Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Coleman Equation

Coleman Equation

Deliquification Dynamics: Understanding the Coleman Equation in Well Operations

The Coleman Equation is a fundamental tool in the field of well operations, particularly when dealing with deliquification – the process of removing liquid from a wellbore. It allows engineers to predict and manage the movement of fluids within the well under operating pressures less than 1000 psi.

Understanding Deliquification

Deliquification is crucial for maintaining efficient well production. When liquid accumulates in the wellbore, it can hinder the flow of gas and reduce well productivity. This liquid can be water, condensate, or a combination of both. The Coleman Equation helps determine the rate at which liquid moves upwards in the wellbore, allowing for optimized deliquification strategies.

The Coleman Equation

The Coleman Equation is a simplified model that describes the upward movement of liquid in a wellbore. It considers the following factors:

  • Pressure Gradient: The difference in pressure between the bottom and top of the wellbore, which drives the liquid upward.
  • Liquid Density: The weight of the liquid, influencing its flow rate.
  • Flow Area: The cross-sectional area of the wellbore, impacting the volume of liquid flowing.
  • Liquid Viscosity: The resistance to flow of the liquid, influencing its movement speed.

Simplified Form of the Coleman Equation:

\(V = \frac{\Delta P \cdot A}{\rho \cdot L \cdot \mu} \)


  • V is the upward velocity of the liquid (ft/min)
  • ΔP is the pressure difference between the bottom and top of the wellbore (psi)
  • A is the flow area of the wellbore (ft²)
  • ρ is the density of the liquid (lb/ft³)
  • L is the length of the liquid column in the wellbore (ft)
  • μ is the viscosity of the liquid (cp)

Applications of the Coleman Equation

The Coleman Equation is essential for various aspects of deliquification:

  • Predicting Liquid Movement: Estimating the time required for liquid to move upward and reach the surface.
  • Optimizing Well Production: Understanding the impact of different production rates and operating pressures on deliquification.
  • Designing Deliquification Strategies: Developing efficient methods for removing liquid from the wellbore.
  • Preventing Liquid Loading: Identifying potential risks of liquid accumulation and implementing measures to mitigate them.


It's important to note that the Coleman Equation is a simplified model and doesn't account for complex factors like:

  • Wellbore Geometry: Irregular wellbore shapes or obstructions can influence liquid flow.
  • Multiphase Flow: The presence of gas and liquid phases can make the flow dynamics more complex.
  • Production Rate Variations: Fluctuations in production rates can affect the liquid movement patterns.


The Coleman Equation provides a valuable tool for understanding deliquification dynamics in wells operating at pressures less than 1000 psi. While it has limitations, it serves as a starting point for predicting and managing liquid movement, facilitating efficient well operations and maximizing productivity. By incorporating the principles of the Coleman Equation, engineers can develop strategies to effectively deliquify wells and optimize production performance.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Deliquification Dynamics & The Coleman Equation

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is deliquification?

a) The process of removing liquid from a wellbore. b) The accumulation of liquid in a wellbore. c) The flow of gas through a wellbore. d) The measurement of pressure in a wellbore.


a) The process of removing liquid from a wellbore.

2. What is the main purpose of the Coleman Equation?

a) To predict the flow rate of gas in a wellbore. b) To calculate the pressure gradient in a wellbore. c) To predict the upward movement of liquid in a wellbore. d) To measure the viscosity of fluids in a wellbore.


c) To predict the upward movement of liquid in a wellbore.

3. Which of the following factors is NOT considered in the Coleman Equation?

a) Pressure Gradient b) Liquid Density c) Wellbore Temperature d) Liquid Viscosity


c) Wellbore Temperature

4. What is the significance of the pressure difference (ΔP) in the Coleman Equation?

a) It represents the force driving the liquid upward. b) It measures the resistance to liquid flow. c) It determines the density of the liquid. d) It calculates the flow area of the wellbore.


a) It represents the force driving the liquid upward.

5. Which of the following is NOT a potential application of the Coleman Equation?

a) Predicting liquid movement in a wellbore. b) Optimizing well production rates. c) Designing strategies for removing liquid from the wellbore. d) Determining the optimal temperature for wellbore operations.


d) Determining the optimal temperature for wellbore operations.

Exercise: Calculating Liquid Velocity


You are working on a well with the following characteristics:

  • Pressure difference between bottom and top of the wellbore (ΔP): 50 psi
  • Flow area of the wellbore (A): 0.25 ft²
  • Liquid density (ρ): 62 lb/ft³
  • Length of the liquid column (L): 100 ft
  • Liquid viscosity (μ): 1 cp


Calculate the upward velocity (V) of the liquid in the wellbore using the Coleman Equation.

Formula: V = (ΔP * A) / (ρ * L * μ)


  1. Plug the given values into the formula.
  2. Convert the units of viscosity (cp) to (lb/fts) using the conversion factor: 1 cp = 0.000672 lb/fts
  3. Solve for V.


V = (50 psi * 0.25 ft²) / (62 lb/ft³ * 100 ft * 0.000672 lb/ft*s)

V ≈ 0.29 ft/s

Conversion to ft/min:

V ≈ 0.29 ft/s * 60 s/min ≈ 17.4 ft/min

Exercice Correction

The upward velocity of the liquid in the wellbore is approximately 17.4 ft/min.



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