Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: stairways


Stairways to Success: Understanding Stairways in Drilling and Well Completion

In the realm of drilling and well completion, the term "stairways" might sound more like an architectural feature than a critical component. However, in this context, stairways refer to specific configurations of wellbore design, utilizing a series of steps or "stairs" to achieve desired results. These stairways are crucial for managing pressures, optimizing production, and ensuring the integrity of the well.

Here's a breakdown of different types of stairways used in drilling and well completion:

1. Pressure Stairways:

  • Purpose: Used to manage high formation pressures encountered during drilling.
  • Description: The wellbore is drilled in a series of steps, with each step representing a reduction in diameter. This constriction helps contain the pressure buildup from the surrounding formations.
  • Benefit: Reduces the risk of well control issues and blowouts.

2. Production Stairways:

  • Purpose: Designed to enhance oil and gas production from reservoirs with varying pressure and permeability.
  • Description: Involves drilling a series of intervals at different depths, each with a specific diameter. This allows for selective production from various zones within the reservoir.
  • Benefit: Optimizes production by targeting specific zones with high productivity.

3. Liner Stairways:

  • Purpose: Used to isolate zones within the wellbore during well completion and production.
  • Description: A series of liners, each with a different diameter, are installed within the wellbore. This allows for separate production or injection from different intervals.
  • Benefit: Provides flexibility for future well intervention and enhances overall well performance.

4. Completion Stairways:

  • Purpose: Used to optimize the completion strategy of a well by tailoring the completion design to specific reservoir characteristics.
  • Description: May involve different combinations of production tubing, packers, and other equipment, each tailored to a particular zone within the well.
  • Benefit: Allows for customized completion strategies that maximize production efficiency.

The use of stairways in drilling and well completion requires careful planning and execution. The design of each stairway must consider the specific geological formations, pressure regimes, and desired production goals.

Understanding these stairways is essential for drilling engineers, well completion specialists, and anyone involved in the oil and gas industry. This knowledge allows for the development of efficient and effective well designs that maximize production while minimizing risks and environmental impact.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Stairways to Success

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a pressure stairway in drilling?

a) To enhance oil and gas production.


Incorrect. Pressure stairways are designed to manage pressure, not enhance production.

b) To isolate zones within the wellbore.


Incorrect. This is the purpose of a liner stairway.

c) To reduce the risk of well control issues and blowouts.


Correct! Pressure stairways help contain pressure buildup by constricting the wellbore.

d) To optimize the completion strategy of a well.


Incorrect. Completion stairways focus on completion strategies.

2. What is a key characteristic of a production stairway?

a) A series of steps with decreasing diameters.


Incorrect. This describes a pressure stairway.

b) Drilling intervals at different depths with specific diameters.


Correct! Production stairways target specific zones for optimal production.

c) Installation of liners with varying diameters.


Incorrect. This describes a liner stairway.

d) Use of different completion equipment tailored to specific zones.


Incorrect. This describes a completion stairway.

3. Which type of stairway is primarily used for well completion and production?

a) Pressure stairway.


Incorrect. Pressure stairways are focused on drilling.

b) Production stairway.


Incorrect. While production stairways are used during production, they are mainly designed for drilling.

c) Liner stairway.


Correct! Liner stairways are specifically designed for well completion and production.

d) Completion stairway.


Incorrect. Completion stairways focus on the specific completion strategy for a well.

4. What is the main benefit of using a completion stairway?

a) Managing high formation pressures.


Incorrect. This is the purpose of a pressure stairway.

b) Optimizing production by targeting specific zones.


Incorrect. While this can be a benefit, it's more associated with production stairways.

c) Isolating zones within the wellbore.


Incorrect. This is the purpose of a liner stairway.

d) Allowing for customized completion strategies that maximize production efficiency.


Correct! Completion stairways enable tailored completion designs for specific reservoir characteristics.

