Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: open-hole log

open-hole log

Open-Hole Logs: Unveiling Secrets in Uncased Wells

In the world of oil and gas exploration, understanding the subsurface is paramount. While cased wells provide structural integrity and safety, open-hole logs play a critical role in characterizing the formation before casing is installed. These logs, run in uncased, or open, sections of the wellbore, provide crucial information about the geological features encountered.

Here's a breakdown of open-hole logs, their significance, and the information they reveal:

What are Open-Hole Logs?

Open-hole logs are measurements taken of the rock formations in a wellbore before it is cased. This data is collected by lowering down logging tools, equipped with various sensors and transmitters, into the open hole. These tools measure different physical properties of the rock, providing a detailed geological profile of the formation.

Types of Open-Hole Logs:

Several types of open-hole logs are employed, each providing unique insights:

  • Gamma Ray Log: Measures the natural radioactivity of the formation, helping to differentiate between different rock types and identify potential pay zones.
  • Resistivity Log: Measures the electrical resistance of the formation, indicating the presence of hydrocarbons (oil and gas) which are less conductive than water.
  • Density Log: Determines the density of the formation, providing information on the porosity (amount of empty space) and lithology (rock type).
  • Sonic Log: Measures the travel time of sound waves through the formation, helping to determine porosity and the type of pore fluid (oil, gas, or water).
  • Neutron Log: Measures the hydrogen content in the formation, which helps differentiate between oil, gas, and water, and also provides information on porosity.
  • Caliper Log: Measures the diameter of the wellbore, allowing for evaluation of borehole conditions and identification of potential zones of instability.

Why are Open-Hole Logs Important?

Open-hole logs provide a wealth of information that is essential for various stages of well development:

  • Formation Evaluation: Logs are crucial in understanding the geological characteristics of the formation, including lithology, porosity, permeability, and fluid content. This data helps determine the potential for hydrocarbon production.
  • Reservoir Characterization: Open-hole logs provide detailed information about the reservoir, enabling engineers to optimize production strategies and maximize recovery.
  • Well Completion Design: The data obtained from open-hole logs is crucial for designing and implementing well completion strategies, ensuring efficient and safe production.
  • Reservoir Monitoring: Open-hole logs can be used to monitor the performance of the reservoir over time, allowing for adjustments to production plans as needed.

Limitations of Open-Hole Logging:

While open-hole logs provide valuable information, they have limitations:

  • Limited Depth: Logs are typically run in the open hole before casing is installed, limiting the depth of data acquisition.
  • Environmental Conditions: Open-hole logs are susceptible to borehole conditions such as mud invasion, which can affect the accuracy of measurements.
  • Time Constraints: Logs need to be run efficiently before casing, requiring careful planning and execution.


Open-hole logs are a fundamental tool in oil and gas exploration and production. By providing valuable insights into the subsurface, they play a crucial role in formation evaluation, reservoir characterization, well completion design, and reservoir monitoring. This data, while collected under certain limitations, empowers decision-making and ultimately contributes to the success of oil and gas development projects.

Test Your Knowledge

Open-Hole Logs Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of open-hole logs?

a) To measure the depth of the wellbore. b) To characterize the formation before casing is installed. c) To determine the amount of oil or gas in a reservoir. d) To monitor the production rate of a well.


b) To characterize the formation before casing is installed.

2. Which of the following logs measures the electrical resistance of the formation?

a) Gamma Ray Log b) Resistivity Log c) Density Log d) Sonic Log


b) Resistivity Log

3. What information does a density log provide about the formation?

a) The type of rock present. b) The amount of hydrocarbons present. c) The porosity and lithology. d) The presence of water in the formation.


c) The porosity and lithology.

4. Why are open-hole logs essential for well completion design?

a) To determine the best drilling mud to use. b) To identify potential zones of instability in the wellbore. c) To predict the production rate of the well. d) To optimize the placement of production equipment.


d) To optimize the placement of production equipment.

