Glossary of Technical Terms Used in IT Infrastructure: Conductivity (fracture flow)

Conductivity (fracture flow)

Conductivity: The Key to Understanding Fracture Flow in Oil & Gas

In the oil and gas industry, conductivity is a crucial concept that plays a significant role in determining the flow of hydrocarbons through fractured reservoirs. It represents the ease with which fluids can move through a fracture, essentially quantifying how well a fracture acts as a conduit for oil and gas.

What is Conductivity?

Conductivity, in the context of fracture flow, is a measure of the permeability of the fracture network multiplied by the width of the fracture. This simple equation allows us to understand the overall flow potential of a fracture system.

Why is Conductivity Important?

  • Production Optimization: Understanding conductivity helps engineers to optimize production from fractured reservoirs. By identifying high-conductivity zones, operators can focus drilling and completion strategies to maximize hydrocarbon recovery.
  • Fracture Stimulation: During hydraulic fracturing, engineers aim to create a network of high-conductivity fractures in the reservoir rock. This increases the flow area for oil and gas, boosting production rates.
  • Reservoir Characterization: By analyzing conductivity data, geologists can gain valuable insights into the nature of fractures within a reservoir. This information is crucial for accurate reservoir modeling and production forecasting.

How is Conductivity Measured and Expressed?

Conductivity is typically measured in millidarcy-feet (md-ft). This unit combines the measurement of permeability (millidarcy, md) with the width of the fracture (feet).

Understanding the Relationship:

  • High Permeability = High Conductivity: A fracture with high permeability allows fluids to move easily through it, resulting in high conductivity.
  • Wide Fracture = High Conductivity: A wide fracture provides a larger flow area, leading to higher conductivity.
  • Low Permeability + Narrow Fracture = Low Conductivity: A fracture with low permeability and a narrow width will have low conductivity, hindering fluid flow.

Real-World Applications:

  • Fracture Characterization: Conductivity data from well logs and seismic surveys helps geologists and engineers to map out the distribution and flow capacity of fractures in a reservoir.
  • Hydraulic Fracturing Design: Understanding conductivity is essential for optimizing the design of hydraulic fracturing treatments. Engineers can focus on creating high-conductivity fractures in areas that will maximize production.
  • Reservoir Simulation: Conductivity data is incorporated into reservoir simulation models to predict the flow behavior of oil and gas in fractured reservoirs.


Conductivity is a critical parameter in the oil and gas industry, providing valuable insight into the flow potential of fractured reservoirs. By understanding the relationship between permeability, fracture width, and conductivity, engineers can optimize production strategies, enhance fracture stimulation techniques, and improve reservoir characterization. This knowledge plays a key role in unlocking the potential of fractured reservoirs and maximizing hydrocarbon recovery.

Test Your Knowledge

Conductivity Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does conductivity measure in the context of fracture flow?

a) The pressure drop across a fracture. b) The volume of fluid that can pass through a fracture per unit time.

Answerc) The ease with which fluids can move through a fracture network.

2. What is the formula for calculating conductivity?

a) Conductivity = Permeability / Fracture Width b) Conductivity = Permeability x Fracture Width

Answerc) Conductivity = Permeability x Fracture Width

3. Which of the following factors contributes to high conductivity?

a) Low permeability b) Narrow fracture width

Answerc) Wide fracture width

4. How is conductivity typically measured?

a) Meters per second b) Millidarcy-feet (md-ft)

Answerc) Millidarcy-feet (md-ft)

5. What is NOT a real-world application of conductivity in the oil & gas industry?

a) Determining the best locations for drilling wells. b) Predicting the flow behavior of oil and gas in a reservoir. c) Analyzing the chemical composition of hydrocarbons.

Answerc) Analyzing the chemical composition of hydrocarbons.

Conductivity Exercise


You are working on a project to characterize a fractured shale reservoir. You have obtained the following data from a core sample:

  • Permeability: 10 millidarcy (md)
  • Fracture width: 0.05 feet


  1. Calculate the conductivity of the fracture using the provided data.
  2. Explain how the conductivity value you calculated impacts the flow potential of this fracture.


Exercise Correction

  1. Conductivity Calculation:

    Conductivity = Permeability x Fracture Width Conductivity = 10 md x 0.05 ft Conductivity = 0.5 md-ft

  2. Impact on Flow Potential:

    The conductivity value of 0.5 md-ft suggests that the fracture has a moderate flow potential. While not exceptionally high, it indicates that the fracture can act as a reasonable conduit for oil and gas. A higher conductivity value would translate to a more efficient flow path, allowing for greater hydrocarbon production.


  • "Fractured Reservoirs" by G.J.M. De Marsily (1986) - A comprehensive text covering fracture networks, fluid flow, and modeling in fractured reservoirs.
  • "Reservoir Engineering Handbook" by T.D. Ramey Jr. (2007) - A comprehensive reference for reservoir engineers, with sections on fractured reservoirs and hydraulic fracturing.
  • "Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering" by D.P. Stone and J.W. Ramey Jr. (2017) - A textbook focusing on reservoir engineering principles, including fractured reservoir modeling.
  • "Hydraulic Fracturing" by M.J. Economides and K.G. Watters (2000) - A detailed overview of hydraulic fracturing techniques, including fracture conductivity analysis.


  • "Fracture Characterization and Connectivity: A Review" by S. Singh et al. (2019) - A review paper discussing different methods for characterizing and evaluating fracture conductivity.
  • "Impact of Fracture Conductivity on Production in Unconventional Reservoirs" by J. Wang et al. (2016) - An article examining the influence of fracture conductivity on production performance in unconventional plays.
  • "A New Method for Estimating Fracture Conductivity from Well Test Data" by J. Lee et al. (2013) - An article presenting a novel method for determining fracture conductivity from well test analysis.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): - A professional society dedicated to the advancement of petroleum engineering, offering resources and publications on fractured reservoirs and fracture flow.
  • Schlumberger: - An oilfield services company with comprehensive resources on reservoir characterization, hydraulic fracturing, and fracture conductivity analysis.
  • Halliburton: - Another major oilfield services company providing information and technology related to fracture flow and hydraulic fracturing.
  • Stanford University Rock Physics Lab: - A leading research group in rock physics, offering resources on fracture mechanics and fluid flow in fractured rocks.

Search Tips

  • "Fracture Conductivity" + "Reservoir Engineering"
  • "Hydraulic Fracturing" + "Fracture Width" + "Permeability"
  • "Fractured Reservoir" + "Flow Simulation"
  • "Well Test Analysis" + "Fracture Conductivity"
  • "Seismic Inversion" + "Fracture Network"
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