Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Bingham Plastic

Bingham Plastic

Understanding Bingham Plastics: A Key to Flowing Oil & Gas

In the oil and gas industry, understanding the behavior of fluids is critical for efficient production and transportation. While many fluids behave in a straightforward manner, some exhibit more complex flow characteristics. One such fluid type is known as a Bingham plastic.

Bingham plastics are fluids that exhibit a unique flow behavior: they initially act like solids, resisting deformation until a certain threshold stress is reached. Once this threshold, known as the yield point, is exceeded, the fluid starts to flow, displaying a linear relationship between shear stress and shear rate.

Here's a breakdown of the key terms:

  • Shear Stress: The force per unit area that causes deformation in a fluid.
  • Shear Rate: The rate at which a fluid deforms under shear stress.
  • Yield Point: The minimum shear stress required for a Bingham plastic to begin flowing. It's the point where the fluid transitions from a solid-like state to a fluid-like state.
  • Plastic Viscosity: The slope of the linear relationship between shear stress and shear rate after the yield point is reached. It represents the resistance to flow once the fluid is moving.

Why are Bingham plastics important in oil & gas?

Many fluids encountered in the oil and gas industry, like drilling muds, hydraulic fracturing fluids, and some crude oils, exhibit Bingham plastic behavior.

  • Drilling Mud: Bingham plastic behavior in drilling mud helps stabilize the wellbore, prevent blowouts, and carry cuttings to the surface. The yield point ensures the mud maintains its integrity, while the plastic viscosity allows it to flow efficiently.
  • Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids: These fluids are pumped into formations to create fractures and increase oil and gas production. Bingham plastic properties ensure the fluids effectively create and prop open these fractures.
  • Crude Oil: Some crude oil types exhibit Bingham plastic behavior, especially at high pressures and low temperatures. Understanding this behavior is essential for pipeline design and transportation optimization.

Understanding Bingham plastic behavior allows engineers to:

  • Design efficient drilling operations: Choosing the right drilling mud with suitable yield point and plastic viscosity ensures stable wellbore conditions.
  • Maximize hydraulic fracturing success: Optimizing the yield point and plastic viscosity of fracturing fluids ensures efficient fracture creation and propagation.
  • Optimize pipeline design and operations: Accurately predicting the flow behavior of Bingham plastic crude oil helps ensure efficient and safe transportation.

Beyond the Basics:

While the Bingham plastic model offers a simplified representation of these fluids, more complex rheological models may be needed for accurate predictions in specific applications. These models take into account factors like temperature, pressure, and the presence of additives.

In conclusion, understanding the behavior of Bingham plastics is crucial for optimizing operations in the oil and gas industry. By utilizing the knowledge of yield point and plastic viscosity, engineers can ensure safe and efficient drilling, hydraulic fracturing, and oil and gas transportation processes. As we move towards more complex and challenging applications, further understanding of these fluids will be vital to unlock the full potential of the oil and gas industry.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Bingham Plastics

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the defining characteristic of a Bingham plastic?

a) It flows at a constant rate, regardless of shear stress. b) It exhibits a linear relationship between shear stress and shear rate. c) It acts like a solid until a certain threshold stress is reached. d) It readily changes its viscosity depending on temperature and pressure.


c) It acts like a solid until a certain threshold stress is reached.

2. What is the "yield point" of a Bingham plastic?

a) The maximum shear stress the fluid can withstand before breaking. b) The point where the fluid becomes completely liquid. c) The minimum shear stress required for the fluid to begin flowing. d) The temperature at which the fluid transitions from solid to liquid.


c) The minimum shear stress required for the fluid to begin flowing.

3. Which of these is NOT an example of a Bingham plastic fluid found in the oil and gas industry?

a) Drilling mud b) Hydraulic fracturing fluid c) Lubricating oil d) Some types of crude oil


c) Lubricating oil

4. What is the significance of the "plastic viscosity" of a Bingham plastic?

a) It measures the fluid's resistance to flow once it is moving. b) It determines the fluid's ability to maintain its shape under pressure. c) It indicates the temperature at which the fluid becomes solid. d) It represents the amount of force needed to initiate flow.


a) It measures the fluid's resistance to flow once it is moving.

