Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Circulation Squeeze

Circulation Squeeze

Circulation Squeeze: A Targeted Approach to Cementing in Oil & Gas Wells

Circulation Squeeze is a specialized cementing technique used in the oil and gas industry, particularly for secondary cementing or repair operations. It involves a unique approach to effectively isolate and cement specific zones within a wellbore, offering advantages over traditional cementing methods.

The Process:

  1. Perforation and Packer Placement: The wellbore is perforated at both the upper and lower boundaries of the zone to be cemented. A packer is then set between these perforations, creating a sealed compartment.

  2. Circulation and Cleaning: Water and mud remover chemicals are circulated through the wellbore, cleaning the channel between the perforations and ensuring efficient cement placement.

  3. Cement Circulation: A predetermined volume of cement slurry is then pumped into the wellbore. The cement flows through the channel created by the perforations and fills the target zone.

  4. Packer Release and Displacement: After the desired volume of cement is pumped, the packer is released and pulled above the cemented zone. This allows the cement to be displaced from the tubing, leaving the target zone securely cemented.

  5. Secondary Squeeze (Optional): If required, a secondary squeeze can be performed to further enhance the integrity of the cement job. This involves repeating the process with a smaller volume of cement to fill any remaining voids.

Advantages of Circulation Squeeze:

  • Targeted Cementing: This technique specifically targets the desired zone, minimizing the risk of cementing unintended sections of the wellbore.
  • Reduced Cement Volume: The use of a packer ensures only a calculated volume of cement is used, reducing material costs and minimizing potential wellbore pressure issues.
  • Increased Efficiency: The circulation process ensures a clean channel for the cement, enhancing its placement and bonding.
  • Improved Wellbore Integrity: The effectively sealed zone enhances the overall integrity of the wellbore, reducing the risk of fluid leaks and improving production efficiency.

Applications of Circulation Squeeze:

  • Repairing Damaged Cement: This method is highly effective in repairing damaged or inadequate cement jobs, ensuring proper wellbore isolation.
  • Secondary Cementing: It can be used to cement off zones that were not initially cemented during the initial well completion.
  • Selective Isolation: Circulation squeeze allows for the selective isolation of specific zones, enabling targeted operations like production from different layers.


The Circulation Squeeze method represents a valuable tool in the oil and gas industry's arsenal of cementing techniques. Its targeted approach, efficiency, and effectiveness in achieving wellbore isolation make it a preferred choice for secondary cementing and repair operations. As the industry continuously seeks to optimize production and wellbore integrity, the use of Circulation Squeeze is likely to increase in the future.

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