Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: BRT (drilling)

BRT (drilling)

BRT: The Unsung Hero Below the Rotary Table

In the bustling world of drilling and well completion, the rotary table often takes center stage. But hidden below, quietly and efficiently performing its crucial task, is the Bottom Rotary Table (BRT). While less glamorous, the BRT is an indispensable component, playing a vital role in the smooth operation of the drilling rig.

What is a BRT?

The Bottom Rotary Table (BRT) is a vital piece of equipment located at the bottom of the drill string, connecting the drill pipe to the Kelly. It acts as a pivotal point for transferring torque and rotation from the rotary table to the drill string, enabling drilling operations.

Key Functions of the BRT:

  1. Torque Transmission: The BRT efficiently transmits the torque generated by the rotary table to the drill string, allowing the drill bit to cut through the earth.

  2. Rotation: It ensures smooth and continuous rotation of the drill string, allowing for effective drilling operations.

  3. Bearing Support: The BRT provides support for the drill string, reducing friction and wear.

  4. Lubrication: The BRT features lubrication systems to minimize wear and tear on its components, ensuring longevity and efficient operation.

  5. Safety: The BRT is designed with safety features to prevent accidents, such as blowout preventers (BOP) connections for immediate action in emergencies.

BRT Types:

  • Mechanical BRT: These utilize mechanical gears and shafts to transfer torque and rotation. They are robust, reliable, and often found in older drilling rigs.
  • Hydraulic BRT: These use hydraulic power to rotate the drill string. They offer greater torque capacity and better control, making them suitable for complex drilling operations.

Importance in Drilling Operations:

The BRT is a critical element in the drilling process, as it ensures the smooth and efficient transfer of torque and rotation to the drill string. Without a functioning BRT, the drilling operation would be impossible.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting:

Regular inspection, maintenance, and troubleshooting are essential for maintaining the BRT's optimal performance. This includes:

  • Checking for wear and tear on the bearings and gears
  • Ensuring proper lubrication
  • Monitoring hydraulic pressure (for hydraulic BRTs)
  • Replacing worn-out components


The Bottom Rotary Table, though often unseen, is a vital element in drilling operations. Its reliable performance ensures efficient drilling and contributes significantly to the success of the entire operation. By understanding the role and importance of the BRT, drilling professionals can ensure smooth and safe drilling operations, leading to efficient resource extraction.

Test Your Knowledge

BRT Quiz: The Unsung Hero

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the Bottom Rotary Table (BRT)?

a) To connect the drill pipe to the kelly. b) To transmit torque and rotation to the drill string. c) To provide lubrication to the drill string. d) To prevent blowouts during drilling operations.


The correct answer is **b) To transmit torque and rotation to the drill string.**

2. Which of the following is NOT a key function of the BRT?

a) Bearing support b) Torque transmission c) Rotation d) Mud circulation


The correct answer is **d) Mud circulation.**

3. What is the main difference between mechanical and hydraulic BRTs?

a) Mechanical BRTs are more efficient, while hydraulic BRTs are more powerful. b) Mechanical BRTs use gears and shafts, while hydraulic BRTs use hydraulic power. c) Mechanical BRTs are older, while hydraulic BRTs are newer. d) Mechanical BRTs are used for shallow drilling, while hydraulic BRTs are used for deep drilling.


The correct answer is **b) Mechanical BRTs use gears and shafts, while hydraulic BRTs use hydraulic power.**

4. Why is regular maintenance of the BRT crucial?

a) To ensure the longevity and efficiency of the BRT. b) To prevent accidents and ensure safe drilling operations. c) To reduce downtime and minimize operational costs. d) All of the above.


The correct answer is **d) All of the above.**

5. Which of the following is NOT a component of a typical BRT maintenance routine?

a) Checking for wear and tear on the bearings and gears. b) Ensuring proper lubrication. c) Monitoring hydraulic pressure (for hydraulic BRTs). d) Replacing the drill bit when it becomes worn.


The correct answer is **d) Replacing the drill bit when it becomes worn.** This is part of the overall drilling process, not specifically BRT maintenance.

BRT Exercise: Troubleshooting

Scenario: You are a drilling crew supervisor and your team reports that the drill string is rotating erratically and the torque readings are inconsistent. You suspect a problem with the BRT.


  1. List 3 possible causes of the erratic rotation and inconsistent torque readings.
  2. Describe the steps you would take to troubleshoot and diagnose the problem.
  3. What specific tools or equipment would you use during the troubleshooting process?

Exercice Correction

**Possible Causes:** 1. **Worn or damaged bearings:** This would lead to uneven rotation and increased friction, affecting torque transmission. 2. **Problems with the gear system:** A broken gear or damaged shaft could cause erratic rotation and torque fluctuations. 3. **Hydraulic system issues (for hydraulic BRTs):** Leaking seals or malfunctioning hydraulic pumps could lead to inconsistent pressure and affect the rotation speed and torque. **Troubleshooting Steps:** 1. **Visual inspection:** Check for any visible signs of damage, wear, or leakage on the BRT. 2. **Test the lubrication system:** Verify that the lubrication is adequate and there are no signs of clogging or contamination. 3. **Check hydraulic pressure (for hydraulic BRTs):** Monitor the hydraulic pressure readings to identify any anomalies. 4. **Operate the BRT manually (if possible):** If the problem is with the hydraulic system, attempting manual operation may help isolate the issue. 5. **Inspect the gear system:** If the problem seems mechanical, carefully examine the gears and shafts for wear or damage. **Tools and Equipment:** 1. **Lubrication charts and specifications:** To verify correct lubrication types and procedures. 2. **Hydraulic pressure gauge:** To measure and monitor the hydraulic pressure. 3. **Inspection tools:** To examine components for damage or wear. 4. **Torque wrench:** To check the torque transmission from the BRT to the drill string.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by John Lee - A comprehensive guide to drilling engineering, including chapters on drilling equipment and components like the BRT.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by John A. Lockwood - Covers various aspects of drilling, including sections on the BRT and its functions.
  • "Drilling Engineering Handbook" by Larry W. Lake - A reference book for drilling professionals, featuring details on drilling equipment and procedures, including the BRT.


  • "Bottom Rotary Table: The Unsung Hero of Drilling" by [Your Name] - You can write your own article based on the provided content, expanding on specific aspects and including technical details.
  • "Rotary Table and Bottom Rotary Table: A Technical Overview" by [Author Name] - Search for articles on drilling equipment and focus on those discussing both the rotary table and the BRT.
  • "Maintenance and Troubleshooting of BRTs" by [Author Name] - Look for articles addressing specific technical aspects of the BRT, like maintenance and troubleshooting.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: Search for papers, articles, and technical presentations on drilling equipment and the BRT.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: Explore articles and technical information related to drilling operations and equipment.
  • DrillingInfo: This platform offers various data and reports related to drilling operations, including technical details on BRTs and their types.

Search Tips

  • Specific keywords: Use combinations like "BRT drilling", "bottom rotary table function", "BRT types", "BRT maintenance", "BRT troubleshooting".
  • Search operators: Utilize "site:" to specify websites like SPE or Oil & Gas Journal for more targeted results.
  • Advanced search: Utilize Google's advanced search features to filter by date, language, and file type (PDF, etc.).
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