Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Coiled Tubing

Coiled Tubing

Coiled Tubing: A Versatile Tool for Downhole Operations

Coiled tubing is a specialized tool used in the oil and gas industry for a wide variety of downhole operations. It consists of a continuous, reeled tube with diameters ranging from 1" to over 3.5", providing a flexible and efficient way to access and manipulate wellbores. This article will explore the key aspects of coiled tubing, including its uses, advantages, and limitations.

What is Coiled Tubing?

Coiled tubing is a continuous length of steel tubing that is wound on a large spool, similar to a garden hose. It is typically made of high-strength steel and designed to withstand high pressures and temperatures encountered downhole. The coiled tubing is injected into a well via a specialized rig known as a Coiled Tubing Unit (CTU).

Key Applications of Coiled Tubing:

The versatility of coiled tubing lies in its ability to perform a wide range of operations within the wellbore:

  • Well Intervention: Coiled tubing is used for unloading wells by injecting fluids or gasses to displace liquids, clean out debris, or remove obstructions.
  • Well Stimulation: It can be used for fracturing operations, where high-pressure fluids are injected to create fractures in the formation, increasing production.
  • Well Logging: Coiled tubing can be fitted with various sensors and logging tools to measure well parameters like pressure, temperature, and fluid flow. This helps in assessing well performance and identifying potential issues.
  • Cementing and Acidizing: Coiled tubing is also used for cementing operations, where cement is pumped down the tubing to secure the wellbore, and for acidizing, where acid is injected to dissolve rock formations and improve production.
  • Fishing and Retrieving: Coiled tubing is utilized for retrieving lost tools or debris from the wellbore and for fishing operations to recover stuck equipment.

Advantages of Coiled Tubing:

  • Flexibility: Coiled tubing can navigate tight bends and complex well geometries, allowing access to areas traditional drill pipe cannot reach.
  • Versatility: It can be used for a multitude of well interventions, reducing the need for specialized equipment.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Coiled tubing operations are often more cost-effective compared to conventional drilling methods, especially for smaller jobs.
  • Efficiency: The continuous reel allows for rapid deployment and retrieval, leading to quicker and more efficient operations.

Limitations of Coiled Tubing:

  • Limited weight capacity: Coiled tubing has a lower weight capacity compared to drill pipe, limiting its use in certain deep or high-pressure wells.
  • Potential for wear and tear: Coiled tubing can be subject to wear and tear, especially in harsh wellbore environments, leading to potential failures.
  • Limited torque: Coiled tubing has limited torque capacity, restricting its use for certain drilling and milling operations.


Coiled tubing is a valuable tool in the oil and gas industry, offering a flexible and cost-effective solution for a wide range of well interventions. Its versatility, efficiency, and ability to access challenging wellbore configurations make it an indispensable asset for optimizing production and managing well integrity. However, its limitations should be considered when planning operations. As technology advances, coiled tubing technology is expected to continue evolving, offering even more diverse and efficient applications in the future.

Test Your Knowledge

Coiled Tubing Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary characteristic that makes coiled tubing unique compared to conventional drill pipe? (a) It is made of a special type of steel. (b) It is wound on a large spool. (c) It can withstand high pressures. (d) It is used in well interventions.


(b) It is wound on a large spool.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key application of coiled tubing? (a) Well stimulation (b) Well logging (c) Well completion (d) Fishing and retrieving


(c) Well completion

3. What is the primary advantage of using coiled tubing for well intervention compared to traditional methods? (a) Higher weight capacity. (b) More efficient deployment and retrieval. (c) Greater torque capacity. (d) Lower cost of operation.


(b) More efficient deployment and retrieval.

4. Which of the following is a limitation of coiled tubing? (a) It is not suitable for deep wells. (b) It is difficult to control. (c) It has limited torque capacity. (d) It is not as versatile as conventional drill pipe.


(c) It has limited torque capacity.

5. What is a Coiled Tubing Unit (CTU)? (a) A specialized rig designed for drilling wells. (b) A type of sensor used for well logging. (c) A specialized rig designed for coiled tubing operations. (d) A type of fluid used for well stimulation.


(c) A specialized rig designed for coiled tubing operations.

Coiled Tubing Exercise


You are working on an oil well that has experienced a decline in production. Your team has decided to use coiled tubing to perform a stimulation operation to increase production.


  1. Identify at least three potential advantages of using coiled tubing for this specific operation.
  2. Describe one potential limitation of coiled tubing that could impact the success of this stimulation operation.
  3. Propose a solution to mitigate the potential limitation you identified.

Exercice Correction

**1. Advantages of Coiled Tubing for Stimulation:** * **Versatility:** Coiled tubing can be used for various stimulation techniques, such as fracturing, acidizing, or injecting proppants, making it adaptable to different well conditions. * **Flexibility:** It can navigate complex wellbore geometries, allowing access to areas where traditional drill pipe might struggle, potentially reaching areas with higher production potential. * **Efficiency:** Coiled tubing allows for faster deployment and retrieval compared to conventional methods, leading to quicker operation times and less downtime. **2. Potential Limitation:** * **Limited weight capacity:** Coiled tubing may not have sufficient weight capacity to handle high-pressure stimulation operations, particularly in deep wells or when injecting large volumes of fluids. **3. Solution:** * **Use a larger diameter coiled tubing:** Choosing a larger diameter tubing with a higher weight capacity can overcome the weight limitations and support higher pressures. * **Employ a multiple-stage stimulation:** Dividing the stimulation process into smaller stages with lower injection pressures can manage the weight requirements of the coiled tubing. * **Utilize a specialized coiled tubing unit with higher pumping capacity:** This ensures adequate fluid injection rates and pressures for the stimulation operation.


  • "Coiled Tubing Operations: A Comprehensive Guide" by John E. Woods
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Tarek Ahmed (Chapter on Well Intervention Technologies)
  • "Drilling Engineering" by Robert F. Anderson (Chapter on Coiled Tubing Operations)
  • "Coiled Tubing Completion and Workover: A Practical Guide" by Robert A. Watters


  • "Coiled Tubing: An Overview" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers)
  • "Coiled Tubing Technology: A Review" by Journal of Petroleum Technology
  • "The Evolution of Coiled Tubing Technology" by Oilfield Technology
  • "Coiled Tubing: An Essential Tool for Well Interventions" by World Oil

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): - A comprehensive resource for petroleum engineering, including numerous articles and presentations on coiled tubing.
  • National Coiled Tubing Association (NCTA): - A professional organization dedicated to promoting the advancement of coiled tubing technology.
  • Baker Hughes: Coiled Tubing Services: - A leading provider of coiled tubing services, offering valuable insights into the technology and its applications.
  • Halliburton: Coiled Tubing Services: - Another major player in the coiled tubing industry, providing comprehensive information on their services and technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "coiled tubing," try variations like "coiled tubing operations," "coiled tubing applications," "coiled tubing limitations," etc.
  • Combine keywords with industry terms: Use terms like "well intervention," "well stimulation," "fracking," "acidizing," etc., to narrow down your search.
  • Search for specific publications: Use search operators like " coiled tubing" to limit your results to the SPE website.
  • Utilize advanced search operators: Use "+" to include specific keywords, "-" to exclude keywords, and "" to search for exact phrases.
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