Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Human Resources Management: Carbon Sequestration

Carbon Sequestration

Carbon Sequestration: A Crucial Tool in the Oil & Gas Industry's Fight Against Climate Change

The oil and gas industry, long associated with carbon emissions, is increasingly looking to carbon sequestration as a key technology in its journey towards sustainability. This process involves capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from various sources, including power plants and industrial facilities, and storing it safely underground for extended periods.

How it Works:

Carbon sequestration essentially involves three key steps:

  1. Capture: CO2 is captured from emissions sources, often using technologies like amine scrubbing or membrane separation.
  2. Transport: The captured CO2 is then compressed and transported via pipelines or ships to a suitable storage site.
  3. Storage: The CO2 is injected deep underground into geological formations like depleted oil and gas reservoirs, saline aquifers, or unmineable coal seams. These formations act as natural traps, securely holding the CO2 in place.

Benefits for the Oil & Gas Industry:

  • Reducing Carbon Footprint: Sequestration offers a significant opportunity to mitigate the industry's greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a cleaner energy future.
  • Extending Reservoir Life: Injected CO2 can enhance oil recovery from existing fields, allowing companies to extract more resources while reducing emissions.
  • New Revenue Streams: Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies can create new revenue opportunities for oil and gas companies, as they can sell carbon capture services to other industries.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Cost: Implementing CCS projects can be expensive, requiring substantial investments in capture, transportation, and storage infrastructure.
  • Safety: Ensuring long-term, secure storage of CO2 underground is crucial to prevent leaks and potential environmental damage.
  • Public Perception: Concerns about the potential risks associated with CO2 storage, including earthquakes or groundwater contamination, need to be addressed through transparent communication and robust safety protocols.

The Future of Carbon Sequestration:

Despite the challenges, carbon sequestration holds immense potential as a key tool in combating climate change. Ongoing technological advancements are leading to more efficient and cost-effective capture and storage solutions. Governments are also increasingly supporting the development of CCS projects through policies and financial incentives.

In conclusion, carbon sequestration is a crucial technology for the oil and gas industry, enabling it to reduce its environmental impact, enhance resource recovery, and contribute to a more sustainable future. Addressing the challenges and ensuring safe and responsible implementation are essential to unlocking the full potential of this technology.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Carbon Sequestration in the Oil & Gas Industry

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a key step involved in carbon sequestration?

a) Capture b) Transport c) Storage d) Combustion


d) Combustion

2. What is a primary benefit of carbon sequestration for the oil and gas industry?

a) Increased reliance on fossil fuels b) Reduced carbon footprint c) Enhanced air pollution d) Decreased economic viability


b) Reduced carbon footprint

3. Which of the following is a potential challenge associated with carbon sequestration?

a) Increased demand for renewable energy b) Cost of implementation c) Decreased energy production d) Lack of scientific understanding


b) Cost of implementation

4. What is one way CO2 can be stored underground during the carbon sequestration process?

a) Depleted oil and gas reservoirs b) Water treatment plants c) Nuclear power plants d) Wind farms


a) Depleted oil and gas reservoirs

5. What is a potential environmental concern associated with carbon sequestration?

a) Increased greenhouse gas emissions b) Depletion of natural resources c) Potential for leaks and contamination d) Reduced biodiversity


c) Potential for leaks and contamination

Exercise: Carbon Sequestration Scenario


An oil and gas company is considering implementing a carbon sequestration project to reduce its emissions and enhance oil recovery. They have identified a potential storage site in a depleted oil reservoir, but there are concerns about the potential for leaks and contamination.


  1. Identify three potential risks associated with storing CO2 in the depleted oil reservoir.
  2. Propose two mitigation strategies for each identified risk.
  3. Explain how these mitigation strategies could contribute to a safer and more sustainable carbon sequestration project.

Exercise Correction

Potential Risks:

  1. Leakage: CO2 could leak from the storage site into the surrounding environment.
  2. Groundwater Contamination: CO2 could migrate into groundwater aquifers, contaminating drinking water sources.
  3. Induced Seismicity: Injecting CO2 into the reservoir could trigger earthquakes.

Mitigation Strategies:


  1. Use advanced monitoring technologies: Continuous monitoring of the storage site for CO2 leakage using sensors and remote sensing techniques.
  2. Multiple barrier system: Implementing multiple layers of containment, such as wellbore seals, cement barriers, and monitoring wells, to prevent CO2 leakage.

Groundwater Contamination:

  1. Detailed geological characterization: Thoroughly mapping the subsurface geology and hydrogeology to ensure the storage site is isolated from groundwater aquifers.
  2. Injection at low pressure: Injecting CO2 at low pressure to minimize the risk of upward migration and potential groundwater contamination.

Induced Seismicity:

  1. Careful injection rates: Injecting CO2 at slow rates to minimize pressure buildup and the risk of inducing seismicity.
  2. Monitoring for seismic activity: Implementing real-time seismic monitoring to detect any induced tremors and adjust injection rates accordingly.

Sustainability and Safety:

These mitigation strategies contribute to a safer and more sustainable carbon sequestration project by:

  • Minimizing environmental risks: Reducing the likelihood of CO2 leaks and contamination, protecting the surrounding environment.
  • Enhancing safety: Implementing monitoring systems and mitigation measures to address potential safety concerns, such as induced seismicity.
  • Promoting public acceptance: Demonstrating responsible practices and addressing concerns to gain public trust and support.


  • Carbon Capture and Storage: Science, Technology, and Policy by John Gale and Richard B. Jackson (2010) - A comprehensive overview of CCS technology, its applications, and related policy issues.
  • Carbon Capture and Storage: Global Status Report 2022 by the Global CCS Institute (2022) - A detailed report on the current state of CCS development and deployment around the world.
  • Climate Change: The Science of Global Warming and Our Energy Future by David Archer (2010) - A scientific explanation of climate change and the role of CCS in mitigation.


  • "Carbon Capture and Storage: A Technology Assessment" by the National Research Council (2011) - An in-depth assessment of CCS technology by the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
  • "The Role of Carbon Capture and Storage in Meeting Climate Targets" by IPCC (2018) - A report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change highlighting the role of CCS in achieving global climate goals.
  • "Carbon Capture and Storage: A Critical Review" by F. Z. Abdullah et al. (2019) - A review article focusing on the technical challenges and future prospects of CCS technology.

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • "Carbon Capture and Storage" + "oil and gas industry": Focuses on the specific application of CCS within the oil and gas sector.
  • "CO2 sequestration" + "reservoir life extension": Searches for information on CCS for enhancing oil recovery.
  • "CCS" + "economic feasibility" + "oil and gas": Explores the economic aspects of CCS projects in the oil and gas industry.
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