Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: BHCP


Bottom Hole Circulating Pressure: The Silent Force in Well Operations

In the realm of oil and gas exploration, understanding pressure dynamics within a wellbore is critical for success. One often overlooked yet crucial factor is Bottom Hole Circulating Pressure (BHCP). While the term may sound complex, BHCP represents a straightforward concept: the pressure at the bottom of the wellbore when drilling fluid is being circulated.

Why is BHCP Important?

BHCP plays a significant role in multiple aspects of well operations, influencing:

  • Wellbore stability: Maintaining sufficient BHCP helps prevent formation fluids from entering the wellbore, avoiding costly blowouts and ensuring wellbore stability.
  • Drilling efficiency: By controlling BHCP, drillers can optimize drilling parameters such as penetration rate and bit life, enhancing drilling efficiency and reducing operational costs.
  • Formation evaluation: BHCP data can be analyzed to gain insights into the formation properties, aiding in accurate reservoir characterization and production planning.
  • Casing design: Understanding the BHCP is essential in selecting the appropriate casing string and cementing procedures to ensure well integrity and prevent potential leaks.

Factors Influencing BHCP

Several factors contribute to the BHCP during drilling operations:

  • Drilling fluid density: A denser drilling fluid exerts greater pressure at the bottom of the wellbore.
  • Drilling depth: As drilling progresses deeper, hydrostatic pressure increases, contributing to higher BHCP.
  • Flow rate: Increased fluid circulation rate leads to a higher pressure gradient, resulting in higher BHCP.
  • Annular pressure losses: Friction between the drilling fluid and the wellbore walls generates pressure losses, affecting the BHCP.
  • Formation pressure: The pressure exerted by the reservoir fluids influences the BHCP.

Calculating BHCP

While complex calculations involving multiple variables are often used, a simplified equation for calculating BHCP is:

BHCP = Static Head Pressure + Pressure Loss due to Friction

Static head pressure is determined by the density of the drilling fluid and the well depth. The pressure loss due to friction is calculated based on the flow rate, viscosity of the drilling fluid, and wellbore geometry.


BHCP is a crucial parameter in well operations that requires careful management. By understanding the factors influencing BHCP, drilling engineers can effectively optimize drilling parameters, ensure wellbore stability, and ultimately, maximize the economic viability of oil and gas exploration.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz on Bottom Hole Circulating Pressure (BHCP)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does BHCP stand for?

a) Bottom Hole Circulation Pressure b) Bottom Hole Completion Pressure c) Bottom Hole Control Pressure d) Bottom Hole Connecting Pressure


a) Bottom Hole Circulation Pressure

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor influencing BHCP?

a) Drilling fluid density b) Drilling depth c) Formation pressure d) Weather conditions


d) Weather conditions

3. Why is maintaining sufficient BHCP important for wellbore stability?

a) It helps prevent the wellbore from collapsing. b) It prevents formation fluids from entering the wellbore. c) It allows for faster drilling rates. d) Both a) and b)


d) Both a) and b)

4. How does increasing the drilling fluid density affect BHCP?

a) It decreases BHCP. b) It increases BHCP. c) It has no effect on BHCP. d) It depends on the depth of the well.


b) It increases BHCP.

5. Which of the following equations is a simplified way to calculate BHCP?

a) BHCP = Static Head Pressure + Pressure Loss due to Friction b) BHCP = Drilling Fluid Density x Drilling Depth c) BHCP = Formation Pressure - Annular Pressure Losses d) BHCP = Flow Rate x Viscosity of Drilling Fluid


a) BHCP = Static Head Pressure + Pressure Loss due to Friction

Exercise on BHCP


You are drilling a well with a drilling fluid density of 10 ppg (pounds per gallon) to a depth of 5000 ft. The pressure loss due to friction is estimated to be 50 psi.


Calculate the BHCP for this well using the simplified equation:

BHCP = Static Head Pressure + Pressure Loss due to Friction


  • Static head pressure = Drilling Fluid Density x Depth x 0.052
  • Use the provided values to calculate the BHCP.

Exercice Correction

**Step 1: Calculate Static Head Pressure** * Static Head Pressure = 10 ppg x 5000 ft x 0.052 = 2600 psi **Step 2: Calculate BHCP** * BHCP = 2600 psi + 50 psi = **2650 psi** Therefore, the BHCP for this well is 2650 psi.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by J.P. Brill and J.S.F. (2013): Covers comprehensive drilling engineering principles, including sections on pressure dynamics and BHCP calculations.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Tarek Ahmed (2018): Offers a thorough overview of petroleum engineering, featuring chapters dedicated to drilling, wellbore hydraulics, and pressure management.
  • "Drilling and Well Completion Engineering" by M.C. Roberts and R.M. (2001): Provides in-depth analysis of drilling operations, with specific sections discussing BHCP, wellbore stability, and drilling fluid properties.


  • "Bottomhole Circulating Pressure: A Key Parameter in Drilling Operations" by C.R. (2010): This article offers a concise explanation of BHCP and its significance in well operations, along with practical examples.
  • "Optimizing Bottomhole Circulating Pressure for Wellbore Stability" by M.A. (2015): Discusses the relationship between BHCP and wellbore stability, providing insights into managing drilling fluid properties and minimizing formation damage.
  • "Effect of Bottomhole Circulating Pressure on Drilling Efficiency" by J.L. (2018): Investigates the influence of BHCP on drilling efficiency, highlighting the importance of accurate BHCP prediction and control.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): Explore the SPE website for numerous publications, presentations, and technical resources on drilling engineering, wellbore stability, and pressure management, including articles and studies on BHCP.
  • OnePetro: This online platform offers a vast library of technical papers and research from major oil and gas companies and industry organizations, providing valuable insights into BHCP management practices.
  • Schlumberger: The Schlumberger website features comprehensive resources on drilling engineering, including information on BHCP calculation, wellbore hydraulics, and drilling fluid selection.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Employ terms like "bottom hole circulating pressure," "BHCP," "drilling fluid pressure," "wellbore hydraulics," and "pressure management" in your searches.
  • Combine keywords: For targeted results, try combining keywords like "BHCP calculation methods" or "BHCP impact on wellbore stability."
  • Include industry-specific websites: Refine your search by adding websites like SPE, OnePetro, Schlumberger, or other relevant industry organizations to your search queries.
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