Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: open hole

open hole

Open Hole: A Crucial Term in Drilling & Well Completion

In the world of oil and gas exploration and production, the term "open hole" carries significant weight. It refers to a specific condition within the wellbore, one that influences numerous aspects of drilling and well completion operations. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts surrounding open hole:

1. Any wellbore in which casing has not been set: This is the most basic definition of open hole. It refers to the portion of the wellbore that remains exposed to the earth's formations without the protective barrier of casing. This condition is typical during the initial stages of drilling, before casing is cemented in place to stabilize the wellbore and prevent potential problems like cave-ins or fluid loss.

2. Open or cased hole in which no drillpipe or tubing is suspended: This definition expands the scope of open hole. It includes both sections of the wellbore where casing has been set and those where it hasn't. The key characteristic here is the absence of drillpipe or tubing, which are typically used to suspend tools or circulate drilling fluids. This situation arises when drilling operations are halted, or during specific completion stages where the wellbore needs to be open for operations like stimulation or production.

3. The portion of the wellbore that has no casing: This definition emphasizes the absence of casing, highlighting the potential vulnerabilities of this section of the wellbore. Open hole sections are more susceptible to formation damage, fluid influx, and wellbore instability. They require careful management and appropriate techniques to ensure safety and efficiency.

Significance of Open Hole:

Understanding the concept of open hole is crucial for several reasons:

  • Wellbore Stability: Open hole sections are inherently unstable and require appropriate measures like mud weighting, casing, or cementing to prevent cave-ins, fluid loss, or formation damage.
  • Drilling and Completion Operations: Various operations, including drilling, well testing, stimulation, and production, are performed in open hole sections, requiring specialized tools and techniques to handle the unique conditions.
  • Production and Reservoir Management: Open hole sections can directly influence reservoir communication, flow rates, and well performance. Understanding their characteristics is essential for optimizing production and managing reservoirs.

Challenges Associated with Open Hole:

  • Wellbore Integrity: Maintaining wellbore integrity is critical in open hole sections, as they are more prone to collapse or damage.
  • Fluid Control: Managing fluid movement and preventing unwanted influx or losses is crucial for safe and efficient operations.
  • Formation Damage: Open hole sections can be susceptible to formation damage, potentially impacting productivity and long-term well performance.


The concept of open hole plays a vital role in drilling and well completion operations. Recognizing its significance and understanding its associated challenges are essential for ensuring safe, efficient, and profitable oil and gas exploration and production. By carefully managing open hole sections, operators can optimize well performance, mitigate risks, and maximize production from their reservoirs.

Test Your Knowledge

Open Hole Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the most basic definition of an open hole?

a) A wellbore where casing has been set.


Incorrect. This describes a cased hole, not an open hole.

b) A wellbore where no drillpipe or tubing is suspended.


Incorrect. This definition includes both cased and open hole sections.

c) Any wellbore in which casing has not been set.


Correct. This is the most fundamental definition of an open hole.

d) The portion of the wellbore that is filled with drilling mud.


Incorrect. Drilling mud is used for various purposes, but doesn't define an open hole.

2. Which of the following operations is NOT typically performed in an open hole section?

a) Drilling


Incorrect. Drilling is a common operation in open hole sections.

b) Well testing


Incorrect. Well testing is often performed in open hole sections.

c) Casing setting


Correct. Casing setting marks the transition from an open hole to a cased hole section.

d) Stimulation


Incorrect. Stimulation can be performed in open hole sections to enhance productivity.

3. Why is wellbore stability a major concern in open hole sections?

a) Casing prevents cave-ins and fluid loss.


Incorrect. Casing provides stability, but open holes lack casing.

b) Open holes are exposed to formation pressures and can collapse without casing support.


Correct. This is the main reason for wellbore stability concerns in open holes.

c) Drilling mud can easily flow into formations.


Incorrect. While fluid control is important, it's not the primary reason for stability issues.

d) Open holes are more susceptible to formation damage.


Incorrect. Formation damage is a separate concern related to open holes.

4. What is a significant challenge associated with open hole sections in terms of fluid movement?

a) Preventing unwanted influx of fluids from the formation.


Correct. This is a major challenge due to the lack of casing to contain formation fluids.

b) Ensuring sufficient mud circulation.


