Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Concession (lease)

Concession (lease)

Understanding Concessions (Leases) in the Oil and Gas Industry

In the oil and gas industry, a concession, also known as a lease, is a legal agreement that grants a company (the enterprise) the right to explore, develop, produce, and sell hydrocarbons within a specific geographical area for a set period of time. This agreement essentially gives the enterprise the exclusive right to access and utilize the hydrocarbon resources present in that designated area.

Here's a breakdown of the key aspects of a concession:

1. Grant of Access and Rights:

  • Defined Area: The concession defines a specific geographical area where the enterprise has the exclusive right to explore and potentially extract hydrocarbons.
  • Time Period: The agreement specifies a set duration for the concession, typically ranging from several years to decades.
  • Hydrocarbon Rights: The enterprise is granted the right to explore, develop, and produce any hydrocarbons discovered within the concession area.

2. Enterprise Responsibilities:

  • Exploration: The enterprise is responsible for conducting geological and geophysical surveys to identify potential hydrocarbon reserves.
  • Development: If hydrocarbons are discovered, the enterprise must develop the necessary infrastructure for production, including wells, pipelines, and processing facilities.
  • Production: The enterprise manages the extraction and processing of hydrocarbons from the concession area.
  • Sale: The enterprise is responsible for selling the produced hydrocarbons on the open market.

3. Host Country Involvement:

  • Fiscal System: Concessions are typically granted under a legislated fiscal system that outlines the financial arrangements between the host country and the enterprise.
  • Taxes and Fees: The host country levies taxes and fees on the enterprise's activities, including production, sales, and profits.
  • Royalties: The host country often receives a share of the profits generated from hydrocarbon production in the form of royalties.

4. Benefits for Both Parties:

  • Host Country: The concession allows the host country to benefit from the development of its hydrocarbon resources, generating revenue through taxes, fees, and royalties. It also creates employment opportunities and stimulates economic growth in the region.
  • Enterprise: The concession provides the enterprise with the necessary access and rights to explore, develop, and produce hydrocarbons, allowing them to generate significant profits.

5. Types of Concessions:

There are various types of concessions, each with its own specific terms and conditions, including:

  • Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs): The enterprise shares a portion of the produced hydrocarbons with the host country.
  • Service Contracts: The enterprise provides services to the host country, such as exploration or production, in exchange for a fee or a share of the production.

6. Importance in the Oil and Gas Industry:

Concessions play a crucial role in the oil and gas industry by enabling the exploration, development, and production of hydrocarbons. They provide a framework for collaboration between host countries and international companies, facilitating economic growth and resource utilization.

7. Challenges and Controversies:

Concessions are not without their challenges and controversies. Concerns often arise regarding environmental impacts, social responsibility, and the fairness of revenue sharing agreements between the host country and the enterprise.

In conclusion, concessions are vital legal agreements that govern the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons. Understanding their key aspects is crucial for navigating the complex world of the oil and gas industry. As the energy landscape evolves, the terms and conditions of concessions will continue to adapt to address emerging challenges and opportunities.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Concessions in the Oil and Gas Industry

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does a concession grant an enterprise in the oil and gas industry?

a) The right to own the land where hydrocarbons are found. b) The exclusive right to explore, develop, produce, and sell hydrocarbons within a specific area. c) The right to dictate the terms of the fiscal system for the host country. d) The right to extract all hydrocarbons regardless of environmental concerns.


b) The exclusive right to explore, develop, produce, and sell hydrocarbons within a specific area.

2. What is NOT a responsibility of the enterprise in a concession agreement?

a) Conducting geological and geophysical surveys. b) Developing infrastructure for production. c) Setting the price of hydrocarbons on the open market. d) Paying taxes and fees to the host country.


c) Setting the price of hydrocarbons on the open market.

3. What is the primary benefit for the host country in granting a concession?

a) Access to advanced technology for oil extraction. b) Control over the global oil market. c) Revenue generation through taxes, fees, and royalties. d) Increased employment opportunities in the oil and gas industry.


c) Revenue generation through taxes, fees, and royalties.

4. Which type of concession involves the enterprise sharing a portion of the produced hydrocarbons with the host country?

a) Production Sharing Contract (PSC) b) Service Contract c) Royalty Agreement d) Joint Venture Agreement


a) Production Sharing Contract (PSC)

5. What is a potential challenge or controversy associated with concessions?

a) The lack of interest from international companies in exploring for hydrocarbons. b) Concerns about the environmental impact of hydrocarbon extraction. c) Difficulty in establishing communication between the host country and the enterprise. d) The lack of technological advancements in oil and gas extraction.


b) Concerns about the environmental impact of hydrocarbon extraction.

