Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: rod hanger

rod hanger

Holding the Lifeline: Rod Hangers in Drilling & Well Completion

In the world of oil and gas extraction, the reliable and efficient operation of a sucker rod pump (SRP) system is paramount. This system relies on a series of interconnected rods, known as sucker rods, to lift crude oil from the reservoir to the surface. A crucial component in this process is the rod hanger, a device designed to securely hold these rods on the mast or in the derrick during operation.

What is a Rod Hanger?

A rod hanger is a specialized piece of equipment that acts as the interface between the sucker rods and the surface machinery. It serves two primary functions:

  1. Securely suspending the sucker rods: The hanger clamps onto the rod string, providing a robust and reliable connection that prevents slippage or disengagement.
  2. Allowing for vertical movement: The hanger design permits the rods to move freely up and down as they operate, transmitting the pumping action from the surface to the downhole pump.

Types of Rod Hangers:

There are various types of rod hangers, each tailored to specific applications and well conditions. Some common types include:

  • Swivel Hangers: These hangers allow the rod string to rotate freely, reducing stress on the rods and preventing wear and tear.
  • Lock-on Hangers: Offering a fixed connection, these hangers are ideal for high-pressure or high-volume pumping operations.
  • Telescoping Hangers: This type allows for easy adjustment of the hanger height to accommodate different rod string lengths.
  • Floating Hangers: Designed to absorb shocks and vibrations, floating hangers are crucial in mitigating potential damage to the rod string and the wellhead.

Importance of Rod Hangers:

A well-functioning rod hanger is crucial for the reliable and efficient operation of an SRP system. Its role is critical for:

  • Maintaining a secure connection: A loose or malfunctioning hanger can lead to rod string detachment, resulting in significant operational downtime and potential damage to the well.
  • Reducing wear and tear: Proper hanger design minimizes friction and stress on the rods, extending their service life.
  • Ensuring safe operation: A secure hanger minimizes the risk of accidents and ensures the safety of personnel working on the rig.

Choosing the Right Rod Hanger:

Selecting the appropriate rod hanger is essential for achieving optimal performance. Factors to consider include:

  • Well depth and operating conditions: The hanger must be able to withstand the pressure and temperature conditions at the wellhead.
  • Rod string size and type: The hanger must be compatible with the specific rods used in the system.
  • Pumping rate and volume: The hanger's design should facilitate the desired pumping efficiency.


The rod hanger plays a vital, often overlooked role in the success of an SRP system. It ensures the smooth and reliable operation of the rod string, minimizing downtime and maximizing production. Understanding the different types of hangers and their importance is crucial for any professional involved in drilling and well completion activities. By utilizing the right hanger for the specific well conditions, operators can ensure efficient and safe operation of their SRP systems, leading to greater profitability and sustainability in oil and gas production.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Holding the Lifeline: Rod Hangers in Drilling & Well Completion

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a rod hanger?

a) To connect the sucker rods to the surface pumping unit. b) To lubricate the sucker rods during operation. c) To measure the amount of oil produced. d) To regulate the flow of oil from the well.


a) To connect the sucker rods to the surface pumping unit.

2. Which type of rod hanger allows for free rotation of the rod string?

a) Lock-on Hanger b) Telescoping Hanger c) Floating Hanger d) Swivel Hanger


d) Swivel Hanger

3. What is a major consequence of a malfunctioning rod hanger?

a) Increased oil production b) Reduced operating costs c) Rod string detachment d) Improved pump efficiency


c) Rod string detachment

4. Which factor is NOT a primary consideration when choosing the right rod hanger?

a) Well depth b) Rod string size c) Pump manufacturer d) Pumping rate


c) Pump manufacturer

5. Which type of rod hanger is specifically designed to absorb shocks and vibrations?

a) Swivel Hanger b) Lock-on Hanger c) Telescoping Hanger d) Floating Hanger


d) Floating Hanger

Exercise: Rod Hanger Selection

Scenario: You are working on a well with a depth of 3,000 feet, producing 100 barrels of oil per day. The well is experiencing high pressure and requires a secure connection to prevent rod string detachment. You are using a 2-inch diameter sucker rod string.

Task: Based on the information provided, recommend the most suitable type of rod hanger for this well and explain your reasoning.

Exercice Correction

Considering the high pressure, secure connection requirement, and 2-inch sucker rod string, the most suitable rod hanger would be a **Lock-on Hanger**. Here's why: - **High Pressure:** Lock-on hangers are designed for high-pressure applications and offer a fixed connection, ensuring that the rod string stays secured under pressure. - **Secure Connection:** Lock-on hangers provide a strong, fixed connection, minimizing the risk of detachment. - **Compatibility with Rod Size:** Lock-on hangers are compatible with various rod string sizes, including the 2-inch diameter rods used in this well. While swivel hangers provide free rotation, they might not be ideal for high-pressure wells. Telescoping hangers are used for adjusting height and floating hangers for shock absorption, but they don't offer the necessary secure connection for this specific scenario.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by William C. Lyons. (This classic textbook provides a comprehensive overview of drilling and completion operations, including details on rod hanger design and selection.)
  • "Sucker Rod Pumping Handbook" by The Petroleum Engineer Publishing Company. (This handbook offers a practical guide to sucker rod pumping systems, including extensive sections on rod hanger types, applications, and maintenance.)
  • "Modern Well Completion Techniques" by John Lee. (This book covers various well completion methodologies, emphasizing the importance of proper rod hanger selection for efficient operation.)


  • "Rod Hanger Selection and Maintenance for Sucker Rod Pumps" by SPE. (This technical paper discusses critical considerations for choosing the right rod hanger based on well conditions and operational requirements.)
  • "Understanding Rod Hangers and Their Impact on Sucker Rod Pump Performance" by Oil and Gas Journal. (This article highlights the significance of rod hangers in ensuring optimal pump operation, minimizing downtime, and maximizing oil production.)
  • "Rod Hanger Failures: Causes and Prevention" by Journal of Petroleum Technology. (This article analyzes common rod hanger failures and provides insights on preventive measures to ensure reliable and safe operation.)

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): (Search the SPE website for publications, technical papers, and presentations related to rod hangers and sucker rod pumping systems.)
  • Oil and Gas Journal: (This industry journal publishes articles and news related to oil and gas extraction, including topics on rod hanger technology and advancements.)
  • Schlumberger: (This oilfield services company offers a wide range of products and services related to well completion, including rod hangers. Explore their website for technical information and case studies.)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "rod hanger," "sucker rod pump," "well completion," "drilling," "oil and gas."
  • Combine keywords: "rod hanger selection criteria," "rod hanger maintenance," "rod hanger types," "rod hanger failures."
  • Use quotation marks: "rod hanger design" to find exact phrases.
  • Filter by date: Search for recent articles or publications by specifying a time range.
  • Explore advanced search options: Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to refine your search query.
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