Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: remote choke panel

remote choke panel

Remote Choke Panel: The Unsung Hero of Kick Control in Drilling

In the high-pressure, high-stakes world of oil and gas drilling, controlling the flow of drilling fluid is paramount. One crucial tool in this process is the remote choke panel, a set of controls designed to manage the flow of drilling fluid through the choke manifold during a kick.

Understanding the Scenario: A Drilling Kick

A "kick" in drilling refers to the influx of formation fluids (oil, gas, or water) into the wellbore. This can happen due to pressure imbalances or unexpected formation characteristics. A kick can be dangerous, leading to uncontrolled wellbore pressure and potential blowout.

The Role of the Remote Choke Panel

The remote choke panel acts as a critical interface between the rig crew and the choke manifold. It provides a safe and controlled method to manipulate the flow of drilling fluid during a kick. Here's how it works:

  • Circulating a Kick: When a kick is detected, drilling fluid is circulated through the wellbore to displace the formation fluids and return pressure to a safe level. The remote choke panel allows the crew to adjust the choke opening (using valves and pressure gauges), controlling the flow rate and pressure of the drilling fluid.

  • Remote Operation: The panel is typically located on the rig floor or another accessible location, allowing the crew to monitor and control the choke manifold from a safe distance. This is crucial in a kick situation, as it minimizes the need for personnel to be near the potentially hazardous wellhead.

  • Precision Control: The choke panel facilitates fine-tuning of the circulation rate. This allows for efficient displacement of the formation fluids while maintaining a safe wellbore pressure.

Why is Remote Operation Important?

  • Safety: The remote location reduces the risk of injury to personnel in the event of a blowout or uncontrolled pressure surge.
  • Control: Operators can precisely manage the flow rate and pressure of drilling fluid from a safe distance, ensuring efficient kick circulation.
  • Flexibility: The remote panel can be equipped with multiple control points, providing operators with versatile options for managing the flow during various stages of a kick.

The Remote Choke Panel: An Essential Safety Tool

The remote choke panel is a vital component of modern drilling rigs, playing a critical role in mitigating the risks associated with kicks. Its ability to allow for precise and safe control of drilling fluid flow during these events makes it an indispensable tool for ensuring the safety and efficiency of drilling operations.

Further Reading:

  • Choke Manifold: [Link to related article about choke manifold]
  • Well Control: [Link to related article about well control]
  • Blowout Preventers: [Link to related article about blowout preventers]

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Remote Choke Panel

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of the remote choke panel in drilling? a) To monitor wellbore pressure b) To control the flow of drilling fluid during a kick c) To activate the blowout preventer d) To adjust the drilling mud density


b) To control the flow of drilling fluid during a kick

2. Why is remote operation of the choke panel crucial during a kick? a) It allows for faster response times. b) It ensures the safety of personnel by keeping them away from the wellhead. c) It provides a more precise control of the drilling fluid flow. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

3. What is the main benefit of using a remote choke panel over manually operating the choke manifold? a) It allows for easier access to the choke manifold. b) It provides greater precision and control over the flow rate. c) It reduces the need for specialized equipment. d) It eliminates the risk of a kick.


b) It provides greater precision and control over the flow rate.

4. During a kick, the remote choke panel allows the crew to: a) Adjust the drilling fluid density. b) Control the flow rate and pressure of the drilling fluid. c) Open and close the blowout preventer. d) Monitor the wellbore temperature.


b) Control the flow rate and pressure of the drilling fluid.

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a remote choke panel? a) Improved safety for personnel b) Increased control over the kick situation c) Elimination of the need for a choke manifold d) Flexibility in managing the flow during different stages of a kick


c) Elimination of the need for a choke manifold

Exercise: Remote Choke Panel Scenario

Scenario: You are the drilling supervisor on a rig. You detect a kick in the wellbore. The remote choke panel is your primary tool for managing the situation.

Task: Describe the steps you would take using the remote choke panel to safely circulate the kick and regain control of the wellbore pressure.

Instructions: Include the following in your description:

  • How you would initially react to the kick detection
  • The steps you would take to control the flow of drilling fluid using the remote choke panel
  • How you would monitor the wellbore pressure and circulation rate
  • The safety precautions you would implement

Exercice Correction

**Initial Reaction:** * Immediately announce a "kick" to the rig crew, activating the well control procedures. * Check the wellbore pressure and circulation rate to confirm the kick. * Inform the rig manager and notify the appropriate authorities (e.g., regulatory agency, drilling engineer). **Remote Choke Panel Control:** * Increase the circulation rate by gradually opening the choke valve using the remote controls. * Monitor the wellbore pressure and adjust the choke opening accordingly. * Aim for a stable circulation rate that will displace the formation fluids without exceeding safe pressure limits. **Monitoring:** * Constantly monitor the wellbore pressure using the remote panel gauges and other available pressure monitoring systems. * Keep a close eye on the circulation rate and adjust the choke opening as needed. * Record all relevant data for future analysis. **Safety Precautions:** * Ensure all rig personnel are aware of the kick and are following safety procedures. * Maintain clear communication and coordination among the crew. * Keep personnel away from the wellhead and any potentially hazardous areas. * Have emergency equipment readily available and ensure all safety systems are operational. **Note:** The exact steps may vary based on the specific kick situation, well conditions, and drilling equipment. The key is to act quickly, safely, and efficiently using the remote choke panel to regain control of the wellbore pressure and circulate the kick out of the system.


  • Drilling Engineering: Principles and Practices by Robert E. Stephenson (Covers choke manifold operations and well control principles)
  • Well Control: A Practical Guide to Managing Wellbore Pressures by Terry W. Dulaney (Detailed explanation of kick management and the role of choke panels)
  • Drilling Operations by John A. Ratliff and Thomas W. Jordan (Comprehensive drilling handbook covering well control equipment and procedures)


  • Remote Choke Panels: A Safer Approach to Kick Control by [Author Name] (If available, search for articles on online journals like SPE or technical publications)
  • The Impact of Remote Choke Panels on Well Control Efficiency by [Author Name] (Search for articles on drilling industry websites and journals)
  • Advances in Choke Panel Design and Technology by [Author Name] (Search for articles on advancements in well control technologies)

Online Resources

  • American Petroleum Institute (API) - Well Control Manual: Provides detailed information on well control procedures, including choke panel operation and safety protocols. [Link to API website]
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) - Well Control Resources: Offers technical papers, presentations, and webinars on well control topics, including choke panel applications. [Link to SPE website]
  • Drillinginfo: This industry website offers technical articles, news, and market data related to drilling operations, including well control technologies. [Link to Drillinginfo website]

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "remote choke panel", "kick control", "well control", "choke manifold".
  • Include keywords related to specific applications, like "offshore drilling" or "horizontal drilling".
  • Combine keywords with technical terms like "hydraulic control", "pressure management", or "safety protocols".
  • Explore websites of industry organizations like API, SPE, and IADC for technical documents and resources.
  • Use advanced search operators like quotation marks for exact phrase searches, "+" to include specific keywords, and "-" to exclude unwanted terms.
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