Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Lifting & Rigging: workover rig

workover rig

The Workover Rig: A Vital Tool for Optimizing Well Performance

In the world of oil and gas exploration and production, wells don't just stay dormant after their initial drilling. They require regular maintenance and intervention to ensure optimal performance and maximize resource extraction. This is where the workover rig comes into play.

A Workover Rig in a Nutshell:

A workover rig is essentially a portable drilling rig specifically designed for well intervention operations. It's equipped with the necessary machinery and tools to perform various tasks on existing wells, such as:

  • Re-entry: Re-entering an existing well after it has been shut-in or abandoned.
  • Well Stimulation: Enhancing production by increasing reservoir pressure or improving flow through the wellbore.
  • Workover Operations: Addressing problems like wellbore damage, corrosion, or equipment failure.
  • Well Abandonment: Safely and securely sealing off a well at the end of its productive life.

Key Components of a Workover Rig:

  • Derrick: Supports the hoisting system for lifting and lowering equipment.
  • Drawworks: Provides the power to raise and lower the drill string and perform other lifting operations.
  • Mud System: Used for circulating drilling fluid to clean the wellbore and remove cuttings.
  • Power System: Generates the power needed to operate the rig.
  • Auxiliary Equipment: Includes various tools and equipment for specific workover tasks, such as cementing, perforating, and logging.

Types of Workover Rigs:

  • Land Rigs: Designed for use on land.
  • Offshore Rigs: Adapted for use in marine environments.
  • Mobile Rigs: Mounted on trucks or trailers for easy transportation.
  • Fixed Rigs: Installed permanently at a well site.

Advantages of Using a Workover Rig:

  • Increased Efficiency: Workover rigs are designed for speed and efficiency, minimizing downtime and maximizing production.
  • Flexibility: They can be easily transported to different locations and adapted to a variety of well conditions.
  • Cost-Effective: They provide a cost-effective solution for well maintenance and intervention compared to drilling a new well.
  • Safety: Modern workover rigs are designed with safety features to protect personnel and the environment.

In Conclusion:

The workover rig is an essential piece of equipment in the oil and gas industry, playing a crucial role in optimizing well performance and ensuring long-term production. Its versatility, efficiency, and safety make it an indispensable tool for maintaining and improving the life cycle of existing wells.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Workover Rigs

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a workover rig?

a) To drill new wells b) To transport oil and gas c) To perform maintenance and interventions on existing wells d) To store drilling equipment


c) To perform maintenance and interventions on existing wells

2. Which of these is NOT a key component of a workover rig?

a) Derrick b) Drawworks c) Mud System d) Power System e) Drill bit


e) Drill bit

3. What type of workover rig is best suited for use in deep ocean environments?

a) Land rig b) Mobile rig c) Fixed rig d) Offshore rig


d) Offshore rig

4. Which of these is NOT an advantage of using a workover rig?

a) Increased efficiency b) Flexibility c) Cost-effectiveness d) Increased environmental impact


d) Increased environmental impact

5. What is the main purpose of "well stimulation" using a workover rig?

a) To shut down a well permanently b) To clean the wellbore c) To improve production by increasing reservoir pressure d) To replace worn-out equipment


c) To improve production by increasing reservoir pressure

Exercise: Workover Rig Applications

Scenario: An oil well has been producing for several years and has experienced a decline in production. The company suspects the decline is due to a buildup of paraffin in the wellbore, reducing the flow of oil.


  • Identify the workover operation that could be used to address this problem.
  • Explain how this operation would improve well performance.

Exercice Correction

The workover operation needed in this scenario is **well stimulation**. Specifically, **acidizing** could be used to remove the paraffin buildup. Acidizing involves injecting a specially formulated acid into the wellbore. This acid dissolves the paraffin and other deposits, restoring the flow path and increasing oil production.


  • "Oil Well Drilling and Workover Operations" by John C. Calhoun Jr. - A comprehensive guide covering all aspects of drilling and workover operations.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completions" by Maurice D. Craft and John F. Hawkins - A classic textbook on petroleum engineering with a chapter dedicated to well workover operations.
  • "Workover and Well Stimulation: A Practical Guide" by John D. Williams - A practical guide focusing on various workover techniques and well stimulation methods.


  • "Workover Rig: A Vital Tool for Optimizing Well Performance" (This article) - Provides a basic overview of workover rigs and their functionalities.
  • "Workover Operations: Maximizing Well Performance" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) - An article discussing various aspects of workover operations, including planning, execution, and challenges.
  • "The Importance of Workover Rigs in Oil and Gas Production" by Oil and Gas Journal - A journal article focusing on the significance of workover rigs in maintaining and improving well production.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): - Offers a wealth of information on workover operations, technical papers, and industry best practices.
  • Oil and Gas Journal: - Provides news, technical articles, and market insights on the oil and gas industry, including workover technologies.
  • World Oil: - Another industry publication with valuable articles and resources related to workover rigs and operations.

Search Tips

  • Specific Search Terms: Use specific search terms like "workover rig types," "workover rig components," "workover rig manufacturers," or "workover rig operations."
  • Industry-Specific Websites: Search for specific websites related to oil and gas, drilling, and workover operations.
  • Image Search: Use Google Images to find visuals of workover rigs and their components for better understanding.
  • News and Publications: Look for articles and reports published by industry publications, journals, and organizations focusing on workover technologies and advancements.
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