Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Insulation & Painting: Corrosion-Erosion


Corrosion-Erosion: A Double Whammy for Materials

Corrosion and erosion are two distinct forms of material degradation, but when combined, they form a potent threat known as corrosion-erosion. This synergistic effect occurs when the erosive action of a fluid stream undermines the protective layer of corrosion products, exposing fresh metal to the corrosive environment, thereby accelerating the overall degradation process.

Understanding the Mechanism:

  1. Corrosion: A chemical or electrochemical reaction between a material and its environment, leading to the formation of corrosion products (oxides, hydroxides, etc.). These products typically act as a protective barrier, slowing down further corrosion.

  2. Erosion: The mechanical wearing away of material due to the impact of a fluid stream. This can be caused by high velocity, turbulent flow, suspended solids, or cavitation.

  3. Corrosion-Erosion: The erosive action of the fluid stream removes the protective corrosion layer, exposing fresh metal to the corrosive environment. This leads to a cycle of accelerated corrosion and further erosion, resulting in rapid material loss.

Factors Influencing Corrosion-Erosion:

  • Fluid Properties: Velocity, turbulence, presence of suspended solids, and composition of the fluid all play a significant role.
  • Material Properties: The type of metal, its surface finish, and the formation of protective oxide layers influence the susceptibility to corrosion-erosion.
  • Operating Conditions: Temperature, pressure, and flow rate can significantly impact the rate of corrosion-erosion.

Consequences of Corrosion-Erosion:

  • Reduced Component Life: The rapid material loss leads to premature failure of components.
  • Increased Maintenance Costs: Frequent repairs and replacements are required, resulting in significant economic losses.
  • Safety Hazards: Structural failure due to corrosion-erosion can lead to accidents and injuries.
  • Environmental Impact: Release of corroded materials into the environment can cause pollution.

Mitigating Corrosion-Erosion:

  • Material Selection: Choosing materials resistant to both corrosion and erosion is crucial.
  • Design Modifications: Optimizing flow paths, reducing turbulence, and incorporating erosion-resistant coatings can mitigate the effects.
  • Process Control: Maintaining stable operating conditions and reducing fluid velocity can minimize the risk.
  • Corrosion Inhibitors: Adding chemical inhibitors to the fluid stream can help prevent corrosion formation.
  • Regular Inspections and Maintenance: Frequent inspections and timely repairs can help prevent catastrophic failures.

Examples of Corrosion-Erosion:

  • Pipelines: High-velocity fluid flow in pipelines can erode protective layers, leading to corrosion and eventual pipeline failure.
  • Turbine Blades: The high-speed rotation of turbine blades can cause erosion, which in turn exposes them to corrosive environments, leading to premature wear.
  • Impellers: Pumps and mixers often experience corrosion-erosion due to the combination of high velocity and corrosive fluids.


Corrosion-erosion is a complex phenomenon that requires careful consideration in design, material selection, and operation. Understanding the mechanisms and mitigation strategies can help minimize the detrimental effects of this double whammy, leading to improved component life, reduced costs, and enhanced safety.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Corrosion-Erosion

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary cause of corrosion-erosion?

a) The formation of a protective oxide layer. b) The mechanical wearing away of material by a fluid stream. c) The chemical reaction between a material and its environment. d) The synergistic effect of corrosion and erosion.


d) The synergistic effect of corrosion and erosion.

2. Which of the following factors can influence corrosion-erosion?

a) Fluid velocity. b) Material surface finish. c) Operating temperature. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

3. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of corrosion-erosion?

a) Reduced component life. b) Increased efficiency of components. c) Increased maintenance costs. d) Safety hazards.


b) Increased efficiency of components.

4. Which of the following mitigation strategies is NOT effective in preventing corrosion-erosion?

a) Material selection. b) Using corrosive fluids. c) Design modifications. d) Regular inspections and maintenance.


b) Using corrosive fluids.

