Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: suspending agent

suspending agent

Keeping the Mud in Suspension: Suspending Agents in Drilling and Well Completion

In the demanding world of oil and gas extraction, efficiency and optimization are paramount. This is especially true during well completion and the various treatments that follow drilling, like acidizing. Acidizing is a crucial process that increases well productivity by dissolving formation damage, but it can also leave behind unwanted fine clay and silt particles. These particles, if not properly managed, can settle out and cause new flow obstructions, negating the benefits of the acid treatment.

This is where suspending agents come into play. These additives, carefully chosen for their chemical properties, act like tiny "suspension bridges" for the fine particles, preventing them from settling out of the spent acid solution until it can be safely circulated out of the wellbore.

Imagine it like this: after acidizing, the spent acid is a bit like a cloudy mixture. The fine particles are like the sediment at the bottom of a glass of muddy water. Suspending agents are like a special type of "stirring" that keeps those particles dispersed throughout the solution, preventing them from sinking and clogging the well.

Common types of suspending agents:

  • Polymers: These long-chain molecules form a "net" around the fine particles, keeping them suspended in the solution.
  • Surfactants: These molecules have both water-loving and oil-loving parts, allowing them to disperse the particles in the water-based acid solution.
  • Inorganic compounds: Some inorganic compounds, like bentonite clay, can also act as suspending agents by forming a gel-like structure that traps the particles.

The choice of suspending agent depends on the specific well conditions, the type of acid used, and the expected flow rate of the well. A skilled engineer carefully considers these factors to ensure that the suspending agent effectively prevents particle settling and maintains well productivity.

Swabbing: Another Tool in Well Completion

While suspending agents work to prevent settling, swabbing is a separate technique used to temporarily bring well fluids to the surface, especially when the well doesn't flow naturally.

A swab is essentially a hollow mandrel with specialized cups. It's lowered into the wellbore on a wireline and, as it's pulled up, the cups create a vacuum that draws well fluids into the mandrel and ultimately to the surface. This helps determine whether the well has the potential to flow on its own or if a permanent lifting device, like a pump, is required.

Swabbing, while a temporary solution, can be a valuable diagnostic tool to assess well performance and guide further completion decisions. It plays a key role in ensuring that wells are optimized for maximum production, a crucial aspect in the oil and gas industry.

By understanding the roles of suspending agents and swabbing, we gain valuable insight into the complex process of well completion and its contribution to the efficient extraction of valuable resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Keeping the Mud in Suspension

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of suspending agents in well completion?

a) To increase the efficiency of acidizing treatments. b) To prevent fine particles from settling out of the spent acid solution. c) To enhance the flow rate of the well. d) To dissolve formation damage.


b) To prevent fine particles from settling out of the spent acid solution.

2. Which of these is NOT a common type of suspending agent?

a) Polymers b) Surfactants c) Lubricants d) Inorganic compounds


c) Lubricants

3. How do polymers function as suspending agents?

a) By dissolving the fine particles. b) By forming a "net" around the particles, keeping them suspended. c) By reacting chemically with the acid solution. d) By increasing the viscosity of the solution.


b) By forming a "net" around the particles, keeping them suspended.

4. What is the purpose of swabbing in well completion?

a) To permanently remove well fluids from the wellbore. b) To increase the flow rate of the well. c) To determine if the well can flow naturally. d) To remove the suspending agent from the well.


c) To determine if the well can flow naturally.

5. What is the main difference between suspending agents and swabbing?

a) Suspending agents prevent settling, while swabbing temporarily removes fluids. b) Suspending agents are used during acidizing, while swabbing is used after. c) Suspending agents are chemicals, while swabbing is a mechanical process. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Exercise: Choosing the Right Suspending Agent

Scenario: You are an engineer working on a well completion project. The well has been acidized and the spent acid solution contains a significant amount of fine clay particles. You need to choose a suspending agent to prevent these particles from settling and causing flow obstructions.


  1. Consider the following factors:
    • The acid used was hydrochloric acid (HCl).
    • The well is producing oil at a moderate flow rate.
    • The formation is relatively porous.
  2. Choose the most suitable suspending agent from the following options and explain your reasoning:
    • A polymer-based suspending agent designed for high-temperature applications.
    • A surfactant-based suspending agent designed for use with hydrochloric acid.
    • A bentonite clay-based suspending agent.
  3. Describe how you would evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen suspending agent.

Exercice Correction

The most suitable suspending agent would be the **surfactant-based suspending agent designed for use with hydrochloric acid**. Here's why: * **Compatibility with HCl:** Surfactants are specifically designed to be compatible with hydrochloric acid, ensuring they won't degrade or lose their effectiveness in the acidic environment. * **Moderate flow rate:** The surfactant's ability to disperse particles will be effective at a moderate flow rate, preventing settling while still allowing for efficient fluid movement. * **Porous formation:** Surfactants can penetrate porous formations, ensuring the suspension of particles throughout the wellbore. **Evaluation of effectiveness:** To evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen suspending agent, the engineer would monitor the following: * **Fluid production:** Observe if the well flow rate remains stable and consistent, indicating that flow obstructions are not occurring. * **Fluid analysis:** Regularly analyze the produced fluids to check for the presence of suspended clay particles. * **Pressure monitoring:** Monitor the well pressure to detect any sudden drops or changes that could indicate settling and blockages.


  • "Well Completion Engineering" by William J. Thomas - This book provides a comprehensive overview of well completion techniques, including sections on suspending agents and their applications.
  • "Formation Damage: Mechanisms, Evaluation, and Control" by K.S. Sorbie - This book delves into the complexities of formation damage, including the role of suspended particles and the use of suspending agents to mitigate this issue.
  • "Acidizing: Fundamentals, Operations, and Management" by J.M. Long - This book focuses specifically on acidizing procedures and the various additives used, including suspending agents.


  • "Suspending Agents in Acidizing Operations" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) - This technical paper provides an in-depth analysis of suspending agents, their properties, and their application in acidizing.
  • "Optimization of Acidizing Treatments with Suspending Agents" by SPE - This paper explores the use of suspending agents to improve the efficiency of acidizing treatments and minimize formation damage.
  • "Swabbing Techniques for Well Completion" by SPE - This article provides a detailed overview of swabbing techniques, including its use in assessing well performance and guiding completion decisions.

Online Resources

  • SPE Website: - The SPE website offers a vast library of technical papers and resources related to oil and gas production, including information on well completion and acidizing.
  • Schlumberger Technical Paper Library: - Schlumberger provides extensive technical papers and articles on various aspects of oil and gas operations, including suspending agents and swabbing.
  • Halliburton Technical Library: - Halliburton's website offers technical information about their various services, including well completion and acidizing, with specific details about suspending agents and their application.

Search Tips

  • "Suspending agents in acidizing" OR "Suspending agents in well completion" - This search will provide results specifically related to the use of suspending agents in these contexts.
  • "Swabbing techniques for well performance evaluation" - This search will help you find articles and resources on the diagnostic applications of swabbing in well completion.
  • "Types of suspending agents for acidizing" - This search will identify specific types of suspending agents used in acidizing treatments.
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