Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Carrying Capacity

Carrying Capacity

Carrying Capacity: A Key Concept in Oil & Gas Well Operations

In the oil and gas industry, carrying capacity refers to the ability of an injected or circulated fluid to transport solid particles of a given size and density. This concept is crucial in various well operations, particularly those involving:

  • Hydraulic Fracturing: The injected fracturing fluid must carry proppants, typically sand or ceramic beads, into the fracture network to keep it open and facilitate oil and gas flow.
  • Sand Control: In formations with high sand content, fluids must be able to carry sand particles away from the wellbore to prevent production problems like wellbore plugging.
  • Well Completion: During well completion, fluids are used to transport various materials, such as gravel or other proppants, to create a stable flow path for hydrocarbons.

Factors Affecting Carrying Capacity

Several factors influence the carrying capacity of a fluid, including:

  • Fluid properties: Density, viscosity, and velocity all play a role. Higher density and viscosity fluids can carry heavier particles, while higher velocities increase the ability to transport larger particles.
  • Particle size and density: Smaller and lighter particles are easier to carry than larger and denser ones.
  • Fluid flow regime: Turbulent flow generally leads to higher carrying capacity compared to laminar flow.
  • Wellbore geometry: The diameter and inclination of the wellbore can impact the fluid flow and carrying capacity.
  • Formation characteristics: The presence of natural fractures or vugs can affect the flow of the fluid and the ability to carry solid particles.

Determining Carrying Capacity

The carrying capacity of a fluid can be determined through various methods, including:

  • Laboratory experiments: Testing different fluids and particles under controlled conditions helps to assess the carrying capacity.
  • Numerical simulations: Complex software models can simulate fluid flow and particle transport, allowing for predictions of carrying capacity in specific well conditions.
  • Field measurements: Analyzing the characteristics of produced fluids and sand particles can provide insights into the carrying capacity in real-world scenarios.

Optimizing Carrying Capacity for Efficient Operations

Understanding and optimizing carrying capacity is crucial for successful oil and gas operations. This involves:

  • Selecting appropriate fluids: Choosing fluids with the proper density, viscosity, and flow properties for the specific application and particle size.
  • Designing efficient injection/circulation procedures: Ensuring appropriate fluid velocities and pressure gradients for effective particle transport.
  • Implementing sand control measures: Utilizing screens, gravel packs, or other techniques to prevent sand production and maintain wellbore integrity.

By carefully considering these factors and applying appropriate techniques, operators can maximize the carrying capacity of their fluids, enabling efficient and effective well operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Carrying Capacity Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "carrying capacity" refer to in the oil and gas industry?

a) The maximum amount of oil and gas a reservoir can hold. b) The ability of a fluid to transport solid particles. c) The efficiency of a well's production rate. d) The maximum weight a drilling rig can handle.


b) The ability of a fluid to transport solid particles.

2. Which of these is NOT a factor affecting carrying capacity?

a) Fluid density b) Particle size and density c) Wellbore temperature d) Fluid flow regime


c) Wellbore temperature

3. What is the advantage of using turbulent flow over laminar flow?

a) Turbulent flow consumes less energy. b) Turbulent flow allows for more accurate pressure measurements. c) Turbulent flow has a higher carrying capacity. d) Turbulent flow is easier to control.


c) Turbulent flow has a higher carrying capacity.

4. Which method is NOT used to determine carrying capacity?

a) Laboratory experiments b) Numerical simulations c) Field measurements d) Geological mapping


d) Geological mapping

5. Why is optimizing carrying capacity important in well operations?

a) To increase production rates. b) To prevent damage to the wellbore. c) To reduce the risk of environmental contamination. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Carrying Capacity Exercise

Scenario: You are working on a hydraulic fracturing operation. The fracture fluid needs to carry proppants (sand) with a diameter of 0.5 mm and a density of 2.65 g/cm³. The wellbore is 8 inches in diameter, and the fluid density is 1.1 g/cm³.


