Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: WOC abbr

WOC abbr

WOC: A Critical Term in Drilling and Well Completion Reports

In the dynamic world of drilling and well completion, abbreviations are commonplace, each carrying a specific meaning crucial for efficient communication and record-keeping. One such abbreviation, "WOC," stands for "Waiting On Cement" and is frequently used in drilling reports.

Understanding WOC:

WOC signifies a specific stage in the drilling and well completion process where operations are temporarily halted, pending the hardening of cement. This cement is often used in various crucial activities, including:

  • Casing Setting: Cementing casing strings in place, providing structural support and sealing the wellbore.
  • Wellbore Isolation: Isolating different zones of the well to prevent fluid migration and ensure proper production.
  • Plug and Abandonment: Sealing off unwanted or depleted zones, permanently abandoning sections of the well.

Why WOC is Important:

The WOC period is crucial for several reasons:

  • Safety: Allowing sufficient time for cement to harden prevents potential blowouts and ensures well integrity.
  • Efficiency: WOC allows the cement to achieve its full strength, ensuring the long-term success of the well completion operation.
  • Quality Control: This period provides an opportunity for thorough inspections and measurements to ensure proper cement placement and quality.

WOC in Drilling Reports:

In drilling reports, the WOC period is typically documented alongside:

  • Start Time: The moment the cementing operation is completed.
  • Expected Wait Time: Estimated duration based on cement type and environmental conditions.
  • Actual Wait Time: The actual duration of the WOC period before resuming operations.
  • Cement Properties: Details about the type and properties of the cement used.
  • Quality Control Measures: Information about inspections, tests, and measurements conducted during the WOC.

Beyond the Report:

WOC is not merely an entry in a drilling report. It represents a critical phase in the well completion process, demanding careful planning, effective monitoring, and expert decision-making. Understanding the significance of WOC allows for optimal well performance and minimizes potential risks, ultimately contributing to the successful completion of the well.

Test Your Knowledge

WOC Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the abbreviation "WOC" stand for in drilling and well completion reports?

a) Waiting On Completion b) Waiting On Cable c) Waiting On Cement d) Waiting On Connections


c) Waiting On Cement

2. Why is the WOC period crucial in well completion?

a) To allow for the cement to harden and provide structural integrity. b) To give the drilling crew a break. c) To check for any equipment malfunctions. d) To measure the depth of the well.


a) To allow for the cement to harden and provide structural integrity.

3. Which of the following is NOT a common use of cement during the WOC period?

a) Setting casing strings in place. b) Isolating different zones of the well. c) Connecting drilling pipes. d) Sealing off unwanted or depleted zones.


c) Connecting drilling pipes.

4. What information is typically documented in a drilling report regarding the WOC period?

a) The type of cement used. b) The start time of the cementing operation. c) The expected and actual wait time. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. What is the primary reason for ensuring the WOC period is carefully monitored and managed?

a) To avoid delays in the drilling operation. b) To ensure the well is completed safely and efficiently. c) To comply with regulatory requirements. d) To minimize the cost of the well completion.


b) To ensure the well is completed safely and efficiently.

WOC Exercise:


You are reviewing a drilling report that states a WOC period occurred from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM on February 15th, 2023. The report indicates that the cement used was Class H high-performance cement, designed for a minimum setting time of 4 hours. The cementing operation was performed at a well depth of 5,000 feet.


  1. Calculate the actual WOC period in hours.
  2. Based on the information provided, was the WOC period sufficient to allow for proper cement hardening?
  3. What additional information would you need to determine if the WOC period was adequate?

Exercice Correction

1. **Actual WOC period:** 6 hours (4:00 PM - 10:00 AM = 6 hours)

2. **Adequacy of WOC:** Yes, the actual WOC period (6 hours) exceeded the minimum setting time of 4 hours for Class H cement.

3. **Additional information:** To assess the adequacy of the WOC period more comprehensively, you would need:

  • Cement properties: Specific details about the Class H cement used, including its setting time under the prevailing environmental conditions (temperature, pressure).
  • Cement placement data: Information on the volume of cement used, the placement rate, and the depth of the cement plug.
  • Quality control data: Results of inspections, tests, and measurements conducted during the WOC period to verify the quality of the cement placement and its hardening process.


  • Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion by J.P. Brill and H.J. Ramey Jr. (This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of drilling and completion, including cementing and WOC.)
  • Drilling Engineering by J.A. Holmes and R.C. Woods (This book delves into the engineering principles and practices involved in drilling, providing insights into WOC procedures.)
  • Well Completion Design and Operations by R.E. Gibson (This book focuses specifically on well completion operations, including a detailed explanation of cementing and the WOC period.)


  • "Cementing: A Crucial Aspect of Well Completion" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) - This article discusses the importance of cementing in well completion and the impact of WOC on well performance.
  • "Understanding the Importance of Waiting On Cement" by Rigzone - This article provides a concise overview of the WOC period and its significance in the drilling process.
  • "Best Practices for Cementing and WOC in Unconventional Wells" by JPT (Journal of Petroleum Technology) - This article focuses on specific challenges and solutions for cementing and WOC in unconventional wells.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: SPE offers a vast repository of technical publications, papers, and presentations related to drilling and well completion, including WOC.
  • Rigzone website: Rigzone provides a comprehensive online platform for news, resources, and job listings related to the oil and gas industry, including information on cementing and WOC.
  • Schlumberger website: Schlumberger, a leading oilfield services company, offers technical resources and articles on various aspects of drilling and well completion, including cementing and WOC.

Search Tips

  • "WOC cementing" - This search will provide results related to the specifics of cementing operations and the WOC period.
  • "WOC well completion" - This search will return results focusing on the role of WOC in the overall well completion process.
  • "WOC procedures" - This search will help you find resources detailing the specific steps and procedures involved in the WOC period.
  • "WOC time calculation" - This search will offer resources on methods for calculating the necessary WOC time based on cement properties and environmental conditions.
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