Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Bholin


Bholin: A Specialized Viscosimeter for Oil & Gas Applications

In the oil and gas industry, accurate measurement of fluid viscosity is critical for various operations, from drilling and production to refining and transportation. Traditional viscosimeters may not always be suitable for the unique challenges posed by these applications, such as high temperatures, pressures, and the presence of solids. This is where specialized viscosimeters like the Bholin come into play.

What is a Bholin?

A Bholin is a type of falling ball viscosimeter specifically designed for use in the oil and gas industry. It measures viscosity by determining the time it takes for a ball to fall through a known volume of fluid. This simple yet effective method offers several advantages:

  • High Accuracy: Bholin viscosimeters are known for their accuracy in measuring viscosity across a wide range of temperatures and pressures.
  • Robust Design: They are built to withstand harsh environments, including those with high temperatures, pressures, and corrosive fluids.
  • Easy Operation: The basic operation of a Bholin viscosimeter is relatively simple, requiring minimal training.
  • Versatility: Bholins can be used to measure the viscosity of various fluids, including crude oil, refined products, drilling muds, and other materials relevant to oil and gas operations.

How does a Bholin work?

A Bholin consists of a cylindrical tube filled with the fluid whose viscosity is to be measured. A ball of known size and density is dropped into the tube, and the time it takes for the ball to travel a specific distance is measured. The viscosity of the fluid is then calculated using the ball's properties, the time taken, and the distance traveled.

Applications of Bholin in Oil & Gas:

  • Drilling Fluid Viscosity Control: Bholin viscosimeters help ensure optimal drilling fluid viscosity, vital for efficient drilling operations and wellbore stability.
  • Crude Oil Characterization: They are used to measure the viscosity of crude oil, aiding in pipeline transportation and refinery processing.
  • Refined Product Quality Control: Bholin viscosimeters are employed to monitor the viscosity of refined products, ensuring adherence to industry standards and specifications.
  • Flow Assurance: They play a crucial role in flow assurance studies, helping determine the flow properties of various fluids under different conditions.

Advantages of Bholin:

  • Rugged and Durable: They are designed to withstand the harsh environments typically encountered in oil and gas operations.
  • Accurate and Reliable: Bholins provide accurate and reliable viscosity measurements, crucial for effective decision-making.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to other advanced viscosity measurement methods, Bholins offer a cost-effective solution.
  • Easy Maintenance: They are relatively easy to maintain, minimizing downtime and operational disruptions.


The Bholin viscosimeter remains a valuable tool in the oil and gas industry, providing accurate and reliable viscosity measurements for a wide range of applications. Its simplicity, robustness, and versatility make it an essential instrument for ensuring efficient and safe operations in this demanding industry. As the industry continues to evolve, the use of specialized viscosimeters like the Bholin is expected to remain crucial for optimizing performance and maximizing profitability.

Test Your Knowledge

Bholin Viscosimeter Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What type of viscosimeter is a Bholin?

a) Rotational Viscosimeter


Incorrect. A Bholin is not a rotational viscosimeter.

b) Falling Ball Viscosimeter


Correct. A Bholin is a specialized type of falling ball viscosimeter.

c) Capillary Viscosimeter


Incorrect. A Bholin is not a capillary viscosimeter.

d) Vibrational Viscosimeter


Incorrect. A Bholin is not a vibrational viscosimeter.

2. What is the primary advantage of using a Bholin in the oil and gas industry?

a) High sensitivity to small viscosity changes


Incorrect. While accuracy is important, it is not the primary advantage of a Bholin in the oil and gas industry.

b) Ability to measure viscosity under high pressure and temperature


Correct. Bholins are designed to withstand harsh conditions found in oil and gas operations.

c) Non-invasive measurement of viscosity


Incorrect. Bholins are not non-invasive.

d) Ability to measure viscosity of very viscous fluids


Incorrect. While Bholins can measure a wide range of viscosities, it's not the primary advantage in oil and gas.

3. How does a Bholin measure viscosity?

a) By measuring the resistance of a rotating spindle


Incorrect. This describes a rotational viscosimeter.

b) By measuring the time it takes for a ball to fall through a known volume of fluid


Correct. This is the principle behind a falling ball viscosimeter.

c) By measuring the pressure drop across a capillary tube


Incorrect. This describes a capillary viscosimeter.

d) By measuring the vibration frequency of a sensor immersed in the fluid


Incorrect. This describes a vibrational viscosimeter.

