Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: self-potential (SP)

self-potential (SP)

Delving into Self-Potential (SP) in Drilling & Well Completion: A Guide to Understanding this Essential Tool

In the world of drilling and well completion, understanding the subsurface environment is paramount. This is where the concept of Self-Potential (SP) comes into play, providing invaluable insights into the geological formations encountered during exploration and production.

Understanding the Basics:

Self-Potential (SP), also known as Spontaneous Potential, is a naturally occurring electrical potential difference that arises due to electrochemical reactions between formation fluids and the surrounding rock. These reactions, driven by salinity variations, temperature gradients, and other factors, generate a measurable voltage that can be recorded using specialized logging tools.

Key Features and Applications:

  • Identifying permeable zones: SP logs exhibit distinct deviations from the baseline value, indicating zones of increased permeability. This helps pinpoint potential reservoirs where hydrocarbons might be trapped.
  • Detecting fluid contacts: SP anomalies can differentiate between freshwater, saltwater, and hydrocarbon zones. This information is crucial for optimizing well placement and production strategies.
  • Defining lithology: The amplitude and shape of SP curves often correlate with specific rock types, enabling geologists to identify shale, sandstone, and limestone formations.
  • Evaluating formation conductivity: SP readings provide valuable information about the electrical conductivity of the formation, influencing the efficiency of electrical logging techniques.

Practical Considerations:

  • Influence of borehole conditions: The presence of mud filtrate and other fluids in the borehole can significantly impact SP measurements. Understanding these factors is crucial for accurate interpretation.
  • Effect of drilling fluids: The salinity and type of drilling fluid used can affect SP readings. Proper calibration and consideration of these factors are essential.
  • Interpretation challenges: While SP logs offer valuable insights, interpreting them effectively requires experience and a good understanding of geological context.

In Conclusion:

Self-Potential (SP) is a powerful tool in the arsenal of exploration and production professionals. Its ability to provide insights into fluid contacts, permeability, and lithology makes it invaluable for optimizing well design, hydrocarbon exploration, and reservoir management. By understanding the principles and limitations of SP logging, engineers and geologists can leverage this technique to unlock the secrets of the subsurface and enhance the effectiveness of drilling and well completion operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Self-Potential (SP) Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary cause of Self-Potential (SP) readings in a wellbore?

a) Magnetic field variations in the Earth b) Electrical conductivity of the drilling fluid c) Electrochemical reactions between formation fluids and rock d) Gravitational pull on the logging tool


c) Electrochemical reactions between formation fluids and rock

2. Which of the following is NOT a direct application of Self-Potential (SP) logging?

a) Identifying permeable zones b) Determining the depth of the wellbore c) Detecting fluid contacts (water, oil, gas) d) Defining lithology (rock types)


b) Determining the depth of the wellbore

3. How can borehole conditions affect SP measurements?

a) They have no impact on SP readings. b) The presence of mud filtrate can distort SP values. c) Only the type of drilling fluid affects the readings. d) Borehole conditions are irrelevant for SP interpretation.


b) The presence of mud filtrate can distort SP values.

4. What information can be derived from the amplitude and shape of SP curves?

a) Only the depth of the formation. b) The age of the rock formations. c) The type of drilling fluid used. d) Potential lithological variations and fluid contacts.


d) Potential lithological variations and fluid contacts.

5. Why is understanding the limitations of SP logging crucial for accurate interpretation?

a) SP readings are always accurate and require no further analysis. b) SP logs provide only a limited perspective of the subsurface. c) SP is only useful for shallow wells. d) SP measurements are unaffected by external factors.


b) SP logs provide only a limited perspective of the subsurface.

Self-Potential (SP) Exercise:


You are analyzing SP log data from a newly drilled well. The log shows a sharp negative deflection at a depth of 2,500 meters. This deflection is significantly larger than the surrounding readings and is followed by a gradual return to baseline.


  1. Based on the characteristics of the SP curve, what geological feature is likely present at the 2,500-meter depth?
  2. Explain your reasoning, considering the key features and applications of SP logging.
  3. What additional information or analyses could help confirm your interpretation?

Exercice Correction

1. The sharp negative deflection in the SP curve at 2,500 meters likely indicates a **permeable zone** containing a **fluid contact**, potentially a **hydrocarbon reservoir**. 2. Here's the reasoning: - **Sharp negative deflection:** This is characteristic of permeable zones where a difference in salinity or electrical conductivity exists between the formation fluid and the surrounding rock. - **Significant amplitude:** The large magnitude of the deflection suggests a significant change in fluid properties, potentially indicating a transition from a less conductive (e.g., freshwater) to a more conductive (e.g., hydrocarbon or saltwater) zone. - **Gradual return to baseline:** This suggests the permeable zone is not a continuous layer but likely has a limited extent. 3. **Additional analyses to confirm the interpretation:** - **Resistivity log:** This can help differentiate between different fluid types (water, oil, gas) based on their electrical conductivity. - **Gamma ray log:** This can provide information about the lithology, which can further support or refine the interpretation of the SP data. - **Porosity log:** This helps assess the reservoir quality and potential for hydrocarbon production. - **Core analysis:** Samples from the wellbore can be analyzed in the lab to confirm the presence and type of hydrocarbons.


  • Log Interpretation Principles and Applications by Schlumberger: This comprehensive textbook covers various logging techniques, including SP, and their interpretation in detail.
  • Well Logging and Formation Evaluation by T. R. La Pointe, M. J. Hilchie: A classic reference for well logging techniques with a dedicated chapter on SP logs and their applications.
  • Applied Geophysics by Kearey, Brooks, and Hill: Provides a broader understanding of geophysical methods, including electrical resistivity methods that underpin SP logging.


  • Self-Potential Logging: A Powerful Tool for Exploration and Production by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): A comprehensive review article on SP logging, covering its principles, applications, and limitations.
  • Spontaneous Potential Logs: Their Interpretation and Application by J. S. Jackson: This article discusses SP log interpretation with emphasis on identifying fluid contacts, permeable zones, and lithological boundaries.
  • Electrochemical Potential Logs in Petroleum Exploration by M. A. Hussain: An article focusing on the use of SP logs for hydrocarbon exploration and reservoir characterization.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger's Open Subsurface Data Initiative: This platform offers access to various well logs, including SP logs, which can be used for learning and analysis.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website features a vast repository of technical papers and presentations related to well logging and formation evaluation.
  • Google Scholar: Use search terms like "SP log interpretation", "Spontaneous Potential Logging", "Electrochemical Potential Logs" to find relevant academic publications.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "SP log applications", "SP log interpretation", "SP log analysis".
  • Combine keywords with modifiers: "SP log AND oil exploration", "SP log AND fluid contact", "SP log AND reservoir characterization".
  • Use Boolean operators: "SP log OR self-potential" to broaden the search results.
  • Filter by publication date: "SP log published in the last 5 years" to find the most recent research.
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