Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Coiled Tubing Completion

Coiled Tubing Completion

Coiled Tubing Completion: A Versatile and Efficient Approach to Oil & Gas Production

Coiled tubing (CT) completion, a specialized method in the oil and gas industry, utilizes CT and its associated equipment as the primary pathway for well production. This innovative approach offers significant advantages over traditional completion methods, making it a preferred choice for various scenarios.

What is Coiled Tubing Completion?

Coiled tubing completion involves using a continuous length of high-pressure tubing, coiled on a specialized reel, as the primary means of accessing the wellbore and controlling production. Unlike traditional tubing strings, CT is more flexible and can be deployed and retrieved through smaller wellbore diameters, making it suitable for various applications, including:

  • Well Stimulation: CT can be used to deliver stimulation fluids, such as acid or fracturing fluids, to increase well productivity.
  • Sand Control: CT can install and maintain sand screens and gravel packs, preventing sand production and maximizing flow rates.
  • Production Logging: CT can be equipped with logging tools to assess well performance and identify potential issues.
  • Well Intervention: CT can be used for various intervention activities, such as downhole repair, plugging, and sidetracking.
  • Artificial Lift: CT can be utilized for various artificial lift systems, including gas lift and electric submersible pumps (ESP).

Key Advantages of Coiled Tubing Completion:

  • Flexibility and Accessibility: CT's flexibility allows it to navigate complex wellbore geometries and reach areas inaccessible to traditional tubing strings.
  • Reduced Downtime: CT operations are typically faster than conventional methods, minimizing downtime and increasing efficiency.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: CT operations can often be more cost-effective than traditional completion methods, particularly in complex wells.
  • Enhanced Control and Monitoring: CT allows for precise control and monitoring of wellbore operations, improving safety and efficiency.
  • Versatile Applications: CT completion is applicable to various well types and production scenarios, providing a flexible solution for diverse needs.

How it Works:

Coiled tubing completion relies on a specialized CT unit, which includes a reel, a winch, and a control system. The CT is fed through the wellbore and deployed to the desired location. CT-mounted tools and equipment, such as downhole motors, pumps, and logging tools, are used to perform various wellbore operations.

Types of Coiled Tubing Completion:

  • Open Hole Completion: CT is used to install completion equipment in an open hole without casing.
  • Cased Hole Completion: CT is used to install completion equipment in a cased hole, providing additional wellbore support and control.
  • Hybrid Completion: CT is used in conjunction with traditional completion methods to optimize wellbore performance.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • CT limitations: CT has limitations in terms of weight and pressure capacity, which may restrict its use in certain applications.
  • Tooling and Equipment: The specialized tooling and equipment required for CT completion operations can be expensive.
  • Safety Considerations: Careful planning and execution are critical to ensure the safety of CT operations.


Coiled tubing completion offers a unique and efficient approach to oil and gas production, providing numerous advantages over traditional methods. Its flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and versatility make it a valuable tool for optimizing wellbore performance and maximizing production. As the industry continues to explore new technologies and optimize operations, CT completion is poised to play an even more significant role in the future of oil and gas production.

Test Your Knowledge

Coiled Tubing Completion Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary advantage of coiled tubing completion over traditional methods?

a) Higher pressure capacity b) Reduced cost of operation c) Increased wellbore diameter


b) Reduced cost of operation

2. Which of the following is NOT a common application of coiled tubing completion?

a) Well stimulation b) Sand control c) Drilling new wells


c) Drilling new wells

3. Which type of coiled tubing completion utilizes a cased wellbore?

a) Open hole completion b) Cased hole completion c) Hybrid completion


b) Cased hole completion

4. What is a major limitation of coiled tubing completion?

a) Inability to reach complex wellbore geometries b) Limited weight and pressure capacity c) Lack of flexibility


b) Limited weight and pressure capacity

5. What makes coiled tubing completion a versatile approach?

a) Its ability to operate in only one type of well b) Its applicability to various well types and production scenarios c) Its reliance on specific equipment and tools


b) Its applicability to various well types and production scenarios

Coiled Tubing Completion Exercise:

Scenario: An oil well is experiencing a decline in production due to sand production. The operator is considering using coiled tubing completion to install sand screens and improve flow rates.


  1. Briefly describe the advantages of using coiled tubing completion in this scenario compared to traditional methods.
  2. Identify any potential challenges or considerations the operator should address before implementing the coiled tubing solution.

Exercice Correction

1. **Advantages:** * **Flexibility:** Coiled tubing can navigate complex wellbores and reach the desired location for sand screen installation. * **Efficiency:** CT operations are typically faster than traditional methods, minimizing downtime and allowing for quicker restoration of production. * **Cost-effectiveness:** CT operations can be more cost-effective than traditional methods, especially when dealing with complex wellbores. 2. **Challenges and Considerations:** * **Tooling and equipment:** Specialized tools and equipment for CT operations can be expensive. * **Wellbore conditions:** The wellbore conditions, such as diameter and pressure, need to be compatible with CT capabilities. * **Safety:** Careful planning and execution are crucial to ensure the safety of CT operations.


  • Coiled Tubing Operations: A Practical Guide by Robert L. Williams - Provides a comprehensive overview of coiled tubing operations, including completion techniques.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by William D. Ervin - A general petroleum engineering reference book with a section on coiled tubing and completion methods.
  • Well Completion Design: A Practical Guide by G.V. Chilingar - Covers various completion methods, including coiled tubing completions.


  • "Coiled Tubing Completion: A Versatile Approach to Well Stimulation and Production Enhancement" by SPE - A technical paper discussing the benefits and applications of coiled tubing completion for well stimulation and production.
  • "Coiled Tubing Completion: Optimizing Well Performance in Unconventional Reservoirs" by Oil & Gas Journal - An article focusing on the use of coiled tubing completion in unconventional oil and gas reservoirs.
  • "Coiled Tubing Technology: A Review of Its Applications and Innovations" by Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering - A review article exploring the various applications and technological advancements in coiled tubing.

Online Resources

  • SPE website: The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) website hosts a vast library of technical papers, presentations, and other resources related to coiled tubing completion and well completion techniques.
  • Oil & Gas Journal website: The Oil & Gas Journal website features articles, news, and insights on coiled tubing completion and other oil and gas industry topics.
  • Schlumberger website: Schlumberger, a leading oilfield services company, offers a wealth of information on coiled tubing completion services and technologies.
  • Halliburton website: Halliburton, another major oilfield services company, provides resources on coiled tubing completion, including their services and technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "coiled tubing completion," "CT completion," "coiled tubing well completion," or "coiled tubing applications."
  • Combine keywords with terms related to specific applications, such as "acidizing," "sand control," "production logging," or "artificial lift."
  • Explore different website types by using search filters like "filetype:pdf" for technical papers or "filetype:ppt" for presentations.
  • Use Boolean operators like "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to refine your search results. For example, "coiled tubing completion AND stimulation" to find resources specifically about using coiled tubing for well stimulation.
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