Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Breakout (drilling)

Breakout (drilling)

Breakout: Expanding the Borehole for Well Completion

In the realm of drilling and well completion, breakout refers to a specific phenomenon where the borehole's diameter increases significantly due to stress-induced fracturing of the surrounding rock formation. This localized enlargement, often occurring in the form of an oval or tear-drop shape, can have both positive and negative implications for wellbore integrity and production.

Understanding the Mechanics:

Breakouts occur primarily due to the interaction of in-situ stresses in the earth's crust and the anisotropic strength of the rock formations. The borehole itself acts as a stress concentrator, leading to a redistribution of these stresses. When the stress concentration exceeds the tensile strength of the rock, fractures form perpendicular to the maximum horizontal stress, resulting in a widening of the borehole.

Causes of Breakout:

Several factors contribute to the formation of breakouts:

  • Stress Concentration: The presence of the borehole itself significantly increases the stress in the surrounding rock.
  • Anisotropic Rock Strength: Rocks are generally stronger in compression than in tension. This disparity means they are more likely to fail in tension, causing breakouts.
  • Depth and Formation Type: Breakouts are more common at greater depths due to higher in-situ stresses. Certain rock types, like shale and sandstone, are more susceptible to breakout formation.
  • Drilling Fluid Pressure: The pressure of the drilling fluid can impact breakout formation. High pressure can potentially counteract the stress concentration, while low pressure may increase the likelihood of breakout.

Impact on Well Completion:

Breakouts can have a range of consequences for well completion operations:

Positive Impacts:

  • Improved Fluid Flow: Breakouts can create larger flow channels, potentially enhancing fluid flow from the formation.
  • Increased Wellbore Stability: Breakouts can relieve stress in the wellbore, improving its stability and reducing the risk of collapse.
  • Enhanced Production: Larger wellbore diameters can increase the flow area, potentially leading to higher production rates.

Negative Impacts:

  • Reduced Wellbore Integrity: Breakouts can weaken the wellbore, increasing the risk of casing failure or wellbore collapse.
  • Complications During Completion: Breakouts can interfere with setting casing, running tubing, and other completion operations.
  • Fluid Loss: Breakouts can create pathways for fluid loss to the surrounding formation, reducing the efficiency of drilling and completion operations.

Managing Breakouts:

Understanding and managing breakouts is crucial for successful well completion. This can be achieved through:

  • Stress Analysis: Performing thorough stress analysis to determine the potential for breakout formation.
  • Optimized Drilling Practices: Implementing appropriate drilling practices to minimize the risk of breakout, including proper mud weight selection and wellbore stability management.
  • Breakout Detection: Employing advanced logging techniques to identify and map breakouts for proper planning and completion operations.
  • Wellbore Strengthening: Employing techniques like casing design and cementing to mitigate the impact of breakouts on wellbore integrity.

In Conclusion:

Breakouts are a complex phenomenon in drilling and well completion that requires careful consideration. While they can potentially enhance fluid flow and improve wellbore stability, their potential negative impacts on wellbore integrity and completion operations demand effective management strategies. Understanding the causes, impact, and management techniques surrounding breakouts is essential for optimizing well completion and achieving successful long-term production.

Test Your Knowledge

Breakout Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary cause of breakout formation in a borehole? a) High drilling fluid pressure b) Stress concentration around the borehole c) Low rock density d) Excessive use of drilling additives


b) Stress concentration around the borehole

2. Which of the following rock types is most susceptible to breakout formation? a) Granite b) Limestone c) Shale d) Quartzite


c) Shale

3. Which of these is a potential positive impact of breakout formation? a) Increased risk of wellbore collapse b) Reduced fluid flow from the formation c) Improved wellbore stability d) Increased drilling fluid loss


c) Improved wellbore stability

4. Which of the following is a technique used to manage breakouts? a) Reducing drilling fluid pressure b) Optimizing casing design c) Increasing drilling fluid viscosity d) Using less-efficient drilling bits


b) Optimizing casing design

5. What is the significance of stress analysis in managing breakouts? a) It identifies the potential for breakout formation. b) It determines the optimal drilling fluid weight. c) It helps identify the type of rock formation. d) It predicts the drilling rate.


a) It identifies the potential for breakout formation.