4. Which of the following is NOT a typical application of a Bholin in oil and gas?

a) Measuring viscosity of crude oil


Incorrect. Measuring viscosity of crude oil is a common application.

b) Monitoring viscosity of drilling muds


Incorrect. Monitoring viscosity of drilling muds is a common application.

c) Determining the viscosity of gasoline at a gas station


Correct. Bholins are typically used in industrial settings, not at gas stations.

d) Assessing viscosity of refined products


Incorrect. Assessing viscosity of refined products is a common application.

5. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using a Bholin?

a) Low maintenance requirements


Incorrect. Bholins are relatively easy to maintain.

b) High accuracy and reliability


Incorrect. Bholins are known for their accuracy and reliability.

c) Versatility in measuring various fluids


Incorrect. Bholins can measure the viscosity of a wide range of fluids.

d) High sensitivity to small viscosity changes


Correct. While Bholins are accurate, they may not be the best choice for detecting small changes in viscosity.

Bholin Viscosimeter Exercise

Task: You are working on a drilling project where the viscosity of the drilling mud is crucial for maintaining wellbore stability. You have a Bholin viscosimeter and are tasked with determining the viscosity of the drilling mud at a specific temperature.


  • The Bholin has a tube with a length of 10 cm.
  • You drop a ball with a diameter of 0.5 cm and a density of 2 g/cm³ into the tube.
  • The ball takes 15 seconds to travel the 10 cm distance.


  • Use the following formula to calculate the viscosity (η) of the drilling mud:

η = (2/9) * (ρb - ρf) * g * r² * t / L

where: * ρb = density of the ball (2 g/cm³) * ρf = density of the fluid (assume it's 1 g/cm³) * g = acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²) * r = radius of the ball (0.25 cm) * t = time taken for the ball to fall (15 seconds) * L = length of the tube (10 cm)

  • Calculate the viscosity of the drilling mud.
  • Express your answer in centipoise (cP).

Exercice Correction

1. **Convert the units to be consistent:** * g = 9.8 m/s² = 980 cm/s² * r = 0.25 cm * t = 15 seconds * L = 10 cm 2. **Plug the values into the formula:** η = (2/9) * (2 - 1) * 980 * (0.25)² * 15 / 10 3. **Calculate the result:** η ≈ 20.42 cP **Therefore, the viscosity of the drilling mud is approximately 20.42 cP.**


  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by William D. McCain, Jr. - Provides a comprehensive overview of various aspects of the oil and gas industry, including fluid properties and measurement techniques.
  • "Drilling Engineering: Principles and Applications" by Robert F. Mitchell - Discusses drilling fluid properties and their role in drilling operations, including viscosity measurement and control.
  • "Flow Assurance in Oil and Gas Pipelines" by A.C. Pipkin - Focuses on flow assurance considerations, including viscosity measurement and its impact on fluid transportation.
  • "Fluid Mechanics for Petroleum Engineers" by R.G. Charpentier - Covers fundamental concepts in fluid mechanics, including viscosity and its measurement techniques relevant to the oil and gas industry.


  • "A Review of Viscosity Measurement Techniques for Drilling Fluids" by A.K. Singh and A.P. Singh (Journal of Petroleum Engineering, 2012) - Discusses various viscosity measurement techniques, including falling ball methods, with a focus on drilling fluid applications.
  • "The Influence of Temperature and Pressure on the Viscosity of Crude Oil" by A.J. Silva and J.M. Carneiro (Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2010) - Explores the impact of temperature and pressure on crude oil viscosity, highlighting the importance of accurate viscosity measurements.
  • "A New Method for Determining the Viscosity of Drilling Mud" by M.A. Khan and S.A. Khan (Journal of Petroleum Technology, 1998) - Presents a novel approach for measuring drilling mud viscosity, showcasing advancements in viscosity measurement technologies.

Online Resources

  • "Viscosity Measurement Techniques" - Link to reputable website - Provides an overview of different viscosity measurement methods, including falling ball techniques.
  • "Bholin Viscosimeter Product Catalog" - Link to Bholin manufacturer website - Offers detailed information on various Bholin viscosimeter models, specifications, and applications.
  • "Oil & Gas Industry Publications" - Link to reputable industry magazines or journals - Publications such as "Oil and Gas Journal," "Petroleum Engineering," and "SPE Journal" often feature articles on advancements in viscosity measurement and its applications in oil and gas operations.

Search Tips

  • "Bholin viscosimeter" - This basic search will return relevant results from various sources.
  • "Bholin viscosimeter oil and gas" - This refined search will narrow down results to information related to oil and gas applications.
  • "falling ball viscosimeter oil and gas" - This search will identify resources discussing the falling ball method, particularly in the context of oil and gas.
  • "viscosity measurement techniques crude oil" - This search will provide resources focusing on viscosity measurement techniques for crude oil, which are relevant to Bholin applications.
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