5. Which of the following is NOT a crucial factor to consider when designing a stairway?

a) Geological formations


Incorrect. Geological formations are key for understanding pressure and reservoir characteristics.

b) Pressure regimes


Incorrect. Pressure regimes are essential for managing well control and production.

c) Desired production goals


Incorrect. Production goals guide the selection of the appropriate stairway type and design.

d) The cost of drilling equipment


Correct! While cost is important, it's not a primary factor in the initial design of a stairway.

Exercise: Stairway Design

Scenario: You are a drilling engineer tasked with designing a well in a complex reservoir with multiple zones. Zone A has high pressure, Zone B has low permeability, and Zone C has excellent productivity.

Task: Design a stairway strategy for this well, considering the different zones and their characteristics. Explain your choices for each zone and the overall benefits of your design.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution: **Zone A (High Pressure):** * **Design:** Utilize a pressure stairway with a series of decreasing diameters to manage the high formation pressure. This will help prevent well control issues and ensure safe drilling. * **Justification:** This is crucial for preventing blowouts and maintaining well integrity. **Zone B (Low Permeability):** * **Design:** Drill a smaller diameter interval in this zone. Consider using a liner to isolate this zone. * **Justification:** The smaller diameter will help maintain pressure, and the liner will prevent communication between Zones B and C, allowing for separate production from the more productive Zone C. **Zone C (Excellent Productivity):** * **Design:** Drill a larger diameter interval in this zone, allowing for optimal production. * **Justification:** This allows for greater flow rates and maximizes production from the most productive zone. **Overall Benefits:** * **Safe Drilling:** The pressure stairway manages high pressure in Zone A. * **Optimized Production:** Separate production from zones with different characteristics is possible, maximizing overall yield. * **Flexibility:** The use of liners allows for future interventions and modifications if needed. This example demonstrates the benefits of using stairways to adapt to different reservoir challenges and optimize well performance.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by John Lee: This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of drilling and well completion, including wellbore design principles and the use of stairways for pressure management and production optimization.
  • "Well Completion Design and Operations" by J.J. Economides & K.G. Nolte: This book provides detailed insights into well completion techniques, including the use of stairways for isolating zones and optimizing production.
  • "Drilling Engineering: A Comprehensive Treatise" by M.P. Sharma: This textbook offers a detailed explanation of drilling engineering principles, including pressure control techniques and wellbore design, which may involve stairways.


  • "Stairway to Heaven: Pressure Stairways in High-Pressure Wells" by [Author Name] in [Journal Name]: A specific article focusing on pressure stairways, their design principles, and applications in challenging high-pressure wells.
  • "Production Stairways for Enhanced Reservoir Recovery" by [Author Name] in [Journal Name]: A research paper exploring the use of production stairways for increasing production from complex reservoirs.
  • "Optimizing Well Completions with Liner Stairways" by [Author Name] in [Journal Name]: An article discussing the benefits and challenges of using liner stairways for zonal isolation and production control.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: The SPE website offers a vast library of technical articles, papers, and publications covering all aspects of drilling and well completion, including stairways.
  • OnePetro (formerly IADC/SPE Drilling & Completion): This online platform provides access to numerous technical papers and case studies related to drilling, well completion, and production, which may contain information about stairways.
  • Oil & Gas Journals & Websites (e.g., Oil & Gas Journal, World Oil, Energy Voice): These publications regularly publish articles on drilling and well completion technologies, including new developments in stairway design and applications.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include terms like "stairways," "pressure stairways," "production stairways," "liner stairways," "wellbore design," "drilling," and "well completion."
  • Combine keywords with industry terms: Use combinations like "stairways wellbore design," "pressure stairways drilling," or "production stairways completion."
  • Specify search parameters: Use "filetype:pdf" to find research papers and technical reports, or "" to focus on academic resources.
  • Explore related concepts: Search for terms like "pressure control," "zonal isolation," "production optimization," and "wellbore integrity" to discover relevant information about stairways.
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