Breakout Exercise


You are a well engineer working on a drilling project where a breakout has been detected. The breakout is located in a shale formation at a depth of 2,500 meters. The initial wellbore diameter was 12 inches. The breakout has increased the diameter to 15 inches.


  1. Analyze the situation: What are the potential risks associated with this breakout?
  2. Propose solutions: What steps could you take to mitigate these risks and continue drilling/completion operations?
  3. Explain your rationale: Explain why your proposed solutions are appropriate for this situation.

Exercice Correction

**Analysis:** * **Risks:** The breakout could lead to casing failure, wellbore instability, fluid loss to the formation, and potential collapse of the wellbore. The increased diameter also poses challenges for setting casing and running tubing. **Proposed Solutions:** * **Casing Design:** Consider using a larger-diameter casing string to accommodate the increased borehole diameter and ensure wellbore integrity. * **Cementing:** Use a high-quality cement slurry and appropriate cementing techniques to secure the casing in place and prevent fluid loss. * **Downhole Tools:** Utilize specialized tools like expandable casing or liners to manage the irregular wellbore shape and provide support. * **Monitoring:** Closely monitor wellbore pressure, temperature, and fluid loss to detect any potential issues early. **Rationale:** * Larger casing provides greater strength and stability to the wellbore, reducing the risk of collapse. * Proper cementing ensures a secure bond between the casing and the formation, preventing fluid loss and ensuring wellbore integrity. * Expandable casing or liners can adapt to the irregular wellbore geometry, ensuring proper placement and sealing. * Monitoring is crucial for early detection and response to any potential issues arising from the breakout. **Additional Considerations:** * **Stress analysis:** Further analysis of the in-situ stress conditions in the area is crucial to understand the potential for further breakouts and optimize wellbore design. * **Drilling Practices:** Modify drilling practices, such as reducing mud weight or using specialized drilling fluids, to mitigate further breakout formation. * **Completion Planning:** Carefully plan completion operations to account for the enlarged wellbore diameter and potential challenges.


  • Applied Drilling Engineering by Robert F. Mitchell and William G. Economides (This classic textbook covers various aspects of drilling engineering, including stress analysis and wellbore stability)
  • Wellbore Stability by R.E. Chenevert (This book focuses specifically on wellbore stability issues, including the formation of breakouts)
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by William D. McCain (This comprehensive handbook includes chapters on drilling, well completion, and production, providing relevant information on breakouts)


  • "Breakout Formation in Boreholes: A Review" by J.E. Rutqvist and J.C. Roegiers (This review article provides a detailed overview of breakout mechanisms and factors influencing their formation)
  • "The Effect of Breakouts on Wellbore Stability" by M.A. Zoback (This article examines the impact of breakouts on wellbore integrity and explores methods for managing their effects)
  • "Breakout Detection and Characterization Using Borehole Images" by S.P. Galindo et al. (This article describes techniques for identifying and quantifying breakouts using borehole imaging logs)

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): SPE website offers a vast collection of technical papers and presentations related to drilling and well completion, including breakout research.
  • OnePetro: This online resource provides access to a massive database of technical publications and industry data, including information on breakout analysis and management.
  • Schlumberger: This company website provides information on their drilling and well completion technologies, including tools and techniques for detecting and mitigating breakouts.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "breakout drilling," "wellbore stability," "stress analysis," and "borehole imaging."
  • Include terms like "formation," "anisotropy," and "rock mechanics" for a more detailed understanding.
  • Combine keywords with specific geological formations, e.g., "breakout shale," "breakout sandstone," or "breakout limestone" to find relevant research.
  • Search for specific author names or company names to focus on particular expertise in breakout analysis.
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