Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: parallel strings

parallel strings

Parallel Strings: Optimizing Production from Multiple Zones

In the world of oil and gas exploration, maximizing production from a single well is paramount. When a well encounters multiple productive zones, the challenge lies in efficiently extracting hydrocarbons from each zone while maintaining isolation to prevent intermingling. This is where the concept of parallel strings in drilling and well completion comes into play.

Understanding Parallel Strings

Parallel strings, also known as multiple completions, involve the installation of separate tubing strings for each productive zone within the well. These strings are individually suspended within the wellbore and separated by packers. These packers act as barriers, creating isolated compartments within the well, preventing fluid flow between the zones.

Advantages of Parallel Strings

Employing parallel strings offers several advantages over conventional single-string completions:

  • Optimized Production: By isolating each zone, parallel strings allow for independent production control. This enables individual optimization of flow rates and pressures for each zone, maximizing overall production.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Independent control over each zone allows for selective stimulation and treatment, further enhancing production.
  • Improved Reservoir Management: Separate production allows for independent monitoring of fluid levels and pressures in each zone, facilitating better reservoir management and understanding.
  • Reduced Wellbore Risk: Isolation between zones minimizes the risk of fluid migration and pressure communication, enhancing the well's stability and minimizing the potential for blowouts or other wellbore issues.
  • Enhanced Well Life: By effectively isolating zones and managing pressures, parallel strings contribute to extending the productive life of the well.

Implementation Considerations

Implementing parallel strings requires meticulous planning and execution:

  • Zone Characterization: Thorough geological evaluation and reservoir characterization are crucial to identify the most productive zones and determine the appropriate number of strings required.
  • Packer Selection and Installation: Selecting the right packers for each zone, ensuring proper installation and sealing are critical for successful isolation.
  • Tubing Design: Careful design of the tubing strings, including size, material, and weight, is essential for efficient fluid flow and wellbore integrity.
  • Production Equipment: Specialized surface production equipment is required to handle multiple production streams from each string.


Parallel strings offer a powerful solution for maximizing production from wells with multiple productive zones. By providing individual control and isolation for each zone, this technology optimizes productivity, enhances reservoir management, and contributes to a longer, more efficient well life. However, its implementation necessitates careful planning, robust engineering, and a comprehensive understanding of the reservoir and wellbore environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Parallel Strings in Oil & Gas Production

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of using parallel strings in well completion?

a) To increase the volume of fluid injected into the reservoir.


Incorrect. Parallel strings are designed to maximize production, not injection.

b) To isolate and independently control production from multiple zones.


Correct! Parallel strings allow for independent production control from different zones.

c) To reduce the overall cost of well construction.


Incorrect. Parallel strings are generally more complex and can be costlier than single-string completions.

d) To enhance the efficiency of drilling operations.


Incorrect. While parallel strings can indirectly affect drilling efficiency, their primary function is production optimization.

2. What devices are used to create isolated compartments within a wellbore using parallel strings?

a) Valves


Incorrect. Valves are used for flow control but not for isolating zones.

b) Packers


Correct! Packers act as barriers, separating different zones within the wellbore.

c) Tubing strings


Incorrect. Tubing strings transport fluids but do not create isolation between zones.

d) Perforations


Incorrect. Perforations are used to create flow paths into the reservoir but not for zone isolation.

3. Which of the following is NOT a potential advantage of using parallel strings?

a) Optimized production from each zone


Incorrect. This is a key advantage of parallel strings.

b) Reduced risk of blowouts


Incorrect. Isolation provided by parallel strings reduces the risk of wellbore instability and blowouts.

c) Increased drilling time and cost


Correct! Parallel string completions are typically more complex and require additional equipment, leading to increased costs and time for drilling and completion.

d) Enhanced reservoir management and monitoring


Incorrect. Parallel strings allow for better monitoring and management of individual zones.

4. What is a crucial factor in the successful implementation of parallel strings?

a) Using a single tubing string for all zones


Incorrect. This would negate the benefits of parallel strings.

b) Thorough reservoir characterization and zone identification


Correct! Understanding the reservoir and identifying productive zones is essential for planning and implementing parallel strings.

c) Minimizing the number of packers used


Incorrect. The number of packers should correspond to the number of zones to be isolated.

d) Using standardized tubing sizes for all strings


Incorrect. Tubing sizes should be tailored to the specific needs of each zone and production rate.

