Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Performance Testing: Contact Angle

Contact Angle

The Angle of Attraction: Understanding Contact Angle in Hold

The world of hold, whether it's the grip of a climber on a rock face or the adhesive strength of a bandage on skin, is governed by a fascinating concept: contact angle. This seemingly simple angle, formed by the intersection of two fluids on a given surface, plays a crucial role in determining the strength and effectiveness of hold.

Defining the Angle:

Imagine a droplet of water resting on a leaf. The water droplet doesn't spread out completely, but forms a curved shape. The contact angle is the angle formed at the point where the water droplet meets the leaf surface. This angle provides a visual representation of the interaction between the liquid (water), the solid (leaf), and the surrounding air.

Wetting and Non-Wetting: The Dance of Adhesion and Cohesion:

The contact angle tells us whether a surface is wetting or non-wetting. Here's the breakdown:

  • Wetting: A low contact angle (typically less than 90 degrees) indicates that the liquid "likes" the surface. This occurs when the adhesive forces between the liquid and the solid are stronger than the cohesive forces within the liquid itself. Think of a water droplet on a clean glass surface, spreading out readily.

  • Non-wetting: A high contact angle (typically greater than 90 degrees) indicates that the liquid "dislikes" the surface. This happens when the cohesive forces within the liquid dominate over the adhesive forces between the liquid and solid. A classic example is water droplets on a waxed car surface, beading up and rolling off.

Contact Angle in Hold:

The contact angle is crucial for understanding hold in various contexts:

  • Climbing: A climber's hand, covered in chalk, interacts with the rock surface. A lower contact angle, meaning better wetting, provides a stronger grip. This is why climbers use chalk to increase friction and improve their hold.

  • Adhesives: The adhesive strength of a bandage on skin is directly related to the contact angle between the adhesive and the skin. A lower contact angle allows for better adhesion and a more secure hold.

  • Surface Coatings: Understanding contact angles is vital in designing surface coatings like water-repellent fabrics or self-cleaning glass. Controlling the wetting behavior of these surfaces is key to their functionality.

Beyond the Angle:

The contact angle is just one piece of the puzzle. Factors like surface roughness, temperature, and the presence of other substances can also influence the wetting behavior of a system.

By understanding contact angle and its relationship to wetting and non-wetting, we can gain deeper insights into the fascinating world of hold and apply this knowledge to improve various aspects of our lives, from climbing to medical applications.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Angle of Attraction

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the contact angle?

a) The angle formed by the intersection of two solids on a given surface.


Incorrect. The contact angle is formed by the intersection of two fluids on a given surface.

b) The angle formed by the intersection of two liquids on a given surface.


Incorrect. The contact angle is formed by the intersection of two fluids, where at least one is a liquid.

c) The angle formed by the intersection of a liquid and a solid on a given surface.


Correct! The contact angle is formed where a liquid droplet meets a solid surface.

d) The angle formed by the intersection of a gas and a solid on a given surface.


Incorrect. While gas is involved in the overall system, the contact angle is specifically measured at the liquid-solid interface.

2. A surface is considered wetting when:

a) The contact angle is greater than 90 degrees.


Incorrect. A high contact angle indicates a non-wetting surface.

b) The adhesive forces between the liquid and solid are stronger than the cohesive forces within the liquid.


Correct! Wetting occurs when the liquid "likes" the surface, indicating stronger adhesive forces.

c) The cohesive forces within the liquid are stronger than the adhesive forces between the liquid and solid.


Incorrect. This scenario describes a non-wetting surface.

d) The liquid forms a spherical shape on the surface.


Incorrect. A spherical shape suggests a high contact angle and non-wetting behavior.

3. In climbing, why does chalk improve grip?

a) Chalk increases the contact angle, making the surface more slippery.


Incorrect. Chalk decreases the contact angle, improving grip.

b) Chalk decreases the contact angle, making the surface more wettable.


Correct! Chalk helps create a lower contact angle, improving the grip of the climber's hand on the rock.

c) Chalk increases the roughness of the rock surface, improving grip.


While chalk can slightly increase roughness, its primary effect is on the contact angle.

d) Chalk absorbs sweat, making the climber's hand drier.


