Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: surface hole

surface hole

Understanding the "Surface Hole" in Drilling & Well Completion

In the complex world of oil and gas exploration and production, drilling a well involves multiple stages and different sections of the wellbore. One of these sections, the "surface hole," plays a crucial role in the initial stages of drilling and is critical for the overall success of the project.

Defining the Surface Hole:

The surface hole is the section of the wellbore drilled below the conductor hole but above the intermediate hole. It is the first section of the wellbore to be drilled after the conductor pipe is set.

Key Characteristics & Purpose:

  • Depth: The depth of the surface hole can vary greatly, ranging from a few hundred feet to several thousand feet depending on the geological formation and well design.
  • Diameter: The surface hole usually has a larger diameter compared to subsequent sections, facilitating the use of larger drill bits and equipment.
  • Purpose: The primary purpose of the surface hole is to:
    • Access deeper formations: It allows drilling to reach depths below the conductor hole where the target reservoir might be located.
    • Establish a stable wellbore: It provides a stable foundation for further drilling operations.
    • Run casing: The surface hole is cased with a protective steel pipe (casing) to stabilize the wellbore and prevent surface contamination.

Importance & Considerations:

The surface hole is crucial because:

  • Safety & Environmental Protection: The casing in the surface hole protects the freshwater aquifers and other underground resources from potential contamination during drilling.
  • Wellbore Integrity: A stable and well-constructed surface hole is essential for successful drilling operations and the longevity of the well.
  • Drilling Efficiency: Proper drilling techniques and equipment selection in the surface hole phase contribute to overall drilling efficiency.

Challenges & Solutions:

Challenges during surface hole drilling can include:

  • Formation instability: Certain geological formations may be unstable and require special drilling techniques or casing design to ensure stability.
  • Drilling hazards: Encountering shallow gas or other hazards during surface hole drilling requires prompt intervention and risk mitigation.

Solutions to these challenges can involve:

  • Advanced drilling technologies: Using specialized drilling fluids and techniques to improve hole stability and manage drilling hazards.
  • Casing design: Selecting appropriate casing size and type based on the formation properties and drilling conditions.
  • Well planning and monitoring: Detailed pre-drilling planning and ongoing monitoring throughout the drilling process.


The surface hole, although a relatively early stage in well development, plays a vital role in the overall success of a drilling project. Understanding its characteristics, purpose, and potential challenges is crucial for engineers and operators to ensure safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible drilling operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding the Surface Hole

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the surface hole in drilling and well completion? a) The section of the wellbore drilled below the conductor hole but above the intermediate hole. b) The section of the wellbore drilled below the intermediate hole but above the production hole. c) The section of the wellbore drilled above the conductor hole. d) The entire section of the wellbore drilled before the production hole.


a) The section of the wellbore drilled below the conductor hole but above the intermediate hole.

2. Which of the following is NOT a primary purpose of the surface hole? a) Accessing deeper formations. b) Establishing a stable wellbore. c) Running casing to protect the wellbore. d) Directly accessing the target reservoir.


d) Directly accessing the target reservoir.

3. Why is the surface hole considered crucial for wellbore integrity? a) It allows for the placement of the wellhead. b) It helps prevent the wellbore from collapsing. c) It allows for the installation of downhole tools. d) It provides a pathway for the flow of hydrocarbons.


b) It helps prevent the wellbore from collapsing.

4. Which of the following is a potential challenge encountered during surface hole drilling? a) Formation instability. b) Excessive reservoir pressure. c) Difficulty in cementing the production casing. d) Corrosion of the production tubing.


a) Formation instability.

5. How does casing design play a role in mitigating challenges during surface hole drilling? a) It ensures the proper flow of drilling fluid. b) It helps control the temperature of the drilling fluid. c) It provides structural support and protects the wellbore. d) It helps prevent the formation of gas hydrates.


c) It provides structural support and protects the wellbore.

Exercise: Surface Hole Design

Scenario: You are a drilling engineer planning a new well. The target reservoir is located at a depth of 6,000 feet. The geological formations above the target reservoir are known to be relatively unstable.


  1. Design a surface hole for this well:
    • Depth: Consider the depth of the surface hole based on the target reservoir and formation stability.
    • Diameter: Choose a diameter suitable for the drilling equipment and anticipated drilling challenges.
    • Casing: Determine the appropriate casing size and material for the surface hole, considering the formation properties and safety requirements.
  2. Justify your design choices: Explain why you chose specific depths, diameters, and casing for this particular well.

Exercise Correction

This is a sample solution; the specific design will depend on the detailed geological and engineering data available.


  • Depth: 2,000 feet. This allows for a reasonable depth to stabilize the wellbore in the unstable formations while still leaving room for the intermediate and production sections.
  • Diameter: 17-1/2 inches. This is a standard diameter suitable for larger drill bits and equipment commonly used in the surface hole.
  • Casing: 13-3/8 inches, high-grade steel. This casing size provides sufficient strength to withstand the pressure and strain in the unstable formations, ensuring wellbore integrity.


  • Depth: A deeper surface hole provides better wellbore stability in unstable formations, reducing the risk of borehole collapse and ensuring a secure foundation for further drilling.
  • Diameter: The larger diameter allows for efficient drilling with larger drill bits, potentially reducing drilling time and costs.
  • Casing: The chosen casing size and material are appropriate for the expected pressures and geological conditions. High-grade steel ensures strength and durability, protecting the wellbore and the surrounding environment.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by John A. Miskimins: This textbook offers comprehensive coverage of drilling and well completion practices, including detailed explanations of surface hole drilling, casing design, and related technologies.
  • "Drilling Engineering" by Robert E. Horton: This classic book covers drilling fundamentals, with dedicated sections on surface hole drilling, wellbore stability, and drilling fluid selection.
  • "Drilling and Well Completion Engineering" by William C. Lyons: This comprehensive resource includes detailed discussions on surface hole design, casing selection, and various aspects of well construction.


  • "Surface Hole Design and Construction" by SPE: Look for articles published by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) on their website or in their journals. These articles often cover specific aspects of surface hole design, challenges, and best practices.
  • "Drilling and Completion Fundamentals" by Schlumberger: Schlumberger, a leading oilfield services company, publishes informative articles on various drilling and well completion topics. Their website often features articles relevant to surface hole drilling and associated technologies.
  • "Wellbore Stability and Casing Design" by Halliburton: Halliburton, another major oilfield services company, provides detailed articles and resources related to wellbore stability, casing design, and cementing operations. These resources can be accessed through their website or publications.

Online Resources

  • SPE Website: The Society of Petroleum Engineers offers numerous resources, including technical papers, presentations, and webinars, on drilling and well completion.
  • Schlumberger Website: Schlumberger's website provides access to technical information, case studies, and educational materials related to drilling and completion practices.
  • Halliburton Website: Halliburton's website contains a wealth of information on various aspects of well construction, including surface hole drilling, wellbore stability, and casing design.
  • DrillingInfo: This online platform provides a vast database of drilling and production data, which can be helpful for understanding specific case studies and drilling practices in different regions.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "surface hole drilling," "casing design for surface hole," "wellbore stability in surface hole," and "challenges in surface hole drilling."
  • Combine keywords with location specifics if you want to find information related to a particular region or geological formation.
  • Use "filetype:pdf" or "filetype:doc" to narrow down your search to specific file types like technical reports and academic papers.
  • Explore related keywords such as "conductor hole," "intermediate hole," "casing string," "cementing," "drilling fluids," and "wellbore stability."
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