Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: stack


Stacking the Deck: Understanding "Stack" in Drilling & Well Completion

In the world of drilling and well completion, the term "stack" can refer to two distinct but important structures: the blowout preventer stack and the vapor disposal stack. Both play crucial roles in ensuring safety and environmental protection.

1. Blowout Preventer Stack:

  • Description: This stack refers to a vertical arrangement of blowout prevention equipment, often called the preventer stack or simply "blowout preventer" (BOP). It acts as a safety barrier, preventing uncontrolled well flow (blowouts) by sealing the wellbore.
  • Function: The BOP stack sits atop the wellhead, comprised of various valves and rams. These components can be activated remotely to shut off the well in an emergency.
  • Components: A typical BOP stack includes:
    • Annular preventer: A large valve that seals the space between the drill pipe and the wellbore.
    • Blind shear rams: These rams are designed to cut and seal the drill pipe in case of a blowout.
    • Pipe rams: Used to seal the wellbore around the drill pipe.
    • Control system: Provides remote operation of the BOP stack components.
  • Importance: The BOP stack is crucial for safety. It prevents uncontrolled gas or oil releases, potential well fires, and environmental damage.

2. Vapor Disposal Stack:

  • Description: This stack is a vertical, chimney-like structure that serves as the waste disposal system for unwanted vapors. These can include flue gases (from combustion processes) or tail-gas streams (from processing facilities).
  • Function: The vapor disposal stack safely vents these gases into the atmosphere. The height of the stack ensures proper dispersion of the gases, minimizing environmental impact.
  • Components: The stack often includes:
    • Inlet: Where the unwanted gases enter the stack.
    • Chimney: The vertical structure that carries the gases upwards.
    • Dispersion devices: May be installed at the top of the stack to further disperse the gases.
  • Importance: The vapor disposal stack protects the environment by preventing the release of hazardous or unwanted gases at ground level. It also plays a role in air quality control and emissions reduction.

In Conclusion:

Understanding the different meanings of "stack" in drilling and well completion is crucial for effective communication and safe operations. Both the blowout preventer stack and the vapor disposal stack play vital roles in ensuring safety and minimizing environmental impact during drilling and well completion activities.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Drilling Engineering: Principles, Applications, and Management" by A.L. Golan and J.C. Golan. This comprehensive textbook covers drilling and well completion operations, including blowout prevention equipment and vapor disposal systems.
  • "Fundamentals of Petroleum Production Engineering" by D.R. Kuhn and B.C. Clark. This book provides in-depth explanations of various aspects of petroleum production, including safety systems and environmental considerations.
  • "Well Control: A Comprehensive Approach" by M.A. Dake. This book delves into the intricacies of blowout prevention, emphasizing the importance of the blowout preventer stack and its operation.


  • "Blowout Preventers: A Vital Safety Equipment" by [Author's Name] - This article can be found in industry journals like "World Oil" or "Petroleum Engineering."
  • "The Role of Vapor Disposal Stacks in Environmental Protection" by [Author's Name] - Search for this type of article in environmental engineering publications or online databases like ScienceDirect or JSTOR.
  • "Case Study: Analyzing the Effectiveness of a Vapor Disposal System in an Oil Field" by [Author's Name] - Look for case studies on specific installations in industry publications or conference proceedings.

Online Resources

  • American Petroleum Institute (API) - API standards and guidelines are essential for safe drilling practices and include details on blowout prevention and environmental protection. (
  • International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) - IADC provides resources and training on various aspects of drilling, including safety and environmental regulations. (
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) - SPE offers a wealth of information on drilling and well completion through its journals, conferences, and online resources. (

Search Tips

  • "Blowout Preventer Stack" + "Drilling" + "Safety" - Find information about the BOP stack and its safety functions.
  • "Vapor Disposal Stack" + "Environmental Impact" + "Oil and Gas" - Learn about the stack's role in minimizing environmental impact.
  • "Drilling Equipment" + "Stack" + "Types" - Explore different types of stacks used in drilling operations.
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