Incorrect. This is a general drilling concern, not specifically related to open holes.

c) Maintaining proper drilling fluid density.


Incorrect. Mud density is important for wellbore stability but not the main challenge in fluid control.

d) Preventing fluid loss to the formation.


Incorrect. While fluid loss can occur, preventing influx is a more critical challenge in open holes.

5. Which of the following is NOT a potential consequence of formation damage in open hole sections?

a) Reduced productivity


Incorrect. Formation damage can significantly reduce well productivity.

b) Increased operating costs


Incorrect. Formation damage may require costly remedial actions to restore well performance.

c) Improved reservoir communication


Correct. Formation damage hinders reservoir communication, reducing production.

d) Compromised well integrity


Incorrect. Formation damage can indirectly impact well integrity by reducing pressure support.

Open Hole Exercise:

Scenario: You are a drilling engineer working on a new well. You've just completed drilling a section through a fractured shale formation. The next step is to set casing and cement it in place.

Task: Explain the risks and potential consequences of continuing drilling operations in the open hole section of this fractured shale formation without setting casing.

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

Continuing drilling operations in an open hole section through a fractured shale formation without setting casing carries several significant risks and potential consequences:

  • Wellbore Instability: Fractured shale formations are inherently unstable. Without casing support, the wellbore can easily collapse due to formation pressure and rock movement. This can lead to stuck drillpipe, lost circulation, and potentially a well blowout.
  • Fluid Loss: Fractures in shale formations provide pathways for drilling mud to escape the wellbore. This can cause significant mud loss, leading to drilling problems and potential environmental damage.
  • Formation Damage: Drilling mud can invade fractures and damage the formation, reducing permeability and restricting fluid flow from the reservoir. This can significantly impair production and recovery rates.
  • Fluid Influx: Without casing, the wellbore is exposed to formation fluids. If the formation pressure is higher than the hydrostatic pressure of the drilling mud, it can cause a sudden influx of fluids into the wellbore, leading to a well kick or blowout.

In conclusion, continuing drilling operations in an open hole section through a fractured shale formation without setting casing poses significant risks to wellbore integrity, drilling operations, and overall production. It is crucial to prioritize casing installation and cementing to mitigate these risks and ensure safe and efficient well development.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by T.D. Williamson: This comprehensive textbook provides detailed information on drilling and completion practices, including open hole operations.
  • "Modern Well Completion Engineering" by John C. Lee: This book explores various aspects of well completion, with dedicated sections on open hole operations, challenges, and best practices.
  • "Drilling Engineering" by Robert P. Earlougher Jr. and Thomas K. Millheim: This classic text offers a comprehensive overview of drilling operations, including open hole drilling techniques, wellbore stability, and fluid control.
  • "Reservoir Engineering Handbook" by John C. Lee: This handbook provides insights into reservoir characterization, well testing, and production optimization, all of which are influenced by open hole conditions.


  • "Open Hole Completion Techniques for Unconventional Reservoirs" by A. A. Al-Qahtani and A. B. Al-Otaibi (SPE Journal): This paper explores specific completion techniques for open hole sections in unconventional reservoirs.
  • "Wellbore Stability in Open Hole Sections" by R. P. Earlougher Jr. (SPE Journal): This article delves into the challenges of maintaining wellbore stability in open hole environments, outlining various strategies to mitigate risks.
  • "Open Hole Stimulation Techniques for Enhanced Oil Recovery" by J. D. Gill (SPE Journal): This paper examines stimulation methods specifically designed for open hole sections to improve well performance and production.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Website: The SPE website offers a vast library of technical papers, presentations, and publications related to drilling, completion, and reservoir engineering, including numerous resources on open hole operations.
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: This online glossary provides detailed definitions and explanations of common oil and gas terminology, including open hole and related concepts.
  • Baker Hughes GE Oil & Gas Knowledge Base: This resource offers a wealth of information on drilling, completion, and production technologies, including insights into open hole challenges and solutions.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "open hole" with other relevant terms like "drilling," "completion," "wellbore stability," "fluid control," "formation damage," and "stimulation" to refine your search results.
  • Specify publication dates: Use filters like "past year" or "past decade" to find up-to-date information on open hole practices and advancements.
  • Target specific journals or websites: Refine your search by specifying the source, such as "SPE Journal," "Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary," or "Baker Hughes GE Oil & Gas."
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