Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Bottom Hole Choke

Bottom Hole Choke

Bottom Hole Choke: A Rare Tool for Hydrate Control in Oil & Gas

In the world of oil and gas exploration and production, specialized terminology is essential for precise communication and efficient operations. One such term, less commonly encountered but crucial in certain scenarios, is the Bottom Hole Choke.

What is a Bottom Hole Choke?

A Bottom Hole Choke (BHC) is a restriction placed near the bottom of a wellbore, usually within the production tubing. Unlike conventional chokes, which are installed at the surface, a BHC sits directly at the well's bottom, close to the producing formation. Its primary function is to control the flow of hydrocarbons, primarily gas, by introducing a backpressure on the reservoir.

How it Works:

A BHC essentially acts as a bottleneck, limiting the flow of produced gas. This restriction allows for some degree of expansion of the gas within the wellbore, preventing the formation of gas hydrates. Hydrates are ice-like solids formed when water and gas molecules combine under high pressure and low temperature conditions. Their formation can pose serious problems, clogging pipelines and restricting production.

Why is it Rarely Used?

Despite its potential benefits, the use of BHCs is relatively rare due to several challenges:

  • Installation Difficulty: Placing a choke at the bottom of a well is a complex and challenging procedure, requiring specialized equipment and skilled personnel.
  • Maintenance Issues: Accessing and maintaining a BHC can be difficult and costly, requiring a dedicated workover operation.
  • Potential for Damage: The high pressure and flow conditions within the wellbore can cause wear and tear on the choke, potentially leading to damage or failure.

When is it Considered?

Despite the challenges, BHCs are considered in specific scenarios where hydrate control is paramount:

  • Deepwater Production: In deepwater wells, the pressure and temperature conditions are more conducive to hydrate formation. A BHC can help mitigate this risk.
  • High Gas-to-Oil Ratios: Wells producing significant amounts of gas, particularly with high water content, are prone to hydrate formation. A BHC can control gas flow and prevent hydrate buildup.


While not a common practice, the Bottom Hole Choke represents a specialized tool in the oil and gas industry's arsenal for addressing the challenges of hydrate control. Its unique placement and functionality offer a potential solution in specific scenarios, albeit with inherent challenges that limit its widespread adoption. Understanding the specific situations where a BHC is considered crucial for optimizing production and ensuring safe and efficient operations in the complex world of oil and gas.

Test Your Knowledge

Bottom Hole Choke Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a Bottom Hole Choke (BHC)? a) To control the flow of oil from the well. b) To prevent the formation of gas hydrates. c) To increase the pressure at the bottom of the well. d) To enhance the production of gas from the reservoir.


b) To prevent the formation of gas hydrates.

2. Where is a BHC typically placed in a wellbore? a) At the surface, near the wellhead. b) Inside the production tubing, near the bottom of the well. c) In the reservoir, directly above the producing formation. d) In the pipeline, connecting the well to the processing facility.


b) Inside the production tubing, near the bottom of the well.

3. Why is the use of BHCs relatively rare? a) They are ineffective at preventing hydrate formation. b) They are expensive and difficult to install and maintain. c) They can damage the wellbore and reduce production. d) They are not compatible with all types of wellbores.


b) They are expensive and difficult to install and maintain.

4. In which scenario is a BHC most likely to be considered? a) In shallow onshore wells with low gas production. b) In deepwater wells with high gas-to-oil ratios. c) In wells producing only oil with no associated gas. d) In wells with a history of low production rates.


b) In deepwater wells with high gas-to-oil ratios.

5. What is the primary mechanism by which a BHC prevents hydrate formation? a) By removing water from the produced gas. b) By increasing the temperature at the bottom of the well. c) By reducing the pressure at the bottom of the well. d) By introducing a backpressure on the reservoir, allowing for gas expansion.


d) By introducing a backpressure on the reservoir, allowing for gas expansion.

Bottom Hole Choke Exercise


You are an engineer working on a deepwater oil and gas project. The well is producing a significant amount of gas with a high water content, posing a serious risk of hydrate formation.


Develop a proposal for using a BHC to mitigate the hydrate risk. Your proposal should include:

  • A brief explanation of the benefits of using a BHC in this scenario.
  • The potential challenges associated with using a BHC in a deepwater environment.
  • A plan for addressing the challenges and ensuring successful implementation of the BHC.

