * **Shale:** Usually has a higher density and a lower sonic velocity. It might appear as a cluster in the upper-right corner. * **Limestone:** Often has a higher density and a higher sonic velocity than sandstone. It might be found in the upper-left corner. **4. Neutron Porosity vs. Density Cross Plot (Optional):** This cross plot can help determine fluid saturation. * **High neutron porosity and low density:** Suggests the presence of hydrocarbons (oil or gas). * **Low neutron porosity and high density:** Indicates water saturation. **5. Decision-Making:** * **Reservoir delineation:** The cross plots can help identify the boundaries of potential reservoir zones with different lithologies and fluid content. * **Production optimization:** Understanding the lithologies and fluid saturation can inform decisions about well placement, completion strategies, and production techniques. **Example:** If the cross plots show a clear distinction between sandstone and shale layers, it suggests that the sandstone layer might hold potential for oil accumulation. Further analysis, including other logs and geological information, can help confirm this hypothesis and guide subsequent development decisions.


  • Well Logging and Formation Evaluation by Schlumberger (A classic and comprehensive resource)
  • Petroleum Geoscience by John C. McHargue (Covers a wide range of topics, including well log analysis)
  • Geophysics for the Oil and Gas Industry by John M. Reynolds (Explores various geophysical methods, including well log interpretation)
  • Introduction to Petroleum Geology by Peter K. H. Magoon and John A. Doveton (A solid foundation for understanding oil and gas exploration)
  • Log Interpretation: Principles and Applications by David R. Butler (Focuses on practical applications of well logs)


  • Cross-Plot Techniques for Identifying Hydrocarbon Bearing Zones by J. M. Campbell (Published in the journal Geophysics, offers specific examples and techniques)
  • Log Analysis Techniques for Reservoir Evaluation by T. A. Davis (Explores various log analysis techniques, including cross plots)
  • The Use of Cross-Plots in Well Log Analysis by J. W. Campbell (An insightful article discussing the applications and benefits of cross plots)
  • Crossplots: A Visual Tool for Understanding Subsurface Properties by S. J. Davis (A more introductory article explaining the basics of cross plots)

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger's Log Interpretation Handbook: (A comprehensive resource with extensive information on well logs and interpretation)
  • The PetroWiki: (An online encyclopedia with various articles related to oil and gas exploration, including log analysis)
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): (A professional organization with a wealth of resources for petroleum engineers, including publications and training courses)
  • Well Log Analysis Software: Several software programs are available for log analysis and cross-plotting, including Petrel, GeoGraphix, and Techlog.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "cross plot" and "well log analysis" along with the type of log response you're interested in (e.g., "density cross plot" or "resistivity cross plot").
  • Add keywords like "petroleum" or "oil and gas" to focus your search on relevant industry resources.
  • Utilize advanced search operators like "site:" to search within specific websites (e.g., " cross plot" to find resources on Schlumberger's website).
  • Explore Google Scholar for academic research papers related to well log interpretation and cross plots.
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