While chalk does absorb sweat, its primary function is to alter the contact angle.

4. A bandage with a high contact angle on skin would likely:

a) Adhere well and stay in place.


Incorrect. A high contact angle suggests poor adhesion.

b) Easily detach from the skin.


Correct! A high contact angle indicates poor wetting and less adhesive strength.

c) Have no effect on the skin's wettability.


Incorrect. The contact angle directly influences the wettability of the skin.

d) Be ideal for wound healing.


Incorrect. A bandage with good adhesion is important for wound healing.

5. Which of the following is NOT a factor influencing the contact angle?

a) Surface roughness


Incorrect. Surface roughness can significantly affect the contact angle.

b) Temperature


Incorrect. Temperature can influence the surface tension and viscosity of the liquid, affecting the contact angle.

c) The color of the liquid


Correct! The color of the liquid has no direct influence on the contact angle.

d) The presence of other substances


Incorrect. Surfactants and other substances can significantly alter the contact angle.

Exercise: The Wetting Game


Imagine you have a new type of fabric designed for outdoor gear. You need to test its water repellency.

  1. Describe how you would measure the contact angle of water droplets on this fabric.
  2. What would a high contact angle indicate about the fabric's water repellency?
  3. What would a low contact angle indicate about the fabric's water repellency?
  4. Explain how this knowledge could be used to improve the fabric's performance for outdoor activities.

Exercise Correction

1. Measuring the Contact Angle:

You could use a goniometer (a device designed to measure angles) to measure the contact angle. Place a small water droplet on the fabric and use the goniometer to measure the angle formed at the intersection of the droplet and the fabric surface.

2. High Contact Angle:

A high contact angle indicates that the fabric is highly water-repellent. Water droplets would bead up and roll off easily, keeping the fabric dry.

3. Low Contact Angle:

A low contact angle indicates that the fabric is less water-repellent. Water droplets would spread out on the surface and potentially soak into the fabric.

4. Improving Performance:

Knowing the contact angle allows for adjustments to the fabric's properties:

  • Increased Water Repellency: If the contact angle is low, the fabric could be treated with a water-repellent coating to increase the angle and improve its ability to shed water.
  • Enhanced Moisture Management: For activities where moisture absorption is desired (like athletic wear), adjusting the contact angle to a lower value could allow the fabric to better wick away sweat.


  • "Surface Chemistry and Colloids" by A.W. Adamson and A.P. Gast: This classic textbook provides a comprehensive overview of surface chemistry, including contact angle and its implications.
  • "Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion" by D.T. Attwood and A.T. Florence: A detailed exploration of contact angle, its measurement, and its applications in various fields.
  • "Interfacial Phenomena: Equilibrium, Dynamics, and Applications" by C.H. Bamford and R.G. Compton: This book covers a wide range of interfacial phenomena, including contact angle and its role in surface science.


  • "Contact angle measurements and interpretations: A review" by A. Neumann: A comprehensive review article discussing different methods for measuring contact angle and interpreting the results.
  • "Contact angle and its role in surface science" by J.N. Israelachili: This article provides a good introduction to contact angle and its importance in understanding surface interactions.
  • "The contact angle: A review of its significance in colloid and surface science" by T. Young: A classic article discussing the fundamental principles of contact angle and its applications in various fields.

Online Resources

  • "Contact Angle" on Wikipedia: A good starting point for understanding the basic principles of contact angle.
  • "Contact Angle Measurement Techniques" by KRUSS: A detailed guide to different methods of contact angle measurement, including sessile drop, captive bubble, and Wilhelmy plate techniques.
  • "Surface Tension and Contact Angle" by Sigma-Aldrich: A comprehensive resource explaining surface tension, contact angle, and their applications in various industries.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "contact angle," try searching for terms like "contact angle measurement," "contact angle analysis," or "contact angle application in [your field]".
  • Use quotation marks: To find specific phrases, enclose them in quotation marks. For example, "contact angle measurement techniques".
  • Filter by publication date: To find recent research, filter your search results by publication date.
  • Use advanced search operators: Use "+" to include a term in your search and "-" to exclude a term. For example, "contact angle +wettability -capillary action".
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