Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Safety Training & Awareness: BH (well position)

BH (well position)

BH: Delving into the Depths - Understanding the Well Position in General Technical Terms

In the world of oil and gas exploration, drilling wells is a crucial step in accessing valuable resources. When discussing these wells, a common term used is "BH" - a shorthand for Bottom Hole. This seemingly simple term carries a lot of weight, representing the most important point of a well and holding crucial information for drilling operations.

What is Bottom Hole?

The Bottom Hole, or BH, is simply the lowest point of a wellbore, the drilled hole that extends into the earth. It marks the end of the well and is where the target formation, containing the oil or gas, is intersected.

Why is Bottom Hole Crucial?

The BH's importance stems from its role in various aspects of drilling and well management:

  • Target Formation: The BH's position determines whether the drill successfully reached the intended reservoir.
  • Depth and Deviation: The BH's depth and deviation from the vertical (measured by its angle and azimuth) are crucial for efficient production and well planning.
  • Production Performance: The BH's location within the formation can influence the amount of hydrocarbons produced, requiring careful planning to optimize well placement.
  • Safety and Environmental Concerns: Understanding the BH's position is vital for ensuring safe drilling practices and mitigating environmental risks.

Types of Bottom Hole Information:

Beyond its general definition, BH information encompasses various details crucial for well understanding:

  • BH Coordinates: These include the geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) and elevation of the BH.
  • BH Depth: The total measured depth (TVD) from the surface to the BH.
  • BH Angle and Azimuth: The deviation of the wellbore from vertical, represented by the angle and direction.
  • BH Completion Details: Information about the type of completion used at the BH, including casing, liner, and perforations.
  • BH Formation Information: Details about the geological formation encountered at the BH, including its type, properties, and fluid content.

Beyond Oil and Gas:

While prominently used in oil and gas exploration, the term BH finds applications in other fields:

  • Geothermal Energy: BH information is critical for identifying and accessing geothermal resources.
  • Groundwater Exploration: It helps locate and characterize aquifers for water extraction.
  • Environmental Monitoring: BH data assists in understanding subsurface processes and their impact on the environment.


The seemingly simple term "BH" represents a wealth of information essential for various aspects of well drilling and management. Understanding the BH's position, depth, and associated data is vital for optimizing well performance, ensuring safety, and maximizing resource extraction. Its importance extends beyond oil and gas, highlighting its relevance in various earth science fields.

Summary Descriptions of Bottom Hole:

  • Bottom Hole (BH): The lowest point of a wellbore, where the target formation is intersected.
  • BH Coordinates: The geographical location of the BH, including latitude, longitude, and elevation.
  • BH Depth: The total measured depth from the surface to the BH.
  • BH Angle and Azimuth: The deviation of the wellbore from vertical.
  • BH Completion Details: Information about the type of completion used at the BH.
  • BH Formation Information: Details about the geological formation encountered at the BH.

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