Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Cellar


The Vital Role of the Cellar in Drilling & Well Completion

In the world of oil and gas exploration, the term "cellar" refers to a crucial below-ground structure that plays a vital role in well drilling and completion operations. A cellar is essentially a concrete or culvert pipe-walled section, typically dug into the ground near the wellhead. This sturdy structure serves several key functions:

1. Protection and Shelter for Critical Components:

The primary purpose of a cellar is to protect and shelter the annular access valves, which are crucial for controlling the flow of drilling mud and cement during the well construction process. These valves, along with other essential equipment, are housed within the cellar, shielding them from the elements and providing a secure environment for operation.

2. Housing the BOP (Blowout Preventer):

In many cases, the cellar also serves as the housing for the BOP (Blowout Preventer), a critical safety device that prevents uncontrolled flow of oil and gas from the well. The BOP, often a massive and complex piece of equipment, is mounted on a platform within the cellar, ready to be activated in the event of a well blowout.

3. Access and Control:

The cellar provides easy and safe access to the annular access valves and BOP. This allows for convenient operation and maintenance of these critical components, ensuring that they remain in optimal working condition.

4. Waste Management:

Cellars also play a role in waste management. The space can be used to collect and store drilling mud and other fluids before they are processed and disposed of properly.

5. Structural Stability and Support:

The concrete or culvert pipe walls of the cellar provide structural stability and support to the wellhead and surrounding equipment. This is particularly important in areas with challenging soil conditions or potential seismic activity.


The cellar is an indispensable element of the drilling and well completion process. It provides a safe and secure environment for essential equipment, facilitates easy access for operation and maintenance, and ensures the efficient and controlled flow of fluids throughout the well construction phase. The cellar's importance in maintaining safety and maximizing operational efficiency cannot be overstated in the high-stakes environment of oil and gas exploration.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Vital Role of the Cellar in Drilling & Well Completion

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a cellar in oil and gas drilling? a) To store drilling equipment b) To provide a secure environment for critical components c) To hold drilling mud d) To prevent soil erosion


b) To provide a secure environment for critical components

2. Which of the following is NOT typically housed within a cellar? a) Annular access valves b) Blowout Preventer (BOP) c) Drilling rig d) Cementing equipment


c) Drilling rig

3. What is the main advantage of having a cellar for the BOP? a) It allows for easier transportation of the BOP b) It provides a stable platform for the BOP c) It reduces the risk of well blowouts d) It helps in storing drilling mud


b) It provides a stable platform for the BOP

4. How does the cellar contribute to waste management in drilling operations? a) By storing drilling mud for later disposal b) By filtering drilling mud for reuse c) By diverting drilling mud to a separate waste site d) By neutralizing the chemicals in drilling mud


a) By storing drilling mud for later disposal

5. What is the primary reason for constructing the cellar with concrete or culvert pipe walls? a) To prevent the cellar from collapsing b) To reduce noise pollution c) To protect the environment d) To improve the aesthetics of the drilling site


a) To prevent the cellar from collapsing

Exercise: Designing a Cellar for a New Well

Instructions: You are designing a cellar for a new oil well in an area prone to heavy rainfall. Consider the following:

  • The cellar must house the annular access valves, BOP, and cementing equipment.
  • The cellar needs to be easily accessible for maintenance and operation.
  • The cellar must be designed to withstand heavy rainfall and potential flooding.


  1. Describe the key features you would incorporate into the cellar design to address these requirements.
  2. Explain how these features ensure safety, accessibility, and resilience against potential flooding.

Exercice Correction

Here are some key features to consider for the cellar design:

  • **Elevated Platform:** Build the cellar slightly above ground level to prevent water from flooding the interior. This also improves accessibility for personnel.
  • **Watertight Construction:** Use high-quality concrete or culvert pipes with reinforced seals and waterproof coatings to prevent water infiltration.
  • **Drainage System:** Implement a system of drains and pumps to quickly evacuate any water that might enter the cellar. This could include a sump pump and drainage channels around the perimeter.
  • **Access Points:** Include multiple entry points, including a ladder or stairs, for safe and efficient access to equipment. Position these access points strategically to avoid potential flooding.
  • **Lighting and Ventilation:** Ensure adequate lighting and ventilation within the cellar to ensure a safe working environment for personnel during operations and maintenance.
  • **Emergency Exit:** Include a designated emergency exit point for personnel to escape quickly in the event of a flood or other emergency.

**Benefits of these features:**

  • **Safety:** The elevated platform, watertight construction, and emergency exit provide a safe working environment for personnel, even during heavy rainfall or flooding.
  • **Accessibility:** Multiple access points and an elevated platform ensure easy and safe access to the equipment for maintenance and operation.
  • **Resilience:** The drainage system, watertight construction, and elevated platform help prevent flooding and ensure the cellar remains operational even during heavy rainfall.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by John Lee: Provides comprehensive coverage of drilling operations, including detailed discussions on wellheads, BOPs, and cellar design.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Tarek Ahmed: This handbook covers various aspects of oil and gas production, including chapters on drilling and completion.
  • "Well Control: Principles and Practices" by Society of Petroleum Engineers: This book offers a comprehensive guide to well control, with sections on BOPs, cellar design, and safety practices.


  • "Cellar Design and Construction: A Comprehensive Guide" by [Author Name] (published in [Journal Name]): Search for articles specific to cellar design and construction in industry journals like "Journal of Petroleum Technology," "SPE Drilling & Completion," or "World Oil."
  • "The Role of the Cellar in Well Control" by [Author Name] (published in [Conference Proceedings]): Look for papers presented at conferences like the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition or the IADC/SPE Drilling Conference.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) website: SPE's website offers a wealth of resources, including technical papers, courses, and webinars related to drilling and completion. Search for "cellar" or "BOP" for relevant information.
  • IADC/SPE Drilling Conference website: This website provides access to conference proceedings, presentations, and technical papers related to drilling and completion, including cellar design and safety.
  • Oil & Gas Journal website: This industry journal often publishes articles on drilling, completion, and related topics, including cellar design and best practices.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Search using terms like "cellar drilling," "cellar design," "BOP cellar," "wellhead cellar," and "annular access valves cellar."
  • Use operators: Employ operators like "+" to include specific terms in the search results, "-" to exclude terms, and "OR" to include multiple related terms.
  • Filter by date: Filter results by date to find more recent and relevant articles.
  • Specify website domains: Use site: operator followed by a website domain to search only within a particular website (e.g., "cellar").
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