Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Biological Marker

Biological Marker

Unlocking the Secrets of Oil and Gas: The Power of Biological Markers

In the world of oil and gas exploration, understanding the origin and evolution of petroleum is crucial. This is where the concept of biological markers comes into play, acting as invaluable tools for unraveling the mysteries hidden within the earth.

Biological markers, also known as biomarkers, are specific organic compounds found in petroleum or rock extracts that possess a unique carbon chain or skeleton directly linked to a natural product. These "fingerprints" provide vital clues about the source organisms, the geological environment, and the maturation processes of the petroleum.

The Three Musketeers of Biological Markers:

Three key types of biomarkers dominate the field:

  1. Isoprenoids: These compounds are derived from the building blocks of life, specifically from the biosynthesis of the organic molecule isoprene. They are ubiquitous in nature and are found in various organisms, including bacteria, algae, and plants. In petroleum, isoprenoids provide insights into the type of source organisms and the thermal history of the oil.
  2. Triterpanes: These complex molecules are derived from the breakdown of triterpenoids, compounds found in the cell walls of plants and bacteria. Triterpanes are particularly useful in identifying the origin of petroleum, particularly whether it is derived from land-based or marine organisms.
  3. Steranes: These compounds are derived from the sterols present in the cell membranes of eukaryotic organisms, such as algae and animals. Steranes are particularly informative about the maturity of the oil, as their abundance and composition change with increasing thermal stress.

Beyond the Basics: Deciphering the Clues:

Biological markers offer a wealth of information beyond their source identification. They can be used to:

  • Determine the depositional environment: The presence of certain biomarkers can indicate whether the source rocks were deposited in marine, freshwater, or terrestrial settings.
  • Assess the thermal maturity of oil: The transformation of biomarkers with increasing temperature provides a reliable indicator of the degree of thermal alteration the oil has undergone.
  • Track oil migration pathways: Certain biomarkers can be used to identify the source of oil and track its movement from the source rock to the reservoir.

The Future of Biological Markers:

The field of biological markers is continuously evolving, with new techniques and analytical methods being developed. Researchers are employing advanced analytical techniques like gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to identify and quantify biomarkers with ever-increasing precision.


Biological markers are indispensable tools for oil and gas exploration. They provide a unique window into the history of petroleum formation, revealing the secrets of its origin, evolution, and migration. As research continues to advance, the role of biological markers in guiding exploration and understanding the intricate world of petroleum will only continue to grow.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unlocking the Secrets of Oil and Gas: The Power of Biological Markers

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What are biological markers (biomarkers)? a) Specific organic compounds found in rocks, but not petroleum b) Inert compounds that provide no information about petroleum c) Unique organic compounds found in petroleum or rock extracts that reveal information about the origin and evolution of petroleum d) All of the above


c) Unique organic compounds found in petroleum or rock extracts that reveal information about the origin and evolution of petroleum

2. Which of the following is NOT a key type of biomarker? a) Isoprenoids b) Triterpanes c) Steranes d) Amino Acids


d) Amino Acids

3. What can biomarkers tell us about the depositional environment of petroleum source rocks? a) The type of organisms that lived in the environment b) The temperature and pressure conditions during deposition c) Whether the rocks were deposited in marine, freshwater, or terrestrial settings d) All of the above


c) Whether the rocks were deposited in marine, freshwater, or terrestrial settings

4. What analytical technique is commonly used to identify and quantify biomarkers? a) Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) b) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy c) X-ray Diffraction (XRD) d) Electron Microscopy


a) Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)

5. Which of the following is NOT a potential application of biological markers in the oil and gas industry? a) Determining the age of petroleum b) Tracking oil migration pathways c) Assessing the thermal maturity of oil d) Identifying the source of oil


a) Determining the age of petroleum

Exercise: Biological Markers and Oil Exploration

Scenario: A team of geologists is exploring a new oil prospect. They have collected rock samples and analyzed the biomarkers present.

Task: Based on the biomarker data below, answer the following questions:

  • Biomarker Profile:
    • Abundant C29 steranes
    • High concentration of hopanes
    • Presence of gammacerane


  1. What is the likely source of the oil?
  2. What is the possible depositional environment of the source rocks?
  3. What does the presence of gammacerane suggest about the depositional environment?

Exercice Correction

1. **Likely Source:** The high concentration of hopanes suggests a likely source from bacteria and algae, potentially from a marine environment. 2. **Depositional Environment:** The presence of abundant C29 steranes and gammacerane points towards a marine environment, likely a saline, restricted basin with low oxygen levels. 3. **Gammacerane:** Gammacerane is a biomarker associated with anoxic (low oxygen) conditions. Its presence indicates that the source rocks were deposited in an environment with limited oxygen availability, such as a stagnant marine basin.


  • Organic Geochemistry by J.M. Hunt (2005): A comprehensive and widely used textbook on organic geochemistry, covering biological markers in detail.
  • Petroleum Geochemistry and Geology by J.K. Whelan (2003): Focuses on the application of organic geochemistry, including biological markers, in petroleum exploration.
  • Biomarkers in Petroleum Geochemistry by J.R. Maxwell (1984): A classic text providing a detailed overview of biomarkers and their applications.


  • "Biomarkers in Petroleum Exploration and Production" by A.M. Bordenave (2015): A review article summarizing the applications of biological markers in oil and gas exploration and production.
  • "The Use of Biomarkers in Petroleum Exploration: A Review" by C.L. Smith (2002): A comprehensive review of biomarker applications in petroleum exploration.
  • "The Application of Biomarkers to Petroleum Exploration: A Review" by M.J. Katz (1987): An early review article on the use of biological markers in petroleum exploration.

Online Resources

  • The Organic Geochemistry Research Group at the University of Bristol: This group publishes research papers and resources on various aspects of organic geochemistry, including biological markers.
  • The American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG): Offers resources on petroleum exploration, including papers and presentations on biological markers.
  • The Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM): Provides a platform for research and resources related to sedimentary rocks, including the study of biomarkers.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "biological markers," "biomarkers," "petroleum geochemistry," "source rock," and "thermal maturity."
  • Combine keywords with relevant terms like "applications," "review," "analysis," and "techniques."
  • Utilize advanced search operators like quotation marks ("") to search for exact phrases or minus sign (-) to exclude certain terms.
  • Include relevant publications like journal names (e.g., "Organic Geochemistry" or "AAPG Bulletin") to focus your search.
  • Use filters to refine your search by date, type of document (e.g., articles, books), and source.
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