5. What is a major limitation of open-hole logs?

a) They can only be run in vertical wells. b) They are expensive and time-consuming to acquire. c) They are susceptible to borehole conditions that can affect the accuracy of measurements. d) They cannot be used to monitor the performance of a well over time.


c) They are susceptible to borehole conditions that can affect the accuracy of measurements.

Open-Hole Logs Exercise

Scenario: You are a geologist working on an oil exploration project. You have just received open-hole log data from a new well. The Gamma Ray log shows a high reading in a particular zone, while the Resistivity log shows a low reading in the same zone. The Density log indicates a low density in this zone.


  1. Interpret the data: What does this combination of log readings suggest about the geological characteristics of this zone?
  2. Implications for exploration: What are the potential implications of these findings for oil exploration in this area?

Exercise Correction

**1. Interpretation:** * **High Gamma Ray:** Indicates the presence of shale, which is typically more radioactive than other sedimentary rocks. * **Low Resistivity:** Suggests the presence of a conductive fluid, such as water, within the formation. * **Low Density:** Indicates a high porosity (amount of empty space) in the formation, which could be due to the presence of shale or other porous rocks. **Overall:** This combination of log readings suggests the presence of a **shaly, porous zone** that is likely water-bearing. **2. Implications for Exploration:** * **Possible oil trap:** While this zone is not likely to be oil-bearing itself, it could be a good indicator of the presence of an oil trap. The shale layer could act as a seal, trapping oil or gas in a more porous and permeable layer beneath it. * **Further investigation:** The data suggests that further investigation is needed to determine the full extent of this zone and the potential for oil or gas accumulation. This could involve running additional logs or conducting other geological studies.


  • "Log Interpretation Charts" by Schlumberger: A comprehensive reference guide on interpreting various types of well logs, including open-hole logs.
  • "Applied Petrophysics" by Archie, T.J.: Covers the theoretical basis of formation evaluation and log interpretation, with specific chapters on open-hole log analysis.
  • "Petroleum Geology" by Selley, R.C.: Provides a general overview of petroleum geology, including sections on well logging and formation evaluation.
  • "Well Logging for Petroleum Exploration and Production" by Pirson, S.J.: A classic text exploring the history and application of well logging techniques, with a focus on open-hole log analysis.


  • "Open-Hole Logging: An Overview" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): A brief yet informative article providing a general introduction to open-hole logging techniques and their applications.
  • "Advances in Open-Hole Logging Technologies" by Schlumberger: Discusses recent advancements in open-hole logging tools and their impact on data quality and interpretation.
  • "Open-Hole Logs for Reservoir Characterization and Production Optimization" by SPE: Explores the use of open-hole logs in characterizing reservoirs and guiding optimal production strategies.
  • "Case Studies of Open-Hole Log Interpretation" by various authors: Search for articles published in journals like SPE Journal, Petroleum Technology, or the Journal of Petroleum Technology, which often feature case studies demonstrating the application of open-hole logs in real-world scenarios.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger's "Wireline Services" website: Provides detailed information on various logging services, including open-hole logging techniques, tools, and data interpretation.
  • Halliburton's "Open-Hole Logging" website: Offers resources on open-hole logging technologies, applications, and case studies.
  • Baker Hughes' "Well Logging Services" website: Provides comprehensive information on open-hole logging services, including data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation.
  • SPE's website: Search for relevant articles, papers, and presentations on open-hole logging and formation evaluation.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "open-hole log types," "open-hole log interpretation," "open-hole log applications," or "open-hole log case studies" to refine your search.
  • Include relevant keywords like "formation evaluation," "reservoir characterization," or "well completion design" to target specific applications.
  • Add specific log types like "gamma ray log," "resistivity log," or "density log" to focus on a particular aspect of open-hole logging.
  • Use advanced search operators like "" or "" to restrict your search to specific websites.
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