Exercice Correction

Proposal for Using a Bottom Hole Choke (BHC) in a Deepwater Oil & Gas Project

This proposal outlines the rationale for employing a Bottom Hole Choke (BHC) to mitigate the hydrate risk associated with significant gas production and high water content in a deepwater oil and gas well.

**Benefits of BHC:**
* **Hydrate Control:** The BHC introduces backpressure on the reservoir, allowing the produced gas to expand within the wellbore. This expansion reduces the pressure and increases the temperature, preventing the formation of gas hydrates.
* **Flow Rate Control:** The BHC enables precise control over the flow rate of gas, minimizing the potential for sudden pressure surges or flow fluctuations that can exacerbate hydrate formation.

**Challenges of BHC in Deepwater:**
* **Installation Complexity:** Installing a BHC in a deepwater environment presents significant logistical challenges due to the extreme depths and harsh conditions. Specialized equipment and experienced personnel are required.
* **Maintenance Difficulty:** Accessing and maintaining a BHC in a deepwater well involves costly and complex workover operations.
* **Pressure and Flow Considerations:** The high pressure and flow conditions in deepwater wells can put additional stress on the BHC, potentially leading to damage or failure.

**Proposed Solution:**
* **Pre-Installation Assessment:** Conduct thorough pre-installation assessments, including simulations and feasibility studies, to ensure compatibility and optimal performance of the BHC in the specific wellbore conditions.
* **Specialized Equipment:** Utilize specialized equipment designed for deepwater operations, including remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) for installation and maintenance.
* **Robust Design:** Choose a BHC with a robust design capable of withstanding the high pressure and flow conditions, ensuring long-term reliability and minimizing the risk of damage.
* **Comprehensive Monitoring:** Implement a comprehensive monitoring system to track the performance of the BHC and detect any potential issues early on.

While employing a BHC in a deepwater environment poses challenges, the benefits of hydrate control and flow rate optimization outweigh the risks. By addressing the challenges proactively and implementing a well-planned strategy, the successful implementation of a BHC can significantly contribute to safe and efficient oil and gas production in a deepwater setting.


  • "Production Operations" by John M. Campbell: This widely-used textbook covers various aspects of oil and gas production, including well completion and flow control, providing potential insights into BHCs.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Principles and Practices" by M. Muskat: This comprehensive text offers a deep dive into the engineering principles governing oil and gas production, potentially touching upon BHCs within its discussion on production optimization and flow control.
  • "Gas Hydrates: Occurrence, Formation, and Prevention" by S.H. Sloan: This book focuses specifically on gas hydrates, their formation and prevention, potentially discussing the use of BHCs as a solution.


  • "Bottom Hole Choke: A Rare Tool for Hydrate Control" by [Your Name]: This article would serve as a valuable resource, elaborating on the concepts and applications of BHCs in greater detail, drawing upon the information provided in your initial text.
  • "Hydrate Control in Deepwater Production: A Review" by [Author(s)]: Searching for articles specifically focused on hydrate control in deepwater production will likely yield relevant information on BHCs and their potential applications.
  • "The Use of Bottom Hole Chokes in Gas Well Production" by [Author(s)]: Targeting articles that specifically discuss the use of BHCs in gas well production will provide insights into practical implementation and its benefits.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a vast library of technical papers, presentations, and research related to oil and gas production, including specialized topics like bottom hole chokes and hydrate control. You can search for relevant publications using keywords like "bottom hole choke," "hydrate control," and "deepwater production."
  • OnePetro: This platform provides access to a comprehensive database of technical publications from various oil and gas industry sources, potentially containing relevant information on BHCs.
  • Google Scholar: Utilize Google Scholar for searching academic publications and research papers related to BHCs, hydrate control, and deepwater production.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use multiple keywords in your search, such as "bottom hole choke," "hydrate control," "deepwater production," "gas well production," etc.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, "bottom hole choke" will only retrieve results containing that exact phrase.
  • Use Boolean operators: Employ "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to refine your search. For instance, "bottom hole choke AND deepwater production" will only return results containing both terms.
  • Specify file type: Add "filetype:pdf" or "filetype:doc" to your search to limit results to specific file formats.
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