5. Which of the following is a critical aspect of production equipment required for parallel strings?

a) High-pressure injection pumps


Incorrect. While injection pumps are essential for some operations, they are not specific to parallel strings.

b) Surface production equipment to handle multiple production streams


Correct! Parallel strings generate multiple production streams from each isolated zone, requiring specialized equipment to handle them.

c) Equipment for directional drilling


Incorrect. Directional drilling is used to reach specific targets but is not directly related to parallel strings.

d) Hydraulic fracturing equipment


Incorrect. Hydraulic fracturing is a stimulation technique, not specific to parallel string operations.

Exercise: Planning for Parallel Strings

Scenario: You are an engineer tasked with designing a well completion using parallel strings for a reservoir with two distinct productive zones.


  1. Identify the key factors you would consider when designing the parallel string system.
  2. Describe the specific equipment and procedures you would use for installing the parallel strings and packers.
  3. Explain how you would monitor and control production from each zone.

Note: This exercise is open-ended and should demonstrate your understanding of the principles and implementation challenges related to parallel strings.

Exercise Correction

This exercise does not have a single correct answer, but here are some key considerations and suggestions: **1. Key Factors for Parallel String Design:** * **Reservoir Characterization:** Detailed analysis of the two zones' geological properties, fluid types, pressure, and expected production rates. * **Tubing Selection:** Choosing appropriate tubing sizes and materials for each string to optimize flow and withstand wellbore pressures. * **Packer Selection:** Carefully selecting packers that are compatible with the wellbore diameter, pressure, and temperature, ensuring effective sealing. * **Production Equipment:** Selecting surface equipment to handle multiple production streams, including separators, flow meters, and control systems for each zone. * **Wellbore Integrity:** Assessing the wellbore's structural integrity and ensuring compatibility with multiple strings and packers. **2. Installation Procedures:** * **Drilling and Casing:** Drilling to the target depths and setting casing strings for each zone. * **Running Tubing Strings:** Lowering the individual tubing strings for each zone, ensuring proper alignment and depth. * **Packer Installation:** Installing the packers at the desired depth for each zone, using specialized tools to ensure proper sealing and positioning. * **Completion Operations:** Perforating the casing and completing the well for production from each zone. **3. Monitoring and Control:** * **Surface Flow Meters:** Using individual flow meters for each zone to track production rates. * **Pressure Gauges:** Installing pressure gauges at the wellhead to monitor pressures in each zone. * **Control Valves:** Implementing valves to adjust flow rates and pressures from each zone independently. * **Data Acquisition System:** Using a comprehensive data acquisition system to monitor and analyze production data from each zone in real-time. Remember, this is just a general framework. The specific details of your design would depend on the unique characteristics of the reservoir and the wellbore.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by William C. Lyons: This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of drilling and completion, including multiple completion techniques.
  • "Reservoir Engineering Handbook" by Tarek Ahmed: This book provides in-depth information on reservoir engineering principles, including well completion strategies and optimization.
  • "Practical Well Completion Engineering" by John Lee: This book offers a practical guide to well completion design and implementation, featuring sections on multi-zone completions.


  • "Parallel String Completions for Multi-Zone Reservoirs" by SPE: This Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) article discusses the advantages and challenges of implementing parallel string completions for optimizing production from multiple zones.
  • "Multiple Completions: Design, Implementation, and Optimization" by Journal of Petroleum Technology: This article explores the design, implementation, and optimization aspects of multiple completions, highlighting their impact on well productivity.
  • "Case Study: Successful Implementation of Parallel Strings in a Multi-Zone Reservoir" by Oil & Gas Journal: This case study provides a real-world example of the successful application of parallel strings in a multi-zone reservoir.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Website: The SPE website offers a wealth of information on oil and gas exploration, including articles, research papers, and conference proceedings related to well completion techniques.
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: This glossary provides definitions and explanations of various terms related to oil and gas exploration and production, including parallel strings and multiple completions.
  • Halliburton Well Completion Solutions: This website offers detailed information on Halliburton's well completion services and technologies, including multiple completion systems.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use keywords such as "parallel strings," "multiple completions," "multi-zone completions," "packer," and "well completion optimization."
  • Combine keywords: Combine keywords to narrow your search, such as "parallel strings for multi-zone reservoirs" or "case studies of multiple completions."
  • Use quotation marks: Use quotation marks around specific phrases to search for exact matches, e.g., "parallel strings in oil and gas."
  • Include relevant terms: Include terms like "oil and gas," "production optimization," and "reservoir engineering" to refine your results.
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