5. Which of the following examples is NOT a typical case of corrosion-erosion?

a) Turbine blades. b) Pipelines. c) Impellers. d) Batteries.


d) Batteries.

Exercise: Corrosion-Erosion in a Pump


You are working on a project to design a new pump for handling a highly corrosive and abrasive slurry. The slurry is pumped at high velocity through the pump, and the operating temperature is elevated.


  1. Identify three potential risks of corrosion-erosion in this pump design.
  2. Suggest three mitigation strategies to address these risks.

Exercice Correction

**Risks:** 1. **Rapid wear of the pump impeller:** The high velocity and abrasive nature of the slurry can quickly erode the impeller, leading to reduced efficiency and potential failure. 2. **Corrosion of the pump casing:** The corrosive nature of the slurry can attack the pump casing, leading to leaks and potential structural damage. 3. **Formation of deposits:** The high temperature and presence of solids in the slurry can lead to the formation of deposits on the pump surfaces, which can further exacerbate erosion and corrosion. **Mitigation Strategies:** 1. **Material Selection:** Choose materials known for their resistance to both corrosion and erosion. For example, using a hardened stainless steel impeller and casing with a protective coating. 2. **Design Modifications:** Optimize the pump design to minimize turbulence and flow velocity. This can include using a larger impeller diameter and optimizing the flow path to reduce the impact of the slurry. 3. **Regular Inspections and Maintenance:** Implement a schedule for regular inspections of the pump to detect early signs of wear and corrosion. This will allow for timely repairs and replacements, minimizing the risk of catastrophic failure.


  • Corrosion: Understanding the Basics by Dennis R. Pulsifer (2014) - A comprehensive introduction to corrosion science, including a chapter on corrosion-erosion.
  • Corrosion and its Control by Herbert H. Uhlig and R. Winston Revie (2000) - A classic text covering various aspects of corrosion, including erosion-corrosion.
  • Corrosion Engineering by Mars G. Fontana and Norbert D. Greene (2005) - A detailed reference on corrosion engineering, with a dedicated section on corrosion-erosion.
  • Corrosion: A Handbook for Engineers and Scientists by J.R. Davis (2000) - A multi-volume handbook that covers a wide range of corrosion topics, including corrosion-erosion.
  • The ASM Handbook: Volume 13A: Corrosion (2003) - A comprehensive resource on corrosion science and engineering, with extensive coverage on corrosion-erosion.


  • Corrosion-Erosion: A Review by M.G. Fontana (1975) - A classic review paper on corrosion-erosion, discussing the mechanisms, factors, and mitigation strategies.
  • Erosion-Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production by J.M. Smith (2004) - An article focusing on corrosion-erosion in the oil and gas industry.
  • Corrosion-Erosion of Pipeline Steels by H.P. Hack (1988) - A review of corrosion-erosion mechanisms and their impact on pipelines.
  • Erosion-Corrosion in Power Plants by R.K. Saxena (1997) - An article on erosion-corrosion issues in power plants, discussing the various components affected.

Online Resources

  • NACE International: - A professional organization dedicated to corrosion control, providing resources on corrosion-erosion.
  • Corrosion Doctors: - A comprehensive website with information on various aspects of corrosion, including corrosion-erosion.
  • ASM International: - A materials science organization with a dedicated section on corrosion, including corrosion-erosion.

Search Tips

  • "Corrosion-Erosion" + Material type: For example, "Corrosion-Erosion + Stainless Steel" to find information on corrosion-erosion for specific materials.
  • "Corrosion-Erosion" + Industry: For example, "Corrosion-Erosion + Oil & Gas" to search for industry-specific information.
  • "Corrosion-Erosion" + Mechanism: For example, "Corrosion-Erosion + Cavitation" to find articles on specific corrosion-erosion mechanisms.
  • "Corrosion-Erosion" + Mitigation: For example, "Corrosion-Erosion + Mitigation Strategies" to search for solutions and strategies for preventing corrosion-erosion.
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