Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Specific Terms: Collapse Pressure

Collapse Pressure

Collapse Pressure: Understanding the Critical Point in Oil & Gas Pipelines

In the oil and gas industry, pipelines are essential for transporting valuable resources. However, these pipelines operate under immense pressure, making their structural integrity paramount. One crucial factor influencing pipeline safety is collapse pressure, the external hydrostatic pressure that triggers the onset of yielding in the pipe wall. This article delves into the concept of collapse pressure, its significance, and the factors influencing its determination.

Defining Collapse Pressure:

Collapse pressure refers to the external hydrostatic pressure that a pipeline can withstand before its wall starts to deform permanently. This pressure acts radially inwards, attempting to crush the pipe. When this pressure exceeds the pipe's resistance, the wall starts to buckle and deform, potentially leading to catastrophic failure.

Factors Affecting Collapse Pressure:

Several factors play a significant role in determining the collapse pressure of a pipeline:

  • Pipe Material and Thickness: The material and thickness of the pipe wall are fundamental determinants of collapse pressure. Stronger and thicker walls offer higher resistance to external pressure.
  • Pipe Diameter: The diameter of the pipeline also impacts collapse pressure. Larger diameter pipes tend to be more susceptible to collapse due to their larger surface area exposed to external pressure.
  • Pipe Geometry: Features like weld joints, bends, and other irregularities in the pipe can weaken its structural integrity and lower collapse pressure.
  • Tension Loads: Tension loads applied to the pipe, often due to its weight or external forces, can significantly affect its ability to withstand collapse pressure. Higher tension loads decrease the effective collapse pressure.
  • Soil and Environmental Conditions: The surrounding soil conditions, including overburden pressure, and environmental factors like temperature and corrosion can influence the collapse pressure.

Determining Collapse Pressure:

Calculating collapse pressure is crucial for ensuring safe pipeline design and operation. Several methods are employed:

  • Empirical Formulas: These formulas utilize established correlations between pipe properties and collapse pressure based on experimental data.
  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA): FEA models allow engineers to simulate the behavior of the pipe under various loading conditions, including external pressure, and accurately predict its collapse pressure.

Significance of Collapse Pressure:

Understanding and accurately predicting collapse pressure is vital for:

  • Pipeline Design: Determining the appropriate pipe wall thickness and material to withstand the intended operating pressure and external loads.
  • Pipeline Installation: Ensuring that the pipeline is installed in an environment that minimizes external pressure and tension loads.
  • Pipeline Maintenance: Identifying potential areas of weakness and implementing timely preventative measures to avoid catastrophic failure.


Collapse pressure is a critical parameter in oil and gas pipeline safety. By understanding the factors affecting it and employing appropriate methods for determination, engineers can design, install, and maintain pipelines capable of safely transporting valuable resources. This knowledge ensures the longevity of critical infrastructure and mitigates the risk of accidents and environmental damage.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Collapse Pressure in Oil & Gas Pipelines

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is collapse pressure?

a) The internal pressure a pipeline can withstand before bursting. b) The external pressure a pipeline can withstand before its wall starts to deform permanently. c) The pressure required to initiate fluid flow through a pipeline. d) The pressure difference between the inside and outside of a pipeline.


b) The external pressure a pipeline can withstand before its wall starts to deform permanently.

2. Which of the following factors DOES NOT influence collapse pressure?

a) Pipe material and thickness. b) Pipe diameter. c) Fluid viscosity. d) Tension loads on the pipe.


c) Fluid viscosity.

3. How can pipe geometry affect collapse pressure?

a) Welds and bends can strengthen the pipe, increasing collapse pressure. b) Irregularities in the pipe can weaken its structural integrity, decreasing collapse pressure. c) Pipe geometry has no effect on collapse pressure. d) Only pipe diameter influences collapse pressure, not other geometric features.


b) Irregularities in the pipe can weaken its structural integrity, decreasing collapse pressure.

4. What are the two main methods used to determine collapse pressure?

a) Empirical formulas and Finite Element Analysis (FEA). b) Flow rate calculations and pressure drop analysis. c) Material testing and stress analysis. d) Pipeline inspection and visual assessment.


a) Empirical formulas and Finite Element Analysis (FEA).