  1. Based on the given information, explain how you would assess the carrying capacity of the fracturing fluid. What factors would you consider, and what methods could you use?
  2. What adjustments could you make to the fracturing process if the carrying capacity is insufficient?

Exercice Correction

1. **Assessing Carrying Capacity:** * **Fluid Properties:** Analyze the fluid density (1.1 g/cm³) and viscosity, as they determine the fluid's ability to suspend and transport the proppants. * **Particle Size and Density:** The proppants are 0.5 mm in diameter and 2.65 g/cm³ dense. This information is crucial as smaller and less dense particles are easier to carry. * **Fluid Flow Regime:** Determine if the flow is laminar or turbulent. Turbulent flow, usually achieved with higher injection rates, is more effective in carrying particles. * **Wellbore Geometry:** The 8-inch wellbore diameter impacts the fluid velocity and pressure distribution. **Methods:** * **Laboratory Experiments:** Conduct tests using a representative sample of the fracturing fluid and proppants under controlled conditions. Vary fluid velocity and pressure to determine the maximum size and density of particles that can be transported. * **Numerical Simulations:** Use software models to simulate fluid flow and particle transport within the wellbore, considering the specific fluid and proppant properties and wellbore geometry. 2. **Adjustments for Insufficient Carrying Capacity:** * **Increase Fluid Velocity:** Increase the injection rate to induce turbulent flow, improving the carrying capacity. * **Optimize Fluid Density:** Consider using a denser fluid, which can carry heavier particles. * **Reduce Proppant Size:** If possible, use smaller proppants, as they are easier to transport. * **Improve Wellbore Geometry:** Evaluate if the wellbore design contributes to flow restrictions or uneven particle distribution. * **Implement Sand Control Measures:** If necessary, consider installing sand control screens or gravel packs to prevent sand production and ensure wellbore integrity.


  • "Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering" by John R. Fanchi: Provides comprehensive information on reservoir engineering concepts, including fluid flow and wellbore stability, relevant to carrying capacity.
  • "Reservoir Simulation" by John C. T. Wang: This book delves into numerical modeling of reservoir behavior, offering insights into simulations used to predict carrying capacity.
  • "Production Operations" by Michael J. Economides and John E. Nolte: This resource focuses on well completion and production operations, discussing sand control and other topics related to carrying capacity.
  • "Practical Hydraulic Fracturing" by Richard A. Wattenbarger: A detailed guide to hydraulic fracturing, emphasizing the role of proppant transport and carrying capacity in fracture stimulation.


  • "Carrying Capacity of Fracturing Fluids" by SPE: Search the SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website for articles specific to carrying capacity in hydraulic fracturing, as this is a key focus area.
  • "Sand Control in Oil and Gas Wells: Principles and Practices" by Journal of Petroleum Technology: Explore articles on sand control methods, which directly address the carrying capacity of fluids for sand removal.
  • "Effect of Fluid Properties on Proppant Transport in Hydraulic Fracturing" by Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources: Look for research papers analyzing the impact of fluid properties on carrying capacity during fracturing.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a vast database of technical papers and publications related to reservoir engineering, drilling, completion, and production, including topics on carrying capacity.
  • OnePetro (SPE, AAPG, and others): This platform provides access to a comprehensive collection of technical content from various oil and gas organizations. Use their search functions to find resources on carrying capacity.
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: This glossary defines various technical terms, including "carrying capacity," and offers explanations and examples related to the oil and gas industry.

Search Tips

  • "Carrying capacity oil and gas": This will provide general results on the topic.
  • "Carrying capacity hydraulic fracturing": This narrows the search to specific applications in fracking.
  • "Carrying capacity sand control": This focuses on the context of preventing sand production.
  • "Carrying capacity fluid properties": This targets the role of fluid characteristics in carrying capacity.
  • "Carrying capacity laboratory experiments": This helps find information on experimental methods for determining carrying capacity.
  • "Carrying capacity numerical simulations": This focuses on computational tools used for carrying capacity prediction.
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