Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Casing


The Backbone of Oil & Gas Production: Understanding Casing in Drilling & Well Completion

The process of extracting oil and gas from the Earth's depths is a complex and carefully orchestrated endeavor. One of the crucial components in this operation is casing, a critical element in well design that forms the very foundation of safe and efficient production.

What is Casing?

Casing refers to one or more strings of steel pipe, typically with threaded connections, that are lowered into the drilled wellbore. It acts as a barrier, preventing unwanted fluid movement between different geological formations and the surrounding environment. In essence, casing acts like a protective shield, ensuring that the wellbore remains stable and the extracted hydrocarbons reach the surface without contamination.

Why is Casing Essential?

Casing plays a vital role in multiple aspects of drilling and well completion:

  • Wellbore Stability: Casing provides structural support to the wellbore, preventing its collapse, particularly in unstable formations.
  • Fluid Control: Casing isolates different geological layers, preventing the mixing of fluids from various zones. This is crucial for efficient production and ensuring the integrity of the wellbore.
  • Environmental Protection: Casing prevents the migration of produced fluids, like oil or gas, into surrounding aquifers or other water sources, safeguarding the environment.
  • Safety: Casing contributes significantly to the overall safety of drilling and well completion operations by providing a stable and controlled environment.

Cementing the Casing:

To further enhance its effectiveness, casing is usually cemented in place. This process involves pumping a cement slurry between the casing and the borehole wall. The cement hardens and forms a solid, impermeable barrier that secures the casing and creates a permanent seal.

Types of Casing Strings:

Different well designs may require various casing strings, each serving a specific purpose:

  • Conductor Casing: The first casing string installed, it helps stabilize the upper portion of the wellbore and provides a pathway for drilling mud circulation.
  • Surface Casing: This string is set below the conductor casing and isolates freshwater zones from the wellbore.
  • Intermediate Casing: This casing is set in between the surface casing and the production casing, providing additional zonal isolation and further stabilizing the wellbore.
  • Production Casing: The final casing string, it isolates the producing zone and allows for the flow of hydrocarbons to the surface.


Casing is a fundamental element in drilling and well completion, serving as the backbone of safe and efficient hydrocarbon production. Its role in ensuring wellbore stability, fluid control, environmental protection, and safety cannot be overstated. Understanding the different types of casing strings and their functionalities is crucial for anyone involved in the oil and gas industry. As we continue to explore and extract resources from the Earth's depths, the importance of casing in maintaining sustainable and responsible operations will only increase.

Test Your Knowledge

Casing Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of casing in oil and gas drilling?

(a) To provide a pathway for drilling mud circulation (b) To isolate different geological layers and prevent fluid mixing (c) To stabilize the wellbore and prevent collapse (d) All of the above


The correct answer is (d) All of the above.

2. Which type of casing is typically installed first?

(a) Production casing (b) Surface casing (c) Intermediate casing (d) Conductor casing


The correct answer is (d) Conductor casing.

3. What is the main purpose of cementing the casing?

(a) To enhance the strength of the casing itself (b) To create a barrier between the casing and the borehole wall (c) To prevent corrosion of the casing (d) To reduce the weight of the casing string


The correct answer is (b) To create a barrier between the casing and the borehole wall.

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using casing in well drilling?

(a) Increased drilling speed (b) Improved wellbore stability (c) Enhanced environmental protection (d) Reduced risk of blowouts


The correct answer is (a) Increased drilling speed.

5. What is the primary purpose of the production casing?

(a) To isolate freshwater zones from the wellbore (b) To provide a pathway for drilling mud circulation (c) To isolate the producing zone and allow hydrocarbon flow to the surface (d) To stabilize the upper portion of the wellbore


The correct answer is (c) To isolate the producing zone and allow hydrocarbon flow to the surface.

Casing Exercise:

Scenario: You are working on a drilling project and the well plan includes the following casing strings:

  • Conductor Casing: 20-inch diameter, 80 feet deep
  • Surface Casing: 13 3/8-inch diameter, 1500 feet deep
  • Intermediate Casing: 9 5/8-inch diameter, 4000 feet deep
  • Production Casing: 7-inch diameter, 10,000 feet deep

Task: Create a simple diagram showing the placement of each casing string in the wellbore, indicating the depth of each string and the corresponding diameter.

Exercice Correction

Your diagram should show the casing strings stacked in the wellbore, starting with the conductor casing at the top and going down to the production casing at the bottom. Each string should be labeled with its diameter and depth. The diagram might look something like this:

|-------------| 20" - 80 feet (Conductor Casing) |-------------| 13 3/8" - 1500 feet (Surface Casing) |-------------| 9 5/8" - 4000 feet (Intermediate Casing) |-------------| 7" - 10,000 feet (Production Casing)

You can also use a more visual representation like a simple vertical line with the different casing sections labelled and sized appropriately. The key is to show the relative depths and diameters of each casing string.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by William C. Lyons
  • "Drilling Engineering" by Robert F. Mitchell and Paul D. Valentine
  • "Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering" by John C. Donaldson and Harold H. Ramey Jr.
  • "Well Completion Engineering" by Thomas F. Zaba and Robert M. Campbell


  • "Casing and Cementing Technology" by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
  • "Casing Design and Selection" by Schlumberger
  • "Casing Integrity: A Critical Review" by SPE
  • "The Importance of Casing in Well Construction" by Halliburton

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • "Casing design oil & gas"
  • "Casing installation procedures"
  • "Casing failure analysis"
  • "Casing cementing techniques"
  • "Types of casing strings"
  • "Casing inspection methods"
  • "Casing and environmental regulations"
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