5. Why is understanding collapse pressure important for pipeline maintenance?

a) To determine the optimal flow rate for efficient transportation of oil and gas. b) To identify potential areas of weakness and implement preventative measures to avoid failure. c) To monitor the pressure drop along the pipeline and adjust operating parameters accordingly. d) To assess the environmental impact of potential leaks.


b) To identify potential areas of weakness and implement preventative measures to avoid failure.

Exercise: Collapse Pressure Calculation

Scenario: You are designing a new oil pipeline with the following specifications:

  • Pipe material: Steel
  • Pipe diameter: 1 meter
  • Pipe wall thickness: 10 mm
  • Surrounding soil: Clay with a high overburden pressure


  1. Briefly explain how each of the specified factors (pipe material, diameter, wall thickness, and soil conditions) will affect the collapse pressure of the pipeline.
  2. Based on your knowledge, suggest two additional factors that should be considered during the design phase to ensure safe operation of the pipeline, along with an explanation for their importance.

Exercise Correction

1. Factors Affecting Collapse Pressure: * **Pipe material:** Steel is a strong and durable material, contributing to a higher collapse pressure. * **Pipe diameter:** A large diameter (1 meter) increases the surface area exposed to external pressure, potentially making the pipeline more susceptible to collapse. * **Pipe wall thickness:** A thicker wall (10 mm) provides greater resistance to external pressure, resulting in a higher collapse pressure. * **Soil conditions:** Clay with high overburden pressure exerts significant external pressure on the pipeline, potentially lowering the collapse pressure. 2. Additional Factors: * **Weld quality:** The quality of welds connecting different sections of the pipeline is crucial. Poor welds can introduce stress concentrations and weaken the pipe's structural integrity, reducing the collapse pressure. * **Corrosion potential:** The environment surrounding the pipeline can contribute to corrosion, gradually thinning the pipe wall over time and reducing its resistance to collapse. Considering the potential for corrosion and implementing appropriate protective measures is essential.


  • Pipeline Design and Construction: A Practical Guide by C.E.H. Bannister and J.C.H. Bannister: This comprehensive book covers a wide range of pipeline design aspects, including collapse pressure considerations.
  • Pipelines and Risers by A.K. De: This text offers detailed explanations of pipeline mechanics, including collapse pressure analysis and relevant design codes.
  • Handbook of Pipeline Engineering: Design, Construction, and Maintenance edited by A.J. Schleicher: This handbook contains various chapters addressing pipeline design, including sections on collapse pressure and relevant standards.


  • "Collapse Pressure of Pipelines" by M.S. Kazemi: A detailed article outlining the principles of collapse pressure calculation and various analytical methods. (Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice)
  • "Analysis of Pipeline Collapse Under External Pressure" by J.M. Chen and S.C. Huang: This article presents a finite element analysis model to predict pipeline collapse pressure under various conditions. (Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology)
  • "A Review of Collapse Pressure Prediction Methods for Subsea Pipelines" by T.H. O'Connell and M.J. O'Connell: A review paper summarizing different methods for predicting collapse pressure in subsea pipelines. (Ocean Engineering)

Online Resources

  • API 1104: Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities: This standard provides comprehensive guidance on welding procedures and inspection requirements for pipelines, which directly impact collapse pressure. (American Petroleum Institute)
  • ASME B31.4: Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids: This ASME code covers design requirements for pipelines, including details on collapse pressure calculations and pressure testing.
  • ASME B31.8: Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems: This ASME code focuses on gas pipelines, outlining requirements and specifications relevant to collapse pressure considerations.
  • The Pipeline Safety Trust: This non-profit organization provides valuable information on pipeline safety, including resources related to collapse pressure and pipeline failure.

Search Tips

  • "Collapse pressure pipeline calculation": Find resources related to calculating collapse pressure for specific pipeline configurations.
  • "Collapse pressure pipeline design code": Discover design codes and standards related to collapse pressure requirements for different pipeline types.
  • "Pipeline collapse case studies": Explore real-world examples of pipeline collapses to gain insights into potential causes and consequences.
  • "Collapse pressure pipeline software": Search for specialized software that can perform collapse pressure analysis and simulations.
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