Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Lifting & Rigging: sheave (pronounced "shiv")

sheave (pronounced "shiv")

The Unsung Hero of Drilling: Understanding the Sheave in Well Completion

In the world of drilling and well completion, where complex machinery operates under immense pressure, often overlooked components play crucial roles. The sheave, pronounced "shiv," is one such component. While seemingly simple, its function is critical, ensuring smooth and efficient operation of various equipment.

Sheaves in a Nutshell:

Essentially, a sheave is a grooved wheel, usually made of steel or other durable materials. This groove allows a rope, cable, or wire to run smoothly around it, providing a mechanical advantage for lifting and pulling. In drilling and well completion, sheaves are used in numerous applications:

1. The Grooved Pulley:

  • Lifting and Lowering Equipment: Sheaves are integral to hoisting systems used for lowering drilling equipment into the wellbore, lifting drill pipes, and moving casing strings. They redirect the force applied to the cable, reducing friction and allowing for efficient movement of heavy loads.
  • Rigging and Pulling Operations: Sheaves are also used in various rigging operations, such as pulling wireline tools used for well maintenance and completion, and manipulating heavy equipment during drilling and well intervention.

2. The Support Wheel:

  • Wireline Operations: Sheaves act as support wheels for wireline cables. They provide smooth pathways for cables to move, preventing unnecessary wear and tear, and ensuring consistent performance during logging and other wireline operations.
  • Measurement and Positioning: Sheaves are also incorporated into measurement systems, like those used to determine the length of cable used during well completion activities.

Sheave Design and Considerations:

The design of a sheave is crucial for optimal performance. Factors to consider include:

  • Material: Sheaves are typically made from high-strength steel, ensuring durability and resistance to wear under heavy loads.
  • Groove Shape and Size: The groove profile must be compatible with the cable or wire being used, allowing smooth operation and minimizing friction.
  • Bearing System: Sheaves incorporate bearing systems to minimize friction and enhance efficiency during rotation.
  • Lubrication: Proper lubrication of the sheave and its bearing system is essential for smooth operation and extended lifespan.

Sheave Maintenance:

Regular inspection and maintenance of sheaves are vital for maintaining the safety and efficiency of drilling and well completion operations. Checking for wear and tear, ensuring proper lubrication, and replacing worn or damaged sheaves are crucial for continued operational success.


While often overlooked, the sheave plays a crucial role in the smooth and efficient operation of drilling and well completion activities. Its simple design, coupled with its vital function, makes it an unsung hero in the world of oil and gas exploration. Understanding the sheave and its importance helps ensure safe and effective drilling and well completion operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Unsung Hero of Drilling: Understanding the Sheave

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a sheave in drilling and well completion?

a) To generate power for drilling operations. b) To provide a mechanical advantage for lifting and pulling heavy loads. c) To control the flow of drilling fluid. d) To measure the depth of the wellbore.


b) To provide a mechanical advantage for lifting and pulling heavy loads.

2. Sheaves are typically made from:

a) Plastic. b) Rubber. c) High-strength steel. d) Aluminum.


c) High-strength steel.

3. Which of the following is NOT a factor to consider in sheave design?

a) Material. b) Groove shape and size. c) Color. d) Bearing system.


c) Color.

4. Sheaves are used in which of the following operations?

a) Lifting drill pipes. b) Pulling wireline tools. c) Moving casing strings. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. What is the importance of regular sheave maintenance?

a) To prevent safety hazards. b) To ensure smooth and efficient operations. c) To extend the lifespan of the sheave. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Exercise: Sheave Application

Scenario: You are working on a drilling rig and need to lift a heavy piece of equipment using a cable and a pulley system. The equipment weighs 10,000 lbs, and the pulley system uses two sheaves.

Task: Calculate the force required to lift the equipment.

Hint: The mechanical advantage of a pulley system is equal to the number of supporting ropes or strands.

Exercice Correction

In this scenario, the pulley system uses two sheaves, which creates a mechanical advantage of 2. This means that the force required to lift the equipment is halved.

Therefore, the force required to lift the equipment is: 10,000 lbs / 2 = 5,000 lbs.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by Robert F. Anderson (Covers drilling equipment and operations, including sheaves)
  • "Well Completion Engineering" by M.A. Economides & K.G. Nolte (Detailed information on completion techniques and equipment, including sheaves)
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Marcel J. Economides (Comprehensive resource with sections on drilling and well completion, including equipment descriptions)


  • "Sheave Design and Selection for Oilfield Applications" by John Smith (Fictitious article, but could be a good search term)
  • "Lubrication Practices for Sheaves in Drilling Operations" by Jane Doe (Fictitious article, but could be a good search term)
  • "Understanding Wireline Operations and the Role of Sheaves" by Richard Roe (Fictitious article, but could be a good search term)

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): Search their website for articles, papers, and presentations related to drilling, well completion, and equipment.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: Search their website for articles on drilling and completion operations.
  • Google Scholar: Search for academic articles on "sheave," "drilling," and "well completion."
  • Manufacturer Websites: Websites of companies that manufacture drilling and completion equipment often have technical documents and manuals related to sheaves.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "sheave," "drilling," "well completion," "oilfield equipment"
  • Combine keywords: "sheave design," "sheave maintenance," "sheave lubrication"
  • Use quotation marks: "sheave in well completion" to find exact phrases.
  • Explore related searches: Google will suggest related search terms based on your initial query.
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