Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Casing Swage or Broach

Casing Swage or Broach

Casing Swage or Broach: Reshaping Casing in the Oil & Gas Industry

In the world of oil and gas exploration and production, a myriad of specialized tools and techniques are employed to extract valuable resources from the earth. One such tool, vital for well integrity and production efficiency, is the casing swage or broach.

What is a Casing Swage or Broach?

A casing swage or broach is a hardened steel tool, typically run on wireline, designed to reshape the internal diameter of existing casing. This reshaping process, known as swaging or broaching, serves to reduce the casing's internal diameter and create a more secure and efficient production zone.

Why is Casing Swaging or Broaching Necessary?

Several scenarios necessitate the use of a casing swage or broach in oil and gas operations:

  • Casing Collapse: When external pressure exceeds the casing's strength, it can collapse inward, reducing the flow area and hindering production. Swaging can restore the casing's internal diameter and prevent further collapse.
  • Tubing Movement: Movement of the production tubing within the casing can cause wear and tear, leading to leaks. Swaging can reduce the gap between the tubing and casing, minimizing movement and potential leaks.
  • Production Optimization: In some cases, swaging can increase production efficiency by reducing the flow path, leading to higher flow rates and enhanced recovery.
  • Cementing Operations: Swaging can be used to create a tighter seal between the casing and the cement, ensuring well integrity and preventing fluid leakage.

How does a Casing Swage or Broach Work?

Casing swages or broaches typically consist of a series of hardened steel blades or rollers, arranged in a specific configuration. As the tool is lowered into the well, the blades or rollers compress the casing's internal wall, reducing its diameter and creating a tighter fit.

Advantages of Casing Swaging or Broaching:

  • Cost-effective solution: Swaging can be a less expensive alternative to replacing or repairing damaged casing.
  • Minimizes downtime: The process is relatively quick and efficient, reducing the downtime associated with well interventions.
  • Improves well integrity: By restoring the casing's integrity, swaging helps ensure safe and reliable production.
  • Increases production efficiency: A tighter fit between the casing and tubing can lead to increased flow rates and improved recovery.


Casing swaging or broaching is a valuable tool in the oil and gas industry, offering a cost-effective and efficient solution to various well integrity and production challenges. This specialized technique plays a crucial role in maintaining well integrity, optimizing production, and ultimately maximizing resource recovery.

Test Your Knowledge

Casing Swage or Broach Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a casing swage or broach?

a) To cut and remove sections of damaged casing. b) To expand the internal diameter of the casing. c) To reshape the internal diameter of existing casing. d) To seal leaks in the casing.


The correct answer is **c) To reshape the internal diameter of existing casing.**

2. Which of the following is NOT a reason for using a casing swage or broach?

a) Casing collapse. b) Tubing movement. c) Increasing the flow area within the casing. d) Production optimization.


The correct answer is **c) Increasing the flow area within the casing.** Swaging actually reduces the internal diameter, not increases it.

3. What type of tool is typically used for casing swaging or broaching?

a) A hydraulic jack. b) A drill bit. c) Hardened steel blades or rollers. d) A cementing head.


The correct answer is **c) Hardened steel blades or rollers.** These elements are designed to compress the casing's internal wall.

4. Which of the following is an advantage of casing swaging or broaching?

a) Increased risk of casing failure. b) Cost-effective solution compared to replacing damaged casing. c) Requires extensive downtime for well intervention. d) Reduced production efficiency due to a smaller flow path.


The correct answer is **b) Cost-effective solution compared to replacing damaged casing.** Swaging provides a more economical way to address casing issues.

5. What is the main purpose of swaging in cementing operations?

a) To create a larger gap between the casing and cement. b) To remove excess cement from the well. c) To create a tighter seal between the casing and cement. d) To weaken the casing for easier cementing.


The correct answer is **c) To create a tighter seal between the casing and cement.** This ensures well integrity and prevents fluid leakage.

Casing Swage or Broach Exercise

Scenario: An oil well has experienced casing collapse, reducing the internal diameter and hindering production. The well owner is considering using a casing swage or broach to restore the casing's integrity.


  1. Explain how swaging would address the casing collapse issue.
  2. Identify at least two potential benefits of using a swage in this scenario.
  3. Consider any potential risks or limitations of using a casing swage or broach in this situation.

Exercice Correction

**1. Explanation:** Casing swaging would address the casing collapse issue by compressing the internal wall of the collapsed casing, restoring its original diameter. This would increase the flow area within the casing, allowing for better fluid flow and increased production. **2. Benefits:** * **Improved production:** Restoring the casing's internal diameter would improve flow rates, leading to increased oil production. * **Cost-effective:** Swaging is a less expensive solution compared to replacing the entire collapsed casing. **3. Risks and Limitations:** * **Potential for damage:** The swaging process can put stress on the casing, potentially leading to further damage if not performed carefully. * **Limited effectiveness:** If the casing collapse is severe, swaging might not be able to fully restore the original diameter. * **Specialized equipment:** Using a casing swage requires specialized equipment and skilled personnel.


  • "Well Completion Engineering" by William H. Fertl: Provides a comprehensive overview of well completion techniques, including casing swaging and broaching.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by Marcella Bakshani: Covers various aspects of drilling and completion, with a section dedicated to casing swaging and broaching.
  • "Drilling and Well Completion Engineering" by Robert E. Krueger: Discusses the principles and applications of casing swaging and broaching in detail.


  • "Casing Swaging: A Cost-Effective Solution for Well Integrity" by Schlumberger: Provides an overview of casing swaging and its applications in the oil and gas industry.
  • "Casing Swaging Technology: Benefits and Applications" by Halliburton: Highlights the advantages and applications of casing swaging in improving well integrity and production.
  • "Casing Swaging: A Comprehensive Review of Its Applications and Considerations" by SPE Journal: Presents a detailed analysis of the technology, its applications, and design considerations.

Online Resources

  • Oil & Gas Journal: Provides articles and news related to casing swaging and other oil and gas production technologies.
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): Offers numerous technical papers and presentations on casing swaging and broaching.
  • Halliburton Website: Features detailed information on their casing swaging services and equipment.
  • Schlumberger Website: Provides information on their casing swaging technology and services.

Search Tips

  • "Casing swage" OR "casing broach" - To find general information and resources.
  • "Casing swage applications" OR "casing broach applications" - To find information on specific applications.
  • "Casing swage equipment" OR "casing broach equipment" - To find information on the tools and equipment used for swaging.
  • "Casing swage design" OR "casing broach design" - To find information on the design considerations for casing swaging tools.
  • "Casing swage case studies" OR "casing broach case studies" - To find real-world examples of casing swaging projects.
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