Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: primary recovery

primary recovery

Primary Recovery: The Natural First Step in Oil Production

Primary recovery is the first stage in extracting oil from a reservoir. It relies on the natural forces within the reservoir, known as reservoir drives, to push the oil towards the wellbore and bring it to the surface. This phase is characterized by minimal intervention, making it the most cost-effective stage of oil production. However, as reservoir pressure declines, artificial lift methods may become necessary to maintain production.

Understanding Reservoir Drives:

Reservoir drives are the natural forces that propel oil towards the wellbore. The most common types include:

  • Depletion Drive: As oil is produced, the reservoir pressure drops, leading to expansion of the remaining oil and gas, pushing the oil towards the wellbore.
  • Water Drive: Water, often present in the surrounding formations, moves into the reservoir as oil is produced, pushing the remaining oil towards the wellbore.
  • Gas Cap Drive: A layer of gas above the oil in the reservoir expands as oil is produced, pushing the oil downwards and towards the wellbore.

Primary Recovery Methods:

  • Natural Flow: In ideal scenarios, the reservoir pressure is sufficient to bring oil to the surface without any external assistance. This is known as natural flow or "flowing well" production.
  • Artificial Lift: As reservoir pressure declines, artificial lift methods become necessary to maintain production. These methods include:
    • Gas Lift: Injecting gas into the wellbore to reduce fluid density and increase flow.
    • Pumping: Using submersible electric pumps or surface pumps to lift the oil to the surface.
    • Other Methods: Other artificial lift methods include sucker rod pumps, hydraulic pumps, and gas injection.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Primary Recovery:


  • Low cost: Primary recovery is generally the most cost-effective stage of oil production due to its minimal intervention.
  • Simple technology: The techniques used are relatively straightforward and well-established.
  • High initial production: Initial production rates are typically high due to the natural reservoir drives.


  • Limited oil recovery: Only a fraction of the total oil in place is recovered through primary recovery. This is because natural forces become less effective as reservoir pressure drops.
  • Declining production: As reservoir pressure declines, production rates gradually decrease.
  • Dependence on reservoir drives: The success of primary recovery heavily relies on the type and strength of the reservoir drives.

Transition to Enhanced Oil Recovery:

When primary recovery becomes economically unsustainable, enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques are employed. These techniques involve injecting fluids or gases into the reservoir to improve the mobility of the oil and increase recovery efficiency.


Primary recovery is the initial and most straightforward stage of oil production. While it relies on natural forces, its effectiveness is limited by declining reservoir pressure. As production declines, it often transitions to EOR methods for maximizing oil recovery. Understanding the principles and limitations of primary recovery is crucial for effective oil production and efficient resource management.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Primary Recovery in Oil Production

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary characteristic of primary recovery in oil production?

a) Utilizing advanced technologies for maximum oil recovery b) Reliant on natural forces within the reservoir c) Injecting fluids or gases to enhance oil mobility d) Requiring significant intervention and infrastructure


b) Reliant on natural forces within the reservoir

2. Which of the following is NOT a common reservoir drive in primary recovery?

a) Depletion Drive b) Water Drive c) Gas Cap Drive d) Thermal Drive


d) Thermal Drive

3. What is a major advantage of primary recovery compared to enhanced oil recovery methods?

a) Higher oil recovery rates b) Less dependence on reservoir conditions c) Lower costs and simpler technology d) Ability to extract oil from deeper reservoirs


c) Lower costs and simpler technology

4. What is the primary reason production declines during primary recovery?

a) Depletion of the reservoir's natural energy b) Contamination of the oil with water c) Increasing viscosity of the oil d) Loss of wellbore integrity


a) Depletion of the reservoir's natural energy

5. What is the typical next step when primary recovery becomes uneconomical?

a) Abandoning the well b) Implementing enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques c) Increasing drilling depth d) Switching to natural gas production


b) Implementing enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques

Exercise: Primary Recovery Scenario

Scenario: An oil well is producing oil from a reservoir with a water drive. The well is currently experiencing a steady decline in production.

Task: Based on your understanding of primary recovery, identify two possible reasons for the declining production and suggest a potential solution for each.

Exercice Correction

Possible reasons for declining production:

  • Depletion of Reservoir Pressure: As oil is produced, the reservoir pressure is declining, reducing the force driving the oil towards the wellbore.
  • Water Coning: The water drive could be causing water to move upwards towards the wellbore, reducing the oil production rate.

Potential solutions:

  • Artificial Lift: Implementing an artificial lift method like gas lift or pumping could help maintain production even with reduced reservoir pressure.
  • Well Completion Modification: Adjusting the well completion to minimize water production and optimize oil flow can be beneficial. This might involve adding completion equipment or adjusting the wellbore configuration.


  • Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Production by T.D. Standing (This classic text covers all aspects of oil production, including primary recovery methods in detail.)
  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed (Comprehensive handbook covering reservoir engineering principles, including reservoir drives and primary recovery techniques.)
  • Fundamentals of Enhanced Oil Recovery by D.L. Thomas (Provides an in-depth understanding of enhanced oil recovery, but also includes a strong foundation on primary recovery.)


  • "Primary Recovery: The Basics" by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) (This article from SPE offers a concise overview of primary recovery concepts, methods, and advantages/disadvantages.)
  • "Reservoir Drive Mechanisms and Their Impact on Production" by Journal of Petroleum Technology (JPT) (A comprehensive article exploring different reservoir drives and their influence on primary recovery.)
  • "Artificial Lift Methods in Oil Production: A Review" by Elsevier (This article delves into various artificial lift techniques used to maintain production during primary recovery.)

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): (SPE provides a wealth of resources on petroleum engineering topics, including primary recovery, through its website, publications, and events.)
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: (This online glossary offers comprehensive definitions and explanations of petroleum engineering terms, including those related to primary recovery.)
  • Wikipedia: Primary Recovery: (While not always the most authoritative source, Wikipedia provides a good starting point for an overview of primary recovery.)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "primary recovery," be specific with your search terms like "primary recovery methods," "reservoir drive mechanisms," "artificial lift techniques," etc.
  • Combine keywords: Use combinations of keywords like "primary recovery AND artificial lift," "reservoir drives AND oil production," to refine your search results.
  • Use quotation marks: Put specific phrases in quotation marks ("primary recovery methods") to find pages with those exact phrases.
  • Filter by source type: You can filter your search results by source type like "articles," "books," or "websites" to find the type of information you need.
  • Use advanced search operators: Learn about advanced search operators like "site:" to limit your search to specific websites or "filetype:" to find specific file types like PDFs.
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