5. How does understanding Bingham plastic behavior help optimize drilling operations?

a) By ensuring the mud remains solid and stable in the wellbore. b) By allowing the mud to flow easily even at low shear stresses. c) By choosing mud with suitable yield point and plastic viscosity for efficient drilling. d) By eliminating the need for drilling mud altogether.


c) By choosing mud with suitable yield point and plastic viscosity for efficient drilling.

Exercise: Drilling Mud Design

Scenario: You are tasked with designing a drilling mud for a new oil well. The well will be drilled through a formation with high pressure and potential for instability. You need to choose a drilling mud that will effectively stabilize the wellbore, prevent blowouts, and carry cuttings to the surface.


  1. Explain how the yield point and plastic viscosity of the drilling mud are crucial for achieving these objectives.
  2. Describe two specific properties of the drilling mud that you would consider adjusting to optimize its performance based on the given scenario.
  3. Justify your choices by explaining how the adjustments will improve the mud's ability to stabilize the wellbore, prevent blowouts, and carry cuttings.

Exercice Correction

1. **Yield Point and Plastic Viscosity:** * **Yield Point:** A high yield point ensures the drilling mud maintains its integrity under the high pressure conditions. It prevents the mud from being squeezed out of the wellbore, ensuring a stable column that controls pressure and prevents blowouts. * **Plastic Viscosity:** A suitable plastic viscosity allows the mud to flow efficiently, carrying cuttings to the surface. Low viscosity would allow cuttings to settle, while high viscosity would make pumping difficult and could lead to excessive pressure build-up. 2. **Specific Property Adjustments:** * **Increasing the Yield Point:** To counteract the high formation pressure, increasing the yield point would create a more resistant mud column, preventing fluid loss and maintaining wellbore stability. * **Adjusting Plastic Viscosity:** While a higher viscosity might initially seem beneficial for carrying cuttings, a balance needs to be found. The viscosity should be high enough for efficient cuttings transport, but not so high that it creates excessive pressure or slows down pumping operations. 3. **Justification:** * **Increased Yield Point:** This would create a denser, more resistant mud column that can withstand the pressure exerted by the formation, preventing blowouts and maintaining wellbore integrity. * **Adjusted Plastic Viscosity:** Carefully adjusting the viscosity would ensure efficient cuttings removal without creating excessive pressure or hindering drilling operations.


  • "Introduction to Fluid Mechanics" by Fox, McDonald, and Pritchard: This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of fluid mechanics, including chapters on non-Newtonian fluids like Bingham plastics.
  • "Rheology of Drilling Fluids" by Chenevert: This book specifically focuses on the rheological properties of drilling muds, including Bingham plastic behavior, and its relevance to drilling operations.
  • "Fundamentals of Hydraulic Fracturing" by Economides and Nolte: This book explores the principles of hydraulic fracturing and discusses the role of Bingham plastic fluids in creating and propping open fractures.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by SPE: This comprehensive handbook provides information on various aspects of petroleum engineering, including chapters on fluid flow and the behavior of Bingham plastics in oil production.


  • "A Review of Bingham Plastic Fluid Models and Their Application in Petroleum Engineering" by A.A. Khan et al. (Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering): This paper provides a detailed overview of different Bingham plastic models and their applications in the oil and gas industry.
  • "Rheological Properties of Drilling Fluids: A Review" by M.A. Khan et al. (Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences): This article reviews the rheological properties of drilling muds and their importance in drilling operations.
  • "Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids: An Overview" by J.L. Gidley et al. (SPE Production & Operations): This paper discusses the properties of hydraulic fracturing fluids and their role in enhancing oil and gas production.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Website: SPE is a professional organization for petroleum engineers and offers a wealth of resources, including publications, conferences, and online learning modules related to oil and gas engineering, including Bingham plastic behavior.
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: This glossary provides definitions and explanations of various terms related to the oil and gas industry, including Bingham plastic.
  • Wikipedia: Bingham Plastic: This Wikipedia page offers a concise overview of Bingham plastic behavior, its properties, and applications.

Search Tips

  • "Bingham plastic model oil & gas"
  • "Rheology drilling mud"
  • "Hydraulic fracturing fluid rheology"
  • "Crude oil rheology"
  • "Yield point Bingham plastic"
  • "Plastic viscosity Bingham plastic"
  • "Non-Newtonian fluid flow oil & gas"
  • "Oil & gas fluid mechanics"
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