Exercise: Applying Concessions

Scenario: You are working for an oil and gas company that is considering entering a new concession agreement with a developing nation. The nation is rich in oil reserves but lacks the technical expertise and infrastructure for large-scale oil production.

Task: Draft a brief proposal outlining the key terms of the concession agreement that would be beneficial to both your company and the developing nation. Consider the following aspects:

  • Grant of access and rights: What specific rights and responsibilities would your company have?
  • Fiscal system: What tax and royalty arrangements would be mutually beneficial?
  • Host country involvement: How would the nation be involved in the development and management of the oil resources?
  • Environmental considerations: How would the company address potential environmental impacts?

Exercice Correction

The proposed concession agreement should be tailored to the specific circumstances and goals of the company and the host nation. Here's a sample proposal outlining potential key terms:

Grant of access and rights:

  • The company would be granted exclusive rights to explore, develop, and produce oil within a designated area for a specific period.
  • The company would be responsible for conducting necessary surveys, building infrastructure, and managing oil extraction operations.
  • The company would have the right to sell the extracted oil on the international market.

Fiscal system:

  • The nation would receive a royalty based on a percentage of the produced oil, ensuring a direct share of the profits.
  • The company would pay taxes based on a mutually agreed-upon rate, contributing to the nation's revenue.
  • A portion of the revenue could be allocated to a fund dedicated to local community development and infrastructure projects.

Host country involvement:

  • The nation would have a representative on the company's management board, ensuring transparency and shared decision-making.
  • The company would provide training opportunities for local workers, fostering local expertise in the oil and gas industry.
  • The company would invest in developing local infrastructure, such as roads and schools, contributing to sustainable development in the region.

Environmental considerations:

  • The company would commit to adhering to international environmental standards and implementing best practices to minimize environmental impact.
  • An environmental monitoring plan would be developed and implemented to track the impact of oil extraction and ensure responsible practices.
  • The company would invest in technologies that minimize emissions and reduce waste during the extraction process.

This proposed agreement outlines a framework for a mutually beneficial collaboration between the company and the host nation. It emphasizes shared benefits, transparency, environmental responsibility, and capacity building for sustainable development in the region.


  • The World Bank Oil and Gas Review (Annual publication): This comprehensive review provides global insights into the oil and gas industry, including trends in concessions, fiscal regimes, and regulatory frameworks.
  • Petroleum Economics and Law by H.M.A. El-Shazly: This book delves into the legal, economic, and regulatory aspects of the petroleum industry, including a detailed analysis of concession agreements.
  • The Oil and Gas Industry: A Guide to the Fundamentals by Christopher R. Hill: This book offers a clear explanation of the various aspects of the oil and gas industry, including a chapter on exploration and production agreements (concessions).


  • "Production Sharing Agreements: A Primer" by the World Bank: This primer offers a detailed explanation of production sharing agreements, a common type of concession.
  • "Concession Agreements: A Comparative Analysis of Key Provisions" by the International Energy Agency (IEA): This report provides a comparative study of concession agreements across different countries, highlighting key differences in terms and conditions.
  • "The Evolution of Oil and Gas Concessions: From Colonialism to the Present" by Professor X. Y. (Scholarly journal article): This article provides a historical perspective on the evolution of concession agreements in the oil and gas industry.

Online Resources

  • International Energy Agency (IEA): The IEA website provides valuable data, reports, and analysis on the oil and gas industry, including insights into concession agreements.
  • World Bank Open Data: The World Bank's open data platform offers access to datasets on oil and gas production, fiscal regimes, and related indicators, helping you analyze trends in concession agreements across different countries.
  • National Petroleum Councils: Each country with significant oil and gas reserves often has a National Petroleum Council (or equivalent). Their websites provide information on relevant legislation, regulations, and current concession agreements.
  • Legal Databases: Resources like LexisNexis and Westlaw offer access to legal case studies and precedents related to oil and gas concession agreements.

Search Tips

  • Use specific search terms: Instead of just "concession," include specific terms like "oil and gas concession," "production sharing agreement," "concession agreement," or "oil and gas lease" for more relevant results.
  • Combine keywords: Use keywords like "concession" or "lease" along with "fiscal regime," "revenue sharing," "environmental impact," "social responsibility," or "legal framework" for specific aspects.
  • Explore different formats: Use filters like "News," "Scholarly articles," or "Books" in Google Search to focus your search on specific types of content.
  • Focus on specific countries: Add the name of a specific country (e.g., "oil and gas concessions in Nigeria") to narrow your search and